RE: The last dark walk.

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Good morning Zac,

our new co-workers are awesome, but there's so much to do and so much for them to learn... 😅

I also hope that she's much cleverer than me 😜 !LOLZ

Oh yes, Marian is right as I never wanted to become a cop. It was the wish of my family and after police school I was happy to get a job offer in the head quarter. So I have never been on the streets ... I have never annoyed the people except my own colleagues 😂 but I don't think I could be a tour guide or so, because I prefer to be alone most times and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature without noisy people around me 😉

We definitely have not a single reason to make complains about our weather - no storm here can be as bad as your storms down there which you have every year again and again.

I'm wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend, hopefully with best weather and no storms 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

I am sure that by the time of your retirement, you will have seen to it that all of the co-workers are fully trained 😊

Life has a way to place us where it wants us, and they must have noticed at the Police school that you have some special abilities. Only the brightest students at Police school are offered jobs at headquarters.
So, you were led into your career by the Spirit, and you were well looked after until this time now. I have a feeling that it will continue after your retirement until the day that you depart this planet.
You will get tons of time to be alone in nature after you retire as a bonus 😊🙏😉

It is what it is about the storms, and there is nothing that we or you can do about it. We just have to accept it, prepare for it every winter and carry on with life, hoping that we will not be the next victims.
Much can be done for the poor people that live in shacks, but that is the government's job, as they have to supply the land and the building material for new houses.

Cool and clear skies now Hannes, and I wish you the very same 😊😀😆

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I am visiting my daughter this weekend and don't think I will be much online till Monday.

!LOLZ they have seen that I am not suitable for the streets, so they put me behind a desk where I cannot harm anything or anybody. They were quite wrong 🤣

I hope that you will never be a victim of the bad weather 🙏 Yesterday I have seen some news from South Africa, and it was really bad ... I have never experienced such storms and fires and I hope that I never will.

It's hot here with blue skies, but for next week they predict cold weather again. It's still early Spring, so it's quite normal.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I hope that you will have a great visit at your daughter's place, and see you back on Monday 😊

Oh yeah, you have stolen my reply, as I was also going to say that they made the wrong decision, as you might have turned out to be the best cop that they ever had on the streets 😲 !LOLZ

Thank you and by now we know how to stay out of the danger zones, and we also avoid traveling around with the car. We had some near misses, such as on the road in the car and dodging a falling tree, the only scratched the car, I posted about it, and all of the near misses was training for us to avoid trouble. Glad that you saw some of it and there's also a lot of it in videos on YouTube
We also hope that you will never have to experience the freak storms in nature, as it is never very pleasant, and in fact it is very dangerous 😲

Thank you, and may your visit also be sublime on the weekend my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

thank you, we've had some fun, a delicious lunch and later we visited my niece who is living nearby.

Oh no, I could never have worked on the streets - I like to drive faster than allowed and could never stop and punish people for doing the same that I do 😂 !LOLZ

Take care, my friend, a scratch in the car doesn't hurt and can possibly be polished out, but a scratch on the skin hurts and polishing it out is no option.

My weekend was much too short, as always, but I hope yours was awesome.

I'm having another night shift and I'll be working next weekend too, so this week will be a long and busy week.

Wishing you a great week, my friend, hopefully the weather turns to sunshine 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

glad that you guys had a good time, and at the next break, you should maybe think about visiting your parents 🙏

Ha, over here the cops whizz around in their cars like jets, so I am sure that you would have set an example for the other officers to also not arrest speeding drivers 🤣 !LOLZ

Thanks, and we do take care my friend. I managed to polish all of the scratches off before we sold the car. You are right about scratches on the skin, as I still struggle with many since my bike accident long ago 😉

I think that time has stolen a day out of our weekends 🤪

Shame, so now you have to pay your time at work for the fun that you had on the past weekend. Life works like that 🥴

We already have sunshine, and fortunately the days are starting to get cooler to ease us into winter. But I have a feeling that we will be facing more bad storms, as we are in a winter rain area, and close to the Atlantic ocean. I also hope that your week will not be too taxing on you due to all of the workload that you have waiting for you 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it has been a quite nice shift and I'm already packing my things together to move back to my own office.

You're right, a visiting my parents is overdue.

We have so many new young cops who don't care who they stop for speeding - policemen, firefighters and even the mayor has to behave 😆

Yep, I remember your bike accident, but these scratches are worse than any scratch that I've ever got.

I agree, the weekend has lost at least one day, if not two or three 😂 !LOLZ

I'm glad that the weather has become sunny and cooler. Here it's also become a bit cooler and it might rain in the next days. Hopefully your Winter storms will not be as bad.

I'll try to get home earlier today because I'm quite tired although the shift wasn't too bad, but the next days will be long days because of a colleague's Blackout project - we are testing if the repaired generators in our headquarter work.

Wishing you a lovely day my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

you are packing up to go to your day office, and I am walking around like a zombie., Only 3 hours of sleep last night, as Marian had stomach and back pains the whole night. So, you can say that I also worked nightshift 😴

Now that's great thinking 😉

Ha, I would love to see the mayor's face when a young cop issues him with a speeding fine 🤣

You don't have such scratches because you hide in your office every day 🤪 !LOLZ

Time works undercover my friend, and before you know it the day is over. And you have not done half of the things that you wanted to do 😊😲🥴

Highest temp here this week will be tomorrow at 25C and the rest of the week will be in the lower 20s.
It seems that the weather is easing us gently into the winter this year. Yes, we also hope that the storms will be calmer, but from what we have seen thus far, it's going to be tough again 🙏

Good that you will try to get home earlier, as you need the rest. It's easy to test if the generators will start up after a black out. Just switch off the main switch of the building and then go and hide if the generators don't start up, because there will be an angry crowd after your skin 😁🤪😇

Hope that you will have a good Thursday my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

your nightshift was worse than mine, I believe, and I hope that Marian is feeling better by now. Please give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I hate stomach ache and although my back is quite fine, my shoulder pain still hasn't completely gone. So I can relate to Marian's pain, but I do know that you care very well for her, although you're a Zombie, a nice Zombie 😉

Here the Mayor would be angry just as anyone, but he would pay.

True, apart from falling from my chair when I fall asleep during work, there's no chance for me to get scratches at work 😂 !LOLZ

Time flies when there's a lot to do, and you're right, not half of the work was done when I left my office yesterday 😜 I got home a bit earlier, but then I slept almost till bedtime 😱

I do honestly hope that you're right and Mother Nature will give you a gentle Winter this year. By the way, it snowed here yesterday, but today it's all gone again.

Haha, that's exactly what we are going to do, but we can't hide, because everyone knows that we are doing it. The main problem is the emergency call center and IT forensics areas and such, because they can't be without energy for more than a few minutes, but for these areas we also have independent power supply, which we hope will work 😅

I'm wishing you a wonderful Wednesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

I thank you kindly for the care and Marian sends her love. She is thankfully much better today. Long term pain, such as your shoulder, and at times your fingers, cannot be very pleasant, but like me, we just have to endure. I do care for her, but when I am very tired, then I am not a nice Zombie. I am sure that you are the same 😜

He has to set the example and if he doesn't pay, then he will get arrested 😲

So, the only kind advice that I can give you is to sleep on your chair with one eye open, as then it will watch that you don't fall of the chair 🤣 !LOLZ

Yeah, so you did the other half of the work today, and if you sleep until bedtime, then you struggle to sleep during nighttime, so then it's time for playing a bit of rugby, or watching the TV, until you fall asleep, just before you have to get up to go to work 🤪

Guess what? We also had snow in the Lesotho mountains, and today is nice and cool 23C. So, I hope that your hope will come true 🙏

Haha, as long as everyone knows that you are doing it this way, then things will go well. Independent power supply for the emergency and forensics departments is a great idea and I hope that your tests with the generators work out very well 😊

Now it's time to wish you a great Thursday my friend 👍

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I'm happy that Marian's feeling better and I believe that if we all turned into Zombies, you'd be the only nice one who eats vegetable instead of brains 😆

When I have one eye open I can't sleep because I see all the work piles on my desktop 😉

Right, I have done the work yesterday, but yesterday's work took till the late evening, so no rugby playing possible, and the TV was watching itself, because I was asleep 😂 !LOLZ

Cool, you've had snow. That must have looked nice. Our snow is all gone and we're having about 3C, but it's getting warmer up to 11C on the weekend 😱

The tests yesterday worked very well and hopefully today will be as successful as yesterday has been ... but hopefully not as long as yesterday.

