photography of the beauty of the kedondong fruit and its benefits

good afternoon hive friends all. welcome to meet again with joelibra in this beloved community. on this occasion I will share some pictures about the beauty of the fruit kedondong.

hive friends that I glorify
kedondong fruit is one of the most abundant fruits in the tropics, kedondong fruit is also a fruit that can be eaten either eaten raw and we often encounter it already processed in pickled form or made rujak. kedondong fruit has an oval shape and is green , and a hard texture, and the fruit of kedondong is also best eaten when it is ripe or yellow. But before it becomes a kedondong fruit, it has small and white flowers with a number of stamens.

I photographed this kedondong fruit in one of the residents' houses when I visited his house and I saw that in his yard there was a kedondong stem that was already fruiting, then I immediately took a few photos of it and I edited the image using the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom application so that the image looks clearer and clearer. interesting.

Kedondong is one type of plant that is very easy to cultivate because it can grow anywhere including in pots and is often used as an ornamental plant planted in front of the house or on the terrace of the house.

the fruit of kedondong also has several health benefits including to treat coughs because in the fruit kedondong has compounds that can relieve symptoms of cough, so it is very good for us to consume fruit kedondong when attacked by cough. Kedondong fruit has a high acidity so it is very good for the formation of stomach acid naturally.

in the following I will share some pictures about the beauty of the kedondong fruit that I took a few days ago, hopefully my friends like it and thank you for your support.
see you in my next post.
send regards for success
