what would happen if the world didn't apply rules and laws||contest hive learners w11e2.



good afternoon hive friends all. welcome to meet again with joelibra in this beloved community. on this occasion I will try to discuss a title about No rules or no rules organized by the hive learners community in the 11th week of the second edition.

best friend i love
as we know that every country in this world always has rules and regulations that apply to that country because the rules and the state rules and the state are interrelated for what there are rules if there are no citizens and so are for what citizens if there are no rules then the two have a very strong relationship with each other, so the rules that apply to one country for its citizens have an important role because with rules and a country or this world will be safe, peaceful and peaceful and make its citizens prosperous citizens without any mess.

it is inconceivable that if in this world or a country does not have a rule then what will happen, surely that country or this world will become a world full of chaos and full of crime everywhere, that's why this world needs to apply a rule both religious rules and regulations regulated by the state and carried out fully by the leader of a country and their apparatus. and also if there is no rule in this world, if there is no rule in a country, this country or world is like countries filled with animals because the nature of the animal is who is strong, then the animal is in power as well as life. humans if there is no rule then he will be like an animal will rule and oppress the weak.

I will give examples that are very close to us, namely a small example of a group or a country that does not have a rule or law, for example, in the world of football, if in the world of football there are no applicable rules, travel or soccer matches it will be chaotic because they play without our rules and laws, for example a player commits a violation then there is no legal entity to reprimand him then fellow players will fight or clash so that the trip cannot take place properly even a football match is called open a soccer match The ball has even become a place for matchmaking and fights. as well as life in this world if there are no rules or laws that apply to a country then that country will become a messy country full of chaos and war.

So the conclusion from my writing above is that the first is that rules or laws are indispensable in a country or in this world if there are no rules then this world or a country will be chaotic and full of war, the second is the need for a legal entity that carries out the law so that citizens must obey the legal entity, the third is that the law or rules have a relationship with the citizens, what is the law for if there are no citizens as well as for what citizens if there is no law so the two have a very close relationship with each other.

this is all I can write, hopefully this writing is useful for myself and also for the readers and thank you for all the attention, sorry for any shortcomings.


This is rightly said @joelibra
Rules are made because they people around to obey it.
No rule, no citizens.
Also, there is bound to be chaos when there are no rules 👍👍.
Good job 👌


Thank u for comment n supports


wow, your make a good explanations about it, that was nice i thing.
Good post buddy.👍


You make quite a valid point here. Rules are like the gel that keeps the world together, take that away and everything falls apart.
Thank you for sharing this with us.


Thank you for the comments and support. We wish you all the best.