I'm wishing you also a wonderful Thursday, my friends 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

thank you and she is good again, but now you are accusing me of being a vegan, I would rather eat grasshoppers than berries, as I love meat. Btw, sheep brains taste nice, but I don't know what mountain goat brains taste like 😁

One eye open will at least help you not to fall of the chair, and the piles on your desk will remind you not to sleep on the job 🤣

Shame, I tell you that you are one of the hardest workers that I know, and if I could, then I will write a letter to your bosses to tell them that they should give you a medal and a golden watch for time served well, when you retire. Skipping a game of rugby will result in something rusting away and then there would be no fun 🤪 !LOLZ

Nope, not us, as Lesotho is a neighboring country and they have very high mountains. That's where the snow was, and the wind brought the cold weather to us. Marian says that I must tell you that at 22C we wear coats, and at 11C we will freeze 😉

So glad that the tests worked well, and I am sure that tomorrow it will work better over a shorter time span. Well done! 👍👍👍

So may you also have a much shorter day at work on Thursday, and that you will have a great day my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

although I sometimes think I should reduce meat and eat more vegetables, I still love meat and can't imagine become a vegetarian, and I don't even want to think about how being a vegan might be ... I love my steak medium rare 😂 !LOLZ

I just wonder how one open eye could help me not falling from my chair 🤔

Actually, we get such medals after 40 years, which will be next year for me, but whether you work or not, you get it anyway 😛

Okay, I'll tell my wife that it's only to prevent me from rusting 🤣

This morning there was ice on the windshield ... I know that you feel cooler temperatures more than we do, just as we sweat at temperatures that you feel cozy 😅

Yesterday's tests took even longer, but at 8pm it was all over and everything worked fine - a Blackout wouldn't matter at all, at least for a couple of days.

It's Friday and if I didn't have to work tomorrow I would be looking forward to the weekend, but weekend shifts are more or less easy.

Thanks, my friend, I'm wishing you a great start into a wonderful weekend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

same here, and I think that we were spoiled from small with meat. Veggies are okay for side dishes and salads, but the main item of a meal should always be some juicy meat. We are fully agreed 😊 !LOLZ

I also wonder at that saying "Sleep with one eye open". and in the army they would use it for us to sleep lightly in case we were suddenly attacked. Nobody slept with one eye open 😅

40 years in the police force! I have to say that I admire you, as the longest that I survived in any job was 5 years tops. So, you are my hero 😊

Lol, no comment to this one 😉

Oh yes, ice on the windshield we are used to, and we will have it again soon. But your weather and ours are miles apart if I may say so, and I will die if I have to swim during winter here in the Atlantic Ocean. You will of course love it. 🥴

Great that it worked out fine, and now you are good to go, so now you have to wait for a real power cut, and that can take a very long time. So, we hold thumbs that you get a power cut soon 🤣 🤪

Ah shame, we feel for you having to work shifts on weekend, and maybe you will have another free weekend soon my friend. Something to remember when you reach my age, every day is weekend, or whatever day you prefer 😊👍😁

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I wanted to reply yesterday, but after nightshift I drove to Slovenia to take some photos and returned soon because I felt somehow ill. At home I went to bed and slept till this morning. I'm feeling much better today and so I had to go to work 😢 !LOLZ

Yep, meat is definitely needed 👍

Haha, here I belong to the generation of people who stick to their job, I believe, because the Generation "X" and such change their jobs more often than I change my underwear 😜

Here some people make holes into the ice of a lake and go for a swim 🥶

To be honest, I don't look forward to a real power cut or blackout 😱

Next weekend is free and in May and June I'll take some days or weeks off ... everyday is weekend, that's what I'm really looking forward to. When I visited my niece last weekend her mother in law asked what day it is ... she's retired, of course 🤣

Hope you have had a great start into the week, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

thankfully you felt better today, and I think that the good sleep helped a lot. Take care and look after your health my friend 🙏

Agreed and I can also not do without any meat 😉

Well then, I must also belong to generation X, as I had a ton of jobs 😜 !LOLZ

Yep, I always thought that some of the people up there must be not right in the head 🥴

I really hope that you will never have one, as it is really not a pleasant experience. Especially if after two or 3 days you have to throw all of the food in the fridge away 😲

Now this sounds very good to me, as you are due for a real break and some weeks away will be sure to restore your energy. Like I said, and just like that mother in law, once you are retired the names of the day will not bother you anymore. Even the time will not be an issue, and like me, you can throw your watch away 😊👍🤪😁😆🤗

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

yep, I'm still alive 😁 !LOLZ

It has been a busy week and I have started a new project at work: renewing our internal database at work. I am programming it completely new, and because of so many restrictions this task isn't easy. I have to do it because next year we'll get an upgrade to our operating system which means that our current MSAccess database will not work work anymore. So, I let the girls do all the other work and try to find into coding again. Maybe I should take one of your coding classes 😉

And there's another renewing project that I have started this week: I am renewing the interiors of my van. That's even more work... harder work, but in a few weeks it should be finished. Why so long? I'm waiting for material to be shipped from France, where I have found a company that builds cheap camper van furniture. Hopefully "cheap" doesn't mean cheap quality too, but their website and videos look promising 🤞

Today was the first day when I have turned the computer on at home this week.
These are from last weekend...

When I have finished my two projects, I think I will have some more time for being online ... and for some time off work 😀

I haven't been wearing a watch for many, many years 👍

I hope you're fine, my friend, wishing you and Marian a wonderful Sunday and a great week ahead 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I am glad that you are still alive 😉 !LOLZ

Yuck! Data base changes are dreadful, as the law over here has become stricter due to scammers accessing data bases. So, Marian transferred our data base to an offline external hard drive, and she deleted the online stuff. Then a few months later, she wanted to access the data base, but the external hard drive had completely packed up. We took it in to a company for repairs, but they showed us that the drive cannot be repaired. Just as well, as we now have no data base that anyone can access. So, good luck with your new program, and please make sure that it will be available and that it is protected against scammers 😛

I look forward to photos of the van when it's done my friend and let's hope that they supply you with top quality materials. When you mention the word "cheap" my stomach wants to crawl, as invariably cheap means trouble. But there's always hope and let's see if it is good 🤞

Such lovely photos, and you really know how to stir my soul. I look forward to the time that you will start posting again, as so many like your photos, and that's me included. So, get your projects done and then let's have some of the special brand called Piber 😲

We are fine thank you, and all strength to you in this coming week my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I haven't got any error messages when testing the database in the past hour, so I make a little break 😜 !LOLZ

You always should have 2 or three backups of important files on different media. Hard drives fail especially when they are not used, usb sticks fail and dvd's and such fail even more often. This is only my experience though. At home I have a backup of my photos on an external hard drive and whenever I have the time, I'll make a second backup on another device.
At work the system makes every hour a backup of all files, so it should be save. Our system is so very well protected that even we ourselves can't get in from time to time 😱 and next year it will be even more secure, so that even our administrators don't have all rights anymore.

As soon as the van is finished I will show you some photos, of course. It's relatively cheap, but well made. They have used light weight wood and so I have to take more care than with the interior that I've built myself, but it looks cool and I like it.

Every day I think of posting here and also on Instagram again, but somehow I still don't want to. But I thank you so much for your nice words 🙏

Hope you're having a great day, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

You see? I have full confidence in your abilities and well done 😉 !LOLZ

Ah yes, I also have some backups on external drives and usb sticks, and every now and then, I update them. Over time I had some failed external hard drives, but thankfully nothing on the usb's yet. But of course, nothing as grand as you have, as I can only afford the cheap stuff.
It seems that all businesses and government departments are investing in extra security, as some of our government departments have also been hit by scammers. Your system looks great, and it's always a danger to have too many people that have the rights, as much can go wrong.

