Bouquet of Daisies

Happy weekend! πŸ₯³


Today, I got my most awaited package! πŸ₯³ I was so happy that I got it on a weekend! This package is in connection with my hobby- making art! I will share it on a blog one day~

Art Process

a boquet of daisies7.png

a boquet of daisies6.png

Lately, I am so in the mood to draw. πŸ˜†πŸ˜ I got a lot of inspo from Pinterest. So basically, I have created mood boards and just scroll them in my free time. From that, my hands are itching to pick up the pen. πŸ˜†

I found a nice picture of a girl holding tulips. I am into flowers lately, can't you tell? Heheh. The pose is simply a girl holding a bouquet of flowers. I was thinking of sunflowers but I already had an art with those flowers. So I opted for daisies instead. I separated the head and body to the bouquet and hands for the lineart.

a boquet of daisies5.png

a boquet of daisies4.png

The flowers are from the asset store. It came with the leaves and stem in a folder with separate brushes. I drew the eyes and brows first and fill in with dark brown. I do not like to overkill the lashes for this art style. I will keep it simple and neat. Now for the base colors, I chose brown with an undertone of red for the hair, and dull blue for the clothing. I added another layer on top and clipped it to the clothing. I thought of Slavic design would fit her.

a boquet of daisies3.png

a boquet of daisies2.png

Next is shading. I airbrushed a darker color of the base on top of the hair, also applying to the corners that the light can't reach. Same to the skin, clothing, and bouquet. I added blush to make the character lively.

Final Art

a boquet of daisies1.png

I added some glow on the hair, nose, and lips. I also add glow to the flowers. I thought of putting hearts, I think it is cute! 😍 I adjusted the ears a little bit using liquify. On top of all layers, I put a monochrome paper with 5 percent opacity.

~tadaaa finished art!! πŸ₯°

Thanks for reading~ πŸ’–
Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro
Reference/Inspo here

That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
πŸ“Έ All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited.

πŸ‘Ύ NFT Showroom:
πŸ₯° Open for commissions!!!


This one has a very sweet mood, nicely done! Your portraits are so pretty, Jiji.

Yay for getting your package! Definitely looking forward to seeing what you come up with from that πŸ₯²πŸ₯². I'll be taking lessons pointers from you and Sol soon πŸ˜†, y'all are πŸš€πŸŒ .


This one has a very sweet mood, nicely done!

Oh, I really like those moe anime ☺️ It is the style I am going for, hehe.

I'll be taking lessons pointers from you and Sol soon πŸ˜†, y'all are πŸš€πŸŒ .

Thanks, Ema! I still have a long way to go πŸ˜‰ But fosho we will all get there. πŸ’–

