My Terracore grind


We call this state of things as 'bottomless well', it's hard to keep up with the scrap price trend, so I need to take out of the game as much as possible. It now would take 40 days to get enough scrap to mint a crate.
On the other hand I think the tempo of price depreciation has decreased IMHO so I hope I would be able to enjoy something out of that part of the game (quests and planets). It's pity a major part of the game is unavailable for me.


Nevertheless, the game promotes instant spending of scrap and I don't know how it might change, The Terra.sinkhole Project @terra.sinkhole proves only that with some minor resources you can create a sinkhole that is able to keep up and not to loose value but it has not proven yet to be able to secure scrap price. I'm afraid that it would require far greater Hive fundamentals.

Let's return to my personal journey now. I think most of the successful accounts pursue tactics of general, comprehensive development upgrading all statistics and I want to copy that approach with defensive tune.

I don't want to go full offensive because I don't understand how attack randomisation works - I thought that my stash size would allow me to get proper loot. Unfortunately I barely get good roll results.

This doesn't mean I can skip the proverbial leg day and forget a about offense because it greatly affects my win-lose ratio. It's currently opposite to what it used to be and it pains me to look at it.