Great to hear and I can't wait to see the van upgrade my friend. I am sure that you will take care with the installation. Don't forget to hang portraits on the walls, as then it will look like a family lounge 😜

There's a time for everything and you only have to follow your heart. We are having it difficult now, as the hive price is very low, but as usual eventually it will climb again 🙏

Thank you and the day was good, I know you also had a good day, especially with the test, and may you also have a great Wednesday 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

thanks, it works fine, but I have to make it fool proof, because there's a colleague who is able to destroy any software just by looking at the monitor 😁 !LOLZ

My backup drives are not expensive either, and I wished I could afford a better solutionthat works automatically.

Haha, I will not hang any photos on the walls of my van, because there's not enough space on the walls, and I don't want my family to watch me sleeping 😜

I'm really not sure about the Hive anymore, but I'll wait for some more time and hope like we all do.

Wednesday was a holiday here, but I didn't do anything, apart from a short drive around town, but I haven't been in the moon to take photos. So I had a lazy day at home and did only some work in the van, because I'm still waiting for shipment of the final parts.

Tomorrow is Friday and I have to go to a shooting training, but I am sure I will not kill anyone 😁

I'm happy that you have had a good day and hope that today will be as good as well 🌞😃

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

we also have some of those over here, and maybe you must make him wear a blindfold 🤡 !LOLZ

Well, you can always try using the cloud storage, but I don't as if a scammer cracks the cloud, then all of one's stuff will rain down into the scammers pocket 😛

Strange, as Wednesday was also a holiday here, called "Worker's Day". I think it is called May Day in Europe? I also didn't take many pictures and I hope that your van is starting some shape, and that the final parts will round it off into a real showpiece 😲

Just make sure that you are not pointing the gun at anyone while you are trying to fire it 😀
I hope that you will enjoy it my friend 👍

Thank you and please take care at the shooting range 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


I don't think the flounder I caught today was very happy with me.
He kept looking at me kinda sideways.

Credit: reddit
@johannpiber, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of papilloncharity

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.


Good morning Zac,

these people are strange ... everything works fine until they use it 😱 !LOLZ

I have some things on the OneDrive cloud, but I prefer to have a real device in my hand.

May 1st is also called Worker's Day here - Tag der Arbeit, but nobody is working on this day 😁

I want to keep the van quite stealthy outside, but nice and cosy inside.

I don't like these trainings at all, but I have to absolve at least one a year.

It's Friday, my friend, wishing you guys a lovely start into the weekend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I think that all countries have them and they belong to the international butter-finger club 🥲!LOLZ

Nope, I love clouds, but only the real ones, and we are the same, as if you can hold it, then it's safe😉

You are right, but I think that in our case they should call it National Unemployment Day, as half of our country is unemployed. 😲

That was the idea when you bought the van, and you did well to rig it out by yourself. Now I only hope that the new furniture will be built good enough to last for a few years. Do they give you any guarantee on it?

Part of the job my friend, and a necessary part, especially for the butter finger guys, as they will try to shoot an attacker, and end up shooting themself in the foot 🤡

Now there you go again with one of Piber's beauties, and the scene is magnificent. The water flow looks so real 👍👍👍

May you guys also have a great weekend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

"butter finger"? I have never heard this expression before, but don't need a translation 😁 !LOLZ

The new furniture is well made and quite sturdy. It comes in parts and I have to assemble it together myself. My own work that I had before, wasn't that good built. That's why I have decided to renew it all. I also hope that it will last for many years.

The shooting training was quite fun, but I am happy that it's over and I don't have to shoot again till next year. Of course I could train more often, but I don't want to.

Thanks that you like the image - it is the only one from last weekend that I really liked.

We have best weather here - it's sunny and warm, but after getting up at 3am, because I wanted to see a nice sunrise at the sea, I am a little bit tired. And there was no nice sunrise, of course.

But on the way back home I drove through the Soča valley in Slovenia where I could take some photos of a White throated dipper. At first I thought that the right one was shouting at the other, but the I saw that it is a baby and the other one was feeding it 😊

Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Sunday, my friend 🌞😃

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

butter fingers means that a person is very clumsy and they break most things that they touch 😜 !LOLZ

Ah! So it comes in kit form with instructions and that's always good. The only problem that I have with the assembling, is that I always have spares left over after the job is completed. Looking forward to the final show 👌

Yep, we are the same. After my army days, I think that I went twice to a shooting range up to now, and I also have lost all interest in it long ago. My cousin and his son are hunters, but that's not a hobby that interests me, as I don't want to go about killing animals 🥲

Oh man, you still sound a bit tired, and I am sure it is all of the hard work that is draining your energy. But then again, getting up at 3am on a nice warm day is always a good thing. Pity that you couldn't get the sunrise my friend, but there will be many more. Over here I cannot get the sunrise, as the mountains hide it at the East, so I have to drive far out inland if I want to get it 😊

I called Marian to come and look at your bird photos, and as you know her feeding habits, she was over the moon with your photos. Babies and children are the same, as they all scream when they are hungry, and the parents just have to feed them. A great series of shots my friend 👍

Sunday was slow and calm and I hope that you will have a great new week.

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I don't know if you know the furniture from IKEA, but if you do know how to assemble these, you must know that my new van interior is twice as complicated 😀 !LOLZ

I eat animals, but I could never kill one, but I'm not so sure about humans, although I would never eat one 🤣

Though I'm always tired at the moment, I cannot stay in bed and have to get up as soon as I wake up. When I come home and lay down I'll fall asleep within seconds though 😴

Thanks that you and Marian like my baby bird photos - I think these are the best wildlife photos I have ever made 😆

My week has started busy, but that's nothing new at the moment. In the evening I have an appointment with the friend who does the maintenance work on my van (oil change, inspection and such), so I will not be online later.

Wishing you a great start of the new week, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

no, I don't know IKEA or their furniture Hannes, but if you did the correct measurements for the supply, then I am sure that you will work it all well in the end. Complications were made for you to solve, and I know that you are good at it 😊 !LOLZ

Nope, I only kill cockroaches and I also don't eat them, everything else stays alive 😜

When my eyes open I also get up, but you are lucky to fall asleep within seconds. Even when I am tired, I still roll around in bed for hours before I fall asleep. But I know that you have a sleeping hobby and that you can fall asleep anywhere 🤡

Excellent shots that tell a good story and you can be very proud of them. So, if you can get the small wildlife, you can also get the big wildlife like an Ostrich feeding its baby. That could be a good challenge for you methinks 😲

Getting colder here and I know that you are always busy. I hope that the guy will sort the van out good, so not to worry about being online, as you have to see to the priorities 👍

Wishing a kinder week for you and much rest.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

Ikea is a big Swedish furniture company. It's relatively cheap, but you have to assemble the furniture yourself at home, or pay for it. It's very popular here.

I can only fall asleep easily when I am paid for it. At home I'm usually awake for quite some time, but at the moment I think I could sleep anywhere at any time 😉 !LOLZ

Thanks my friend, I will do my best to take more wildlife photos 👍😃

The weather here has become nicer and above me there are some lovely pink clouds ... I'm having breakfast on the balcony with one of our cats. My wife is still in bed because we are going later to work today. Before work we have to go to the passport office to get new passports, because the old ones are valid till this June only (10 years).

Hope you're having a great Tuesday with nice weather 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

okay, now I know, and over here we call the self assemblies kit forms. They come with assembly instructions included, and I think that Ikea would do the same 😊

Hahaha, you are so funny, and I had to laugh at this 😁 !LOLZ

I know that you are very capable with photography my friend, but I like to tease you sometimes 😜

So, you are eating the cat on the balcony for breakfast and that's not a good idea, as your wife will beat you up when she awakes. Passport services can take a long time, as here we have long queues. So good luck and hope that you guys will not take too long 🙏

20Cs here for the whole week and raining right now. Wish you a lot of sunshine 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I've had no time in the past days - too much work at work and too much to do at home 😅 !LOLZ

Yesterday was a holiday here, and I have been working all day long on my van. It's all so different in there now, I have to put all things on other places. It will take a while for me till I'll get used of it, but I like it a lot. I'll post some photos soon.

