Una tarde de Cosplays


Ayer sabado, se realizó un evento llamado el "Setsubun Fest", un evento dedicado a la cultura japonesa y al anime, por ende, los cosplays estuvieron presentes en el evento siendo los protagonistas en cada una de las fotos de todos aquellos que estuvieron ahi.

Aqui una foto grupal con demasiados crossovers, cada personaje representando a 1 anime, comic o serie en particular, todos alegres y contentos por la energia transmitida ahi junto con compañeros y amigos que comparten esta misma pasion.

Yesterday, Saturday, an event called the "Setsubun Fest" was held, an event dedicated to Japanese culture and anime, therefore, cosplayers were present at the event, being the protagonists in each of the photos of all those who were there. .

Here a group photo with too many crossovers, each character representing 1 anime, comic or series in particular, all happy for the energy transmitted there together with colleagues and friends who share this same passion.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
