My Guilty pleasures.


There are things I shouldn't do or enjoy so much, but I do.
Pleasure brings about satisfaction, what happens when it is mixed with guilt? Is that satisfaction still derived?

In this case, Yes!

Jessie! Jessie!! Yes mama
Eating sugar!! No mama
Open your mouth!! Hahaha

Edited on canva

Eating Jaggery.

A few weeks ago, I found out about this thing called Jaggery. It varies from golden brown to dark brown. It smells nice like a snack, I don't know how it was processed but I know that it was made from sugarcane and is more healthy than the usual white sugar we know.

The first time I ate it, I was famished and needed something to give me strength so I took one from the store, broke it, and ate it. It tasted good, I knew I needed to stop eating more but I just couldn't resist the temptation. I was crunchy, it tasted like a very good snack, and like that, I finished one full jaggery.

It is sold where I work, so it was easy for me to access it when I wanted. After that day, I went back to the store, paid for another one, and left it at home telling Myself that I will use it for my tea, I know deep down that I'm lying to myself. I shouldn't be eating so much of it but I just can't resist the temptation.

Eating late dinner.

Each time I eat late at night, I would ask myself "Jessica! When will this food be digested?"
Last night I got home from work around 7 p.m. I knew that I needed to fill the drums with water before the next day, which was this morning, however, I needed the strength to do that. So I decided to eat the swallow food I had preserved earlier. After consuming the food, I went to fill the drums.

After filling the drums, I went back to the kitchen and thought to myself that I needed to prepare boiled rice that I would eat this morning, and so I did. When the rice was ready, I should have just left it and gone to sleep but I still couldn't resist the temptation. At 11 pm, I scooped enough rice in a rice bowl and added my round fried fish with stew on it. I could feel my taste buds dancing for joy as the food entered my mouth. I chewed and ate the last grain, drank enough water, and went to sleep.

Yes, my tummy felt bloated when I woke up in the morning but I found a way to ease myself.

Thinking about it, there's no way I can avoid this even though I want to because I'm always returning from work late and I need the food. What to do??

Falling asleep while watching a series.

I've been watching a series for 2 months, it's a k-drama movie, an interesting one at that. When I told my sister that I was still watching the movie and had just started the 13th episode, she sent this emoji to me. 😲😲😲

I couldn't stop laughing as I explained to her that each time I start to watch the movie, I end up sleeping 10 minutes into watching the movie and I don't know how to put an end to it. I would have said that it is because I was watching the series at night but the truth is that, even during the day, when I press the play button to watch the series, I start dozing off before I know it.

These are a few of my guilty pleasures. I would love to read yours so we can laugh together, scold and encourage each other.

Have an amazing week ahead.


Humbly on the table of eating dinner late...we are many on that table... Sleeping when watching movies 😂😂😂


Would tag you when I write my own guilt pleasures , 🤣🤣, a thought just came to me, look forward to them