I'm not so sure whether I should like it to fall asleep easily, or not, because at the moment I even don't want to get up in the mornings when I'm off work 🛌

I seriously would love to take more wildlife photos if it wasn't that boring most times: I see a bird or another animal, it disappears and I wait for it to return ... and wait ... and wait ... 😴

Hihi, no, I've had some cake that my wife baked 😉 but actually, I have once tasted cat: many, many years ago, the man my grandmother married after my real grand father died in WW2, used to catch wild cats and eat them. One day he let me taste it, but I can't remember the taste anymore, and I'm glad that I don't remember, to be honest. If our cats knew that I have tasted one of their family ... 😜

Nowadays you have to make an appointment long on advance, so it took only 20 minutes and we've been on our way to work. The passports will be sent by post in a couple of days.

We've had nice weather yesterday, but the weekend will get wet, says the weatherman - we'll see. I have enough to do in the van and at home anyway, but I'll try to get out for some photos, of course.

Hope you guys are fine and will have a great weekend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


I know and I also know that you put most of the work in the van at home 😜 !LOLZ

You see? As I said above, you even work in the van even on holidays. Only teasing as I know what it means to you, and I am sure that you will get used to the new outlay. I am now very inquisitive and cannot wait to see the photos 😲

Oh man, to fall asleep quickly is only a dream for me, as lately I have so many pains and cramps that I roll around for hours. I think that only the van will make you rise out of the bed very quickly 😉

Ha! You forget that Mother nature is teaching you patience, and one day when you have waited long enough, a very rare animal will pop up to pose for you 😂

I think that you liked the joke 😊 and this is an amazing story. Like me, you also love animals and that tasting must have been a horrible experience. So much so, that you mind has erased the taste of it.
Btw. Only kings and queens have cake for breakfast, so in a past life I am sure that you were a king, maybe even the king of Austria 😅

20 minutes only! Wow, such a great service that you have there. We also make appointments here, but when we arrive there are about 50 people that made appointments at the same time. So, we have to sit and wait for our turn which can take a long time. After about 2 or 3 weeks they send a message to collect the passports and then we have to wait in a queue again. Your systems work, but ours are dysfunctional 😉

Hahaha, everything depends on the van again, and I don't know if you remember that I said the van would become your second wife, so now she also rules all of your decisions 😆

Wet here today from 9am to 4 pm, and then the gaps in the clouds opened the blue sky in patches. So, obviously we popped out to the mountains. Cold and a bit difficult with the light.

I hope that the van will love you even more after this weekend my friend 💕

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

yep, at the moment I'm always thinking of the van and what I could do to improve it. Last night I destroyed the curtains at the tailgate in the back of the van - I tore down the curtains while leaning back 😜 !LOLZ That means I have done a bad job when I installed them and will have to find a better solution ... this van will never be finished 😁

Last night I was on a mountain nearby because they said we might see Northern Lights / Aurora Borealis at night. I've seen a nice sunset

and a nice sunrise,

but I slept very well in my warm sleeping bag in the van when the lights were on the sky (I have seen some Instagram posts about them).

I can't remember how the cat tasted, but I am sure that I will never taste it again 🙃

I wished I could take some of the pain from you - to keep me more awake and to help you sleep better 😊

Haha, my wife sometimes bakes a cake for us when she has time - no special cake, but great for breakfast 😋

Yep, it took only 20 minutes and the new passports have already arrived yesterday 😀
Since the pandemic you have to make such appointments and it works quite fine, but before Covid you just went there and had to wait until it was your turn.

Yesterday was much better than the prediction and today seems to get even better, but tomorrow it will certainly rain, says the weatherman. I somehow don't want to believe him 🙃
Cool, you have been in the mountains too. Our clouds have been similar to yours, but in the evening the sun painted them nicely, as you can see in the image above.

So, tonight I might give the Aurora another try and hopefully not sleep again 🙃

Wishing you a nice Saturday, my friend, lovely weather and some spectacular views 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

Another idea is to install a blind that you can pull down instead of curtains. I have seen it in some vans here. I think they attach a rail under the roof of the van that hold the blind inside and then pull it down when they need to. You haven't done a bad job, and I am sure that you find a better way to finish the van before you are too old to drive it 😜 !LOLZ

I just can't believe this! The last time that the Aurora colors were so bright during a sun storm was very long ago. So, you go out to take some photos of this historic occasion, and you fall asleep. I think that the taking of these two magnificent photos bewitched you and your mind got so excitedly filled with tons of adrenaline, that afterwards your mind sent a message to your body of tiredness.
You are the first guy that I know that goes out to take photos of the Borealis that goes to sleep before they arrive. Surely this is a Guinness World Record. I have to give you another !LOLZ here.

Your cats will never forgive you if you eat another cat 😲

The doctor gave me a new course of anti-biotics today, and the things make me a bit woozy in the head. So now my pill quotation that I take every day has increased to 12. Such is life my friend and we each have to carry our troubles on our own. Thank you for the care and I really hope that you will not have the same in your future. 🙏

Super service that you guys have there, and I really hope that in the future our services will also improve.
Especially now with all of the IT apps that are available 😉

Never trust the weatherman my friend, and your clouds are much better than mine, especially in that first photo. I also like the sun on the river in the second photo. A great effect. 👍👍👌

Hihihi, I will wait and please don't shock me again by falling asleep 🥲

Saturday started with fairy rain and cold, but later in the afternoon it was sunshine (and still cold).
I hope that you will have a busy Sunday editing all of your new Aurora photos 😂

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I have also thought of installing a blind, but I didn't, because at least in my van it would be harder to install than a curtain, and you can see from the outside when there's a light on in the van. I already have a kind of "curtain" with magnets that I can put over the window, but I'd like to have a real curtain... I hope I'll find a solution before I'm too old to drive 😂

I should have stayed up the other night to see the Autora, because yesterday it was completely cloudy, so I couldn't see the sky, and tonight it's getting even worse after a quite nice day - no Aurora photos till the next sun storms. Bad weather is approaching us with dark storm clouds and we will have rain and cold temperatures all week long, says the weatherman. When I look up to the sky I tend to believe him 🌧️

12 pills a day is really a lot and I also hope that I'll never have to take any of these things that make all only worse.

Thanks for your compliment on my images 😊🙏

Today I wanted to show Mother Nature how patient I am by trying to take some bird photos at a rapeseed field. The field was awesome yellow and I could hear many birds sing near me, but I haven't seen any ... Mother Nature must have had so much fun seeing me waiting for 1 1/2 hours without taking any photos but of the yellow field and the trees behind 😁

In one of the images I thought I have seen a little spot that could possibly be a tiny little bird, but I wouldn't bet on it 😂 !LOLZ

Today was quite nice, as said above, and in the afternoon I drove a little bit around the lake with my wife and and we went for a short walk at the reservoir where I often make a morning walk, but on our way home the sky was already getting darker and windy - soon it will rain.

Hope you have had a sunny and warm Sunday, my friends 🌞😊 wishing you a nice evening and a good start into the new week.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I was up at 4am this morning, heart racing and pulse pounding. I think it's the new anti-biotic tablets that are interfering with my normal tablets. The doctor gave me a very strong dose, and now I am thinking about stopping to take the new ones. But I am not complaining.
I am sure that you will get the curtain issue sorted out soon my friend, way before you are too old to drive 😜

Sad about your weather, as there is not much that you can do outside and besides your work keeps you busy. I have seen lovely pictures of the Aurora taken right here in the cape province of South Africa. A guy took them from a coastal town called Gansbaai (Goose Bay), but it is too far for me to drive there, as I will have to leave here at 2am in the morning in order to get there 😲

12 pills have now increased to 15 and I have to take the new 3 twice per day. So now I am struggling to sleep and will again a zombie today 😉

Wow! A new record, as you have waited for 1 and a half hours. A great start and Mother nature will be happy that she tested you and you passed the test with flying colors. I am proud of you. The yellow fields and the trees look stunning. So now that you passed the test, she will start to encourage you to wait for 2 hours 😲

The strange thing is that the small dot "bird" was indeed a bird, and had you waited longer you would have seen all of the birds appearing to pose for you 😀 !LOLZ

As I said above somewhere, your photos are stunning, and thank you for showing them to me. Glad that the wife went with you for a walk at the reservoir and I also think that this time the weatherman got it right. They don't have a thumb suck emoji that I can put here 😛

A nearly warm Sunday, and only 2 days of the new week that's going to be hot. I also hope that apart from the weather, your new week will be kind to you 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I think we have had this theme a while ago ... you take tablets and need other tablets against their side effects, and so on. Now you have to take these anti-biotic tablets and probably the doctor will give you other tablets against the side effects. It's a never ending cycle, it seems, that's bad and that's one reason why I don't take any.
Hopefully your body only has to get used of the new tablets and you slept better last night. I know you're not complaining - you're never complaining and take life as it is ... "such is life" 🙏

There are so many of these Autora photos around that I really don't mind a lot, because they all look about the same. Of course it looks beautiful, and I love the red and pink colors, but I don't think I would have taken better images than the others ... and there will be a next time anyway 😉

You know I love Zombie movies like The Walking Dead - you hopefully are not hungry for brains, but I wouldn't be hungry if I was you, because 15 pills would make my stomach full 😅
Jokes aside, your amount of pills is increasing - I don't like to hear that and wished there was a better way for you.

I haven't made any plans for my next "wildlife" shoot, but I'm not sure that I would ever be able to wait for 2 hours ... maybe, we'll see 😉
There was really a small bird shaped dot in one of the photos, but I can't find it again. I could hear them, but didn't see any movement 😂 !LOLZ

As the new bed in the van is now wide enough for 2 people, my wife and I will go for a short trip together soon, but till then I will have to have suitable curtains on the back window. If I get home earlier today, I'll give it another try.

It was raining yesterday, but I didn't mind because I was inside anyway.

I'm wishing you a lovely warm day, my friends from the south 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

yes, you are right as we did discuss it one a previous occasion. I really hope and pray that you will never get into a health situation that will force you to go onto the tablet route. They look like candy of all colors, and they can fill the palm of your hand. So, it's a mad merry-go-round, as the tablets fight in your body for supremacy 🥴

So, I know that you weren't able to get any photos of the Aurora due to sleeping on the first attempt and then the weather spoiled your chances on the second occasion. But you are right, as all of the photos look similar. There will be another chance for you to get the next ultra special one at the end of 20 years. By that time, you will be long retired, and an old man like me 😜

Yeah, I do know that you like Zombie movies, and no brains for me at this stage of the battle my friend. I eat 3 small meals now every day, and the food that I eat has no fats in it. Of course, I would love to have a medium fried one inch steak, but no such luck ever again. At this stage of the fight, according to the doctor, this current situation with the pills is the only way to go. They will not cure me, but they will prevent me from having another stroke that can kill me 🙏

I am sure that I will be the first guy that you contacted when you have achieved a 2 hour wait. 😉
As far as the wildlife is concerned, I look at your photos with a magnifying glass and couldn't see a bird in it. Maybe you were so desperate to get a bird, that your mind convinced you that the white spot was a bird 😁!LOLZ

Ah! A bed that is big enough for the two of you sounds wonderful, and I hope that your winds find the short trip so great, that she will insist to go with every time that you go out. Have you thought about putting a thin metal curtain rail above the back window? In any case I am sure that you will sort it out my friend 😊

Good that you were inside during the rain, and I am getting the most stunning sunset clouds here now.

Thank you and the day was indeed warm. Wishing you also to have a good day tomorrow 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

in a couple of minutes I'll be on my way to my second nightshift this week 😴

I hope that you'll find a doctor who reduces the amount of pills you have to take and who gives you only the ones you really need and that don't need other pills because of their side effects.
And I do hope that one day we'll sit in

I have never been a fan of these green Aurora colors, but the red and pink ones would have been awesome to see. Maybe I'll have to wait for 20 years, but then I will not sleep and send you the photos taken from my wheel chair, of course 😁

Of course I will tell you immediately when I have waited for some animals for 2 hours without falling asleep 😂 !LOLZ

I have found a cheap solution for the curtains on Amazon and I do hope that it looks as in the images. It's just like I would have done it myself, but it's cheaper than buying the material and do all myself 😉

Yesterday and last night it was raining and today it seems to be wet too. I don't mind because I'll be in the office anyway.

My next shift will be on Monday and then on Thursday. After that I'll have two weeks off 😀😀😀

I'm wishing you lovely weather and an even better weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

yay, some paid sleep and did I tell you that you are a lucky guy? 😉

Amazingly, we met a guy this morning that has very similar conditions like mine, except the critical iron problem. He takes a pill that covers 3 of my pills in one, and he gave me the name of the pill, we will tell my doctor to get it for me. So, that will be less 2 pills, and the good news is that I now have only 4 more days to take the 4 anti-biotic pills, then they will also be gone. So, that will be 6 pills less than the normal pills that I have to take every day 😊

Sadly, I will never see them, but the way that things are going over here, we might have to flee and seek refuge in another country. Then I might be able to see them. Hopefully I will also still be alive in 20 years' time, and we both will be able to send each other photos from our wheelchairs 😜

Great and I am sure that a 2 hour wait for you will be historical 🤣

Very wise and congrats. Like you said, we can only hope that the curtains will be exactly the same as the photos. They could be half the size, and then you will cry 😲 !LOLZ

Glad that you are in the office, else you will be going out there, and get nothing on camera, with a non-bonus of getting wet 😉
Cold here at 20C today, but we love this kind of weather.

Thank you and we hope that you guys will also have a good weekend my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

the paid sleep is over and in half an hour I have to go home 😆 Yep, I'm lucky to have a job that I didn't want when I was young, but I am happy now that I will soon retire from it 🤣 !LOLZ

6 pills less sounds great - still too many, but hopefully the ones you still have to take help 🙏

Hard times everywhere, but especially in the countries where the times have never been easy. I hope you don't have to flee, but find a quiet place where you can stay in peace without any fear.

Oh yes, being able to wait for two hours for something that might not appear would be something historical for me - it might even change my whole life or the way I'm living, which is too impatient and too fast 😀

The curtains have arrived yesterday and after a short breakfast at home I will try to install them in the van. They looked too long in the photos, so I'm pretty sure that even if they are half the size, they will fit 🤞🤪

It's looking nice outside - the sun is shining and we have 8C, but it will get warmer soon - 20C would be fine for me too 😅

Today I'll work a bit on the van and later I want to go somewhere to take some photos, but I have no idea yet where to go. Maybe I'll take a nap and go tomorrow 😉 and on Monday I have my next nightshift ... paid sleep 😴

Wishing you another lovely day and weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

So, how many years did you work at the job that you didn't want when you were young? I know that it has to be a lifetime long, and no wonder that you want to run away at the last day 😉 !LOLZ

Oh yeah, only 4 hours sleep last night, and the problem is that I cannot sleep when it's daylight. But 2 more days, then the 4 pills of the anti-biotics will fall away. Then another few days and 2 other pills will also fall away 😊

We are already looking for such a place, but this time we will only be renting, as then we will lose nothing if anything goes wrong 🙏

I agree and it will be a record for you to wat 2 hours. But here me when I say that older that you get, the slower you will become. Remember that I said this, as my drive and energy is now depleted. I even struggle to play rugby lately 🤣

Looking forward to see how you have changed the van's furniture, and I am sure that you will get it right with the curtains. We saw this new little electric panel van today.

I will have a look at the agents, as it is an ideal van for town driving, and it uses no petrol.

Hahaha, I bet that in 20C you will walk around in a short pants and sandals. With sunglasses of course.
We will see 8C and lower soon, as we are now on the border of winter 😜

Don't rush and take things slowly, as you will have many opportunities to take many photos in the future my friend. Working on the van and taking a nap sounds great to me 😉

May you guys also have a great weekend my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

my shift is over and also Monday is already almost over too 😴

I never liked to wear a uniform nor to work in an office, but during these many years my opinion became different and to have a save and regularly paid job is something not everybody has, and soon it will be over anyway 😆 ... and you may believe me, that I often was thinking of running away 😂

There are such things that cover your eyes when it's too bright - maybe such a thing could help you to sleep in daylight 😉
But I am happy that the amount of pills you have to take gets less every day. Hopefully there will no new pills needed.

That's a wise decision in my eyes, because when you rent an apartment or a house you can move somewhere else at any time. It's more expensive over the years, but you're somehow more free and not tied to one place.

Don't give up playing rugby from time to time, even if it gets harder and harder 😉 because you've got to do some kind of sport or you'll get rusty 🤣 !LOLZ

Tonight the second part of the curtains will arrive and hopefully these will fit better ... no, they were not too short 😉 but the rail was too short, so I had to cut the second rail that was delivered with it, and screwing the parts to the ceiling didn't work well.

Wow, this thing looks strange, but cool - enough space for two and for some good too 👍
If you buy one you should install solar panels to the roof to recharge it during power cuts.

Yep, 20C are fine to have breakfast on the balcony in shorts and t-shirt 😅

Actually, I did take a nap and went to bed early, but on Sunday I went out to some waterfalls. I will show you the photos later when I have fully edited them.

It's raining here - hope your week started nice, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

the last time that I looked it was Tuesday and now it's almost over 😜
I will wait for you to tell me that it is your very last shift before you retire 🙏

Oh yes, a steady job can certainly change one's mind to hang in there, and I am glad that you decided to stay for the long term, as like you say, not many has a steady job. Over here almost halve of the country are unemployed, and most of them have families to feed every day. So if you look at it this way, then you will even appreciate your steady job so much more. We all have that feeling sometimes to run away, but I find solace in that the Lord has placed us where He wants us. Remember, Jonah also tried to run away, and you know what happened to him 😁

I cannot sleep with such things on my face and believe me that we tried it. We are trying to work it down to only 3 pills that I will have to take for the rest of my life, in order to avoid another stroke 🥴

We know that it's more expensive to rent, but we want to have freedom, and besides, then we don't have to worry about maintenance on the house, as the owner has to repair any breakages, and he must also pay all of the monthly services such as electricity, water, rates&taxes, etcetera.

That's just the problem at this stage, as it's getting harder and harder, especially in the scrum 😲 !LOLZ

I told you that you will work something out with the curtains, and if the screwing into the ceiling didn't work well, you can try to rivet it instead of screwing?

A brilliant plan Hannes, as I have not considered placing a solar on the roof. It will for sure work in your country, but we have syndicates here that steal solar panels. Even the solar panels on house roofs are being stolen 🤮

You forgot that you cat will also be with you dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, the matches the colors that you will be wearing 🤣😍😄

Good that you took a nap, and I will wait to see the Piber special photos again😊

Rain is always good my friend, and we traveled to another town from Monday to today, to attend a non-profit presentation, about highly discounted software for ngo's and charities. A beautiful town with high mountains and very long roads.

Hope that the rest of the week will be kind to you 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I can only tell you that tomorrow will be my last shift ... for this month 😂 !LOLZ

When you're young you think different, at least I did, and so I always tried to find another job, even if it's unsafe. But I've never found a job where I could do less for at least the same money ... and where I get paid sleep 😉

3 pills a day doesn't sound that bad compared to the amount you have to take at the moment. So, let's hope it will stay at 3 pills and that they really help without any side effects 🙏

We are renting, but we pay for electricity, heat, water and the other things. The owner company pay for all repairs outside of the apartment and also for some bigger repairs inside.

The ceiling is a thin sheet of plywood and between the ceiling and the actual roof of the car there's some insulation, so I have no choice but screwing the rails, and that way it's possible to dismantle it later if needed.

There are solar panels that are glued to the roof of cars. So it would be quite hard to steal them without destroying the panels.

It was raining the whole morning, but now the sun has come out and the next days should be nice, says the weatherman.

Hope you enjoy the time in this beautiful town and that the presentation is a good thing for you.

Wishing you an awesome rest of the week too 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

I am so glad to hear it, even if you won't get any more paid sleep for the month, as at least now you can have some normality to return. Even if it's just to the end of the month 😜 !LOLZ

Same in my case, but I have only had many more jobs than you did. Sanity helped you to stick it out in your current job, and my sanity only returned in 2001 when I started Papillon. This is now the longest period that I have ever stayed at a job, and it will continue until I die. Your job offers more luxuries such as paid sleep, and I am glad that you stuck with it 😉

Still a time before I can get to 3 pills my friend, but we are working on it, as we now try natural healing, such as clean diets and no fried foods. Let's see if it works 🙏

Not fair, as the owner has to pay for all services over here, and I cannot see why you have to pay for it. The owner also pays for all breakages to the building inside, unless it is damaged by the residents.
We own the house, and so we have to pay for everything 😲

Ah! I didn't know that it has a plywood ceiling, and you are right, as screwing is the only option. Not a very good option, as rattling and constant movement with the van can shake the screws loose. But it's the best that you can do and you are right, as it will be easy to dismantle it if you needed to 👍

That's a good idea, and the first that I hear about gluing the panels on the roof of a car. Maybe they will also try it here 😉

Happy that you will have some good weather over there so that you can enjoy it. We are still in the low twenties here for the week, with also some possible rain 😊

The visit is over now, and that's indeed a beautiful town. We would love to stay there, but it's closer to the west coast, and very hot in summer. Temps around 48C in summer 😧

Blessings and thanks.


Hi Zac,

in about an hour I will drive home and not return before the 10th of June - 2 weeks holidays at once are more than I've had in the past years.

Yep, the paid sleep is something that not everyone has. I will really miss that when I retire, because then I have to sleep for free ... or I ask my wife for some money every morning 😂 !LOLZ

I could have changed jobs here too - moved to other departments where the job is higher qualified and paid, but I belong to the people who prefer to have a nice place with people I like. So I earn a bit less, but have trees and all green outside and I see the sky when I look out of my office window.

Eating the right food can help a lot, but please don't become a vegan. A vegan life would be too hard for me and it's not understandable for me how anyone can live that way. I understand the vegetarians though, although I would miss a bloody steak from time.
Hopefully these diets will help you to get feel better and get down to at least only 3 pills a day 🙏

All that's inside my apartment is mostly my part - that's normal here. All outside, including the windows or the plumbing inside the walls and also the wooden floor is the owners part.

I just wanted to say that you should move to this beautiful town, but then I read "48C" - that's a temperature we can't even imagine - way to hot.

I'm instructing my colleagues about some important things that they have to do in the next 2 weeks and then I'll leave home. Till Sunday I stay at home and work a bit on the van and then I think I will take some photos in a gorge somewhere in the north.

I wish you a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Hi Hannes,

I am so happy to read this, as you really deserve a decent break, and now you can really get some good rest. So, I know that you will sleep most of the time 😜 !LOLZ

Wow! You like to take your life into your own hands, as I want to warm you not to ask your wife for money every morning. NEVER even attempt that as she will be sure to poison you, or to beat you up.
So sadly, you will have to get used to sleeping for free 😁

Now look how you lie to me. You really didn't want the higher positions, as they carry more responsibilities, and then your paid sleep would be no more. So, the cushy side is more to your liking where you can do what you want, and your paid sleep is secure 🤣😲😉🤪

A vegan? me? never my friend, although Maria has me now eating yogurt with peach slices in it. I thought that yogurt was only for the Greeks. You know that both you and I are meat lovers, and veganism will exist in our vocabularies. We are seriously working on healthy food and lately I feel much better. Funny how the wrong food can affect one, but our target is only 3 pills 😉
Thank you for the care 🙏

We received a mail today from the body corporate stating that they refuse to pay for the rat in the roof's removal. Saying that they have a contract with a pest control company that visits the complex every month. So, Marian replied that if the pest company was effective, then there will be no rat in the roof.
Let's see what they have to say, as we are own everything inside from the ceiling down to the floor. The roof is theirs. You have a different system to ours and I think that yours is much better 👍

Yeah, the best time to visit that town and the other towns in that area is in late Autumn and early Spring. During winter it gets icy cold up there, and super hot in Summer 😲

At your return, you will find that your colleagues have not completed the important tasks, and your desk will be buried under a mountain of papers. At least that's what happened to me when I took a break 😉
Just you go out there and enjoy your time off my friend. Make every second count and forget about work. I will call it practice for your retirement 😊

May you also have a great weekend and dream of your holiday 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Good Sunday evening Zac,

I hope that I don't sleep most of my holidays - I can sleep when I'm back at work 😂 !LOLZ

I know that I will have to get used of sleeping for free, but it will be hard and I might not be able to sleep at all in the first few weeks or years 😉

That's funny, because just before I started this reply I took a yogurt from the fridge, but it's with vanilla flavor - yummy 😋 and it's healthy too 😀 Actually, from time to time I enjoy eating vegetables or a salad, believe me or not 🤣
But it's really good for your health to eat healthier food, and I do believe that soon you'll be down on 3 pills a day only 🙏

I don't know if our system is really better, but if there was a rat under the roof we wouldn't need anybody to get rid of it, because our cats would be pleased to catch it, as long as it's a small Austrian rat and not an elephant sized African rat 😉
Hopefully they will change their mind and pay.

That's exactly the main reason why I haven't been on holidays longer than a week in the past years - the pile of work would grow, and grow, and grow ... and most important work wouldn't be done at all. But I am positive that this time it is different and all the work is being done 🙏

I haven't been thinking about work the whole weekend long and I hope I will forget the office completely in the next two weeks ... maybe I will forget where it is 😁

Hope you've had a wonderful weekend, my friend, and you enjoy the rest of this Sunday 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


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Good Monday afternoon Hannes,

I have been occupied with work, and could not get to do the replies, and even now, we had a hectic Monday morning. But now all is done, and I am back. I also hope that you sleep too much now during your holiday, as Mother nature is waiting for you. And you are right as you can catch up on your sleep when you are back on the job 😉 !LOLZ

Well, all that we can do about it is to pray that the Lord will help you to get over the shock of losing the free gift of paid sleep 🥴

Yeah, I can also get a great affinity for yogurt, as it tastes really good. Diet is important when one is old, and not all foods are good for one. But saying this, at one of the meetings this morning, a guy gave me a pack of what they call "Kalahari dried wors", it is venison that is dried in a sausage style, and it's delicious. Vegetables such as carrots, beets, potatoes and salads are great, and its healthy food. So, we continue to work towards the target of only 3 pills per day 😊

Yep, I forget that you've got the cats and after they played with the small rats, they will eat them 😁
The African rats are a different story, as they are as big as rabbits, and the cats are scared of them 😲

We really hope that you will not return to a mountain of work, and this is an ideal time for you to assess the competency of your co-workers. Maybe they get it right, but then again maybe not. Maybe you will only have to change a few small mistakes. Let's see what it is when you get back 🙏

Hahaha, yes, that's the right way to go about it, and if you forget what, or where it is, then you can always ask Mrs. Google 🤪

I hope that your holiday started well and that you will really enjoy the time off 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

it's already Wednesday evening, my friend, and I have been busy too, but different from you, of course: On Monday I have been to Upper Austria to visit a gorge with a lot waterfalls, but either I was too late or too early, because there was no flower and not many of the ferns that used to be all around last year. I think I was too early, so I might go back next week or so.

The "Kalahari dried wors" sounds lecker 😋 and very unhealthy 😉
Vegetables and healthy food should have priority for you at the moment, but every now and then you have to taste something delicious and unhealthy, just to not forget the taste.

My wife tells me a little bit of how they are doing at work, but I really don't want to know. When I return in 1 1/2 weeks I'll see myself what they have done ... or what they not have done 😂 !LOLZ

Yesterday I've had a lazy day at home, worked a bit in the van, and today I have been on a hike up a mountain in the Nockberge (Nock Mountains), a National Park nearby. It was awesome cold and stormy, but I have had the whole mountain for me alone 😀

While I'm writing this reply the paint on the new furniture in my van is drying and in a couple of minutes I'll paint it a second time ... and later a third time. I have only partly painted the furniture in gray. If I like it I'll keep it that way, and if I don't like it, I'll paint the rest too, but in another color.

Hope you're doing fine, my friends, and the rest of the week isn't as hectic as Monday was 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Hi Hannes,

We are just back after waiting to vote in a queue for 3.5 hours to vote, and I am happy that you had a different and pleasant experience in Upper Austria. I say pleasant because you know how beautiful it can be there, and I hope that when you go back, the beauty is how you remember it. May there be many ferns and waterfalls that will be waiting for your camera 🙏

You are so right, and I wish that I could give you a taste of the Kalahari wors. Believe me when I say that you will not be able to put it down. We had a look at a special diet that I am supposed to eat. It is called the 'DASH" diet, and if you Google it, you will see that the people think that I am a rabbit. No meat, no salt, and only seeds, fruits and veggies. If I am to only eat those things, it will lead to dementia and madness, I am sure 😜🤮😧

Ah! So, you have a trusted spy at work 😊 and I really hope that they will surprise you with their efficiency, as you have trained them. A problem will be if the bosses decide to place them elsewhere after all of your efforts, as then your department will be in serious trouble, and they will extend your retirement date by 3 years 🤪 !LOLZ

You seem to get around and the Nock Mountains sound interesting. A pity about the weather though, but you and I never allow that to bother us. Glad that you were the king of the castle, as it's always great to be alone somewhere 😊

The one thing that I have learned about painting, is to stick closely to the manufacturer's specifications.
So, take care for the paint to dry properly, before you pant the second and the third coat. But I am sure that you know this. They say that proper preparation of the surfaces is 90% of the job and that the actual painting is only 10% of the finished look. Grey is an excellent color, and I am sure that you will like it. Just don't put Lamborghini or Porsche stickers on it, and no graffiti saying "I love you" on the furniture as then it will look like a circus 🤣😉🤪
Oh! And no mountain goat stickers either 😉

Thank you and we are also hoping that the rest of the week will turn out very calm. Enjoy your break my friend 🤗

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

I hope that all people down there voted for good politicians who care for them 🤞

If I had to eat such a diet, I would rather be sick and take 100 pills a day ... only joking 😂 !LOLZ
I am sure that Marian does her best to cook this food so that all tastes delicious and you will not even think of eating a Kalahari wors or anything else 😉 ... and it will definitively help you 🙏

My wife has told me some things from work that I didn't like to hear, but all in all it's working quite fine without me 😀

There will be no such stickers inside the van, promised 😁

Tomorrow is a holiday here and my wife has taken Friday off. She will drive to our daughter and maybe I'll do the same, because I know a lovely gorge with lots of waterfalls up there 🙂

Have a phantastic rest of the week, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


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Good morning Hannes,

We stood for 3.5 hours in a very long voting queue yesterday afternoon, and it was amazing to see how determined the people were to vote. An extension was applied for, as the voting was planned to stop at 9pm, but due to the mess up by the organizers, the extension was granted, and the voting was completed at 2am this morning. Some people spent 9 hours in the queue 🥴

It is really torture to eat the stuff my friend, as I am not used to lentils, beans, wheat and all of the other mandatory things. One can also only have fish twice per week and so I am not having a very pleasant time as far as food goes. I did however hide some Kalahari dried wors in my cupboard 😲 !LOLZ

Thing don't always go our way, and I know that you expected that not everything will work out perfect while you were away. But thankfully some progress too place and you should feel good about it 🙏

Hihihi, I know, but it was worth a tease 😉

So you and your wife will go in separate cars? That's dof, as one car will save both of you some bucks. Maybe you can try out the double bed in the van while your wife does the driving, and I hope that the weather will be good when you get to the gorge to take your special waterfall photos 😁

Raining here today and it gets colder every day now, as the 1st of June is the official arrival of winter. Hope that your visit to your daughter will be great, and that you will enjoy the visit to the gorge 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

wow, 9 hours waiting to vote? That's awesome - we usually don't wait any longer than a couple of minutes. I do hope that the long weait was worth it.

Your stomach and body will have to get used to this very different food, my friend, but after a while you will eventually like it ... maybe after some years or so 😂 !LOLZ

They are learning to work alone while I'm away, and next times they will make it better and better ... hopefully 😉

I didn't drive to my daughter today, but in the morning I went to a little gorge nearby. Later I've done some paint work in the van again and now I'm cat sitting - they are sleeping on the balcony 😴

Tomorrow I want to visit some waterfalls just across the border in Slovenia and maybe I'll drive to my daughter on Saturday. We need to drive in separate cars, because I don't want to go straight home on Sunday, but my wife needs to work on Monday.

We have mixed weather - it was nice in the morning, but in the afternoon it rained, and now the sun is shining again. To be honest, I like the more rainy weather, because then the tourists tend to stay at home and leave me alone 🤣

Enjoy the evening, my friend, and have a great start into the weekend tomorrow 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

oh yes, the people were determined to vote, as the living in this country has seriously deteriorated. The power cuts and lack of service delivery has angered thousands, and the time has come for change. But you know the games that the politicians play, and I don't think that much will change. 🙏

Maybe after some years or so, I will just change to my normal diet and first up will be a big 1 inch juicy steak, with lamb chops and potato salad 😜

Yes, you are right, as I also think that they will continue to improve, and if they do, then you will have more free time to do your own thing, such as sleeping 🤣!LOLZ

I hope that the van is starting to look very nice my friend, and possibly you will send me a photo soon. Hope also that you got some great pictures at the gorge. Seems that the cats rule in their kingdom there at home and you really spoil them with love. Always a good thing 😊

You are so blessed having so many countries within easy access around you and the photos at Slovenia are always great to see. I forget that you will still be off next week, and now it makes sense that you guys have to drive in separate cars. It's just a pity that your wife cannot take her break at the same time as you, as then you guys could travel all over together.

It seems that our weather is exactly the same as what you guys are having, as here now the sun is gradually drying the wet road. I think that even the weatherman is confused. Thankfully we don't have the dark bad storms yet, but they will come at the peak of winter. By that time, you will hopefully have a warm summer, and tourists all around you 😉

Thank you and may you also have a splendid weekend my friend 😁

Cheers and thanks.


Good afternoon Zac,

I'm in my van waiting for the paint to dry. It's been raining all day long and so I decided to paint the rest of the furniture - no photos today.

I do really hope that the good guys win the election and that they change everything so that there's a better life for all possible, especially for you two guys 🙏

Now you have made me hungry - there's no wife at home and I don't know how to cook healthy for my son and myself, so I sadly have to get some unhealthy food for us on the table 🤣 !LOLZ

Yep, it's time to let the others do the work and have some relaxing years till my retirement 😂

Slovenia is a really beautiful little country and I always enjoy being there.

My wife doesn't have as much holidays as I have, so she has to save the days off a bit. I still have my holidays from 2022 and 2023 and she hasn't. So we'll spent a week or two in Summer together, and maybe another week later in the year.

Today the rain has been too heavy for the tourists and also for me 😉 but tomorrow morning looks good. Maybe I'll go for a short trip to Slovenia until it rains again at midday.

Have a very nice evening, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

I am talking from experience when I tell you to allow the correct drying times for the paint, and not to rush it. Else you will cry long tears my friend, and I definitely don't want you to cry. But if you do, then I can always send you some tissues 😂

You are really a good guy, and we can only hope that people will be elected that can build this country back up. But you know that everything is in God's will, so let's wait and see. They are still counting the results and say that the final results will be released on Sunday 🙏

Now this is the worst excuse that I have ever heard. 1. You can learn how to cook. 2. You are sorry for getting unhealthy food. But let's face it, unhealthy food tastes much better 😜🤣 !LOLZ

So, that's the way to go, a serene cruise to the final date, and then it is hello freedom at last 😊

The lovely photos that you get in Slovenia certainly shows that it is a lovely country, and I am glad that you enjoy it so much 😉

Holidays from 2022 and 2023? Over here holiday don't get carried over, and so you take it or you lose it.
Marian is currently struggling with her leave, as she has still not received her full complement of leave days for this year. I am glad that you guys will spend some weeks together, as your wife will really appreciate it. Or maybe you only take her with to cook, so that you don't have to go and buy unhealthy food 🤣😁🤪

Well, I hope that the rain will give you a gap in the morning my friend. Over here the temperature is rapidly dropping, and they reckon that it will start to snow in the mountains further up inland in the province.

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

please send me some tissues, because you know about my impatience ... I've already been crying 😂 !LOLZ

It's too late for me to learn how to cook healthy, and especially too late for yesterday's lunch ... it was fat and spicy and delicious 😋

Slovenia isn't only beautiful, it's also not so overrun by tourists yet, although there are crowded places too, of course.

Here usually you have to take the holidays till the end of next year. Since the Pandemic they have extended it to two years, but now they want to get back to one year. So I would have to take all 12 weeks of 2022 and 2023 in 2024, but since this isn't realistic, I should take 2022 and at least half of 2023 ... we'll see.

Our holidays / leave days are regulated by law, so it wouldn't be a problem here to take any days off.

Of course I take my wife with me to cook and clean the van till I return from a hike or a photoshoot 😂

We've had a short time of no rain in the morning - enough to drive to a huge waterfall in Italy, but there was much to much water and the spray of the waterfall was more wet than the hardest rain ⛈️ so I had to get further away from the waterfall and take some photos there. I haven't edited them yet though.

I hope you have enjoyed a lovely Saturday, my friend, and wish you a nice evening and sleep into a wonderful Sunday 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

so sorry to see this, and Marian says that she will get you a big box of tissues, as you are bound to shed many more tears in the future 🤪 !LOLZ

Now you are making me hungry, as that fat and spicey meal is exactly what I long for. Only thing is that I don't believe in excuses, and so I will not get a meal like that anywhere in the future. Woe is me you lucky guy 😁

Sounds like Slovenia is the perfect place to visit, and you are really blessed to have it close to you. I know that you can skip the crowded places, as I have seen some lovely photos that you took there 😊

Marian works for a theology seminary and their law is that all of one's leave must be taken in the same year. In fact, not all as one can take 10 days over to the next year. She is now in her 9th year there and in the first 7 years she never took leave. She only started taking leave from last year, and this year they have not allocated her annual leave days yet. Me? I don't have to take leave, as I am free to come and go as I please 😉

Good that they look after their people over there, and over the remaining years up to your retirement, you will have plenty days of leave, so that you can be prepared for never having to ask for permission to take leave after your retirement. Absolute freedom to come and go then 😲

Doesn't sound right to me. Surely you mean that you clean the van, and your wife will cook. If not, then you can expect a big fight in the future, so the best would be that after you cleaned the van, then you go to buy take away food, so nobody has to cook 🤣

It sounds like that waterfall was strong because rainwater was coming down in the river, and I hope that you got great photos of the falls. In fact, I know that you got great photos of it. So, after editing I will be proven correct when I see the photos 😊

Thank you, and my Saturday was peaceful, although Marian nearly had a heart attack, because I climbed on the roof to get this.

You can see my shadow there, and a pity that I don't have a wide lens, as this was all that I could get with my camera.

I hope that you will have a good Sunday and a great new month my friend 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

sorry for the delay, but Ecency didn't show me your reply until this morning.

Guess the weather here ... it's raining again, or maybe I should better say "it's still raining". Yesterday morning we've had quite nice and warm weather, so I hiked up to a huge waterfall in Slovenia (Boka Waterfall - 144 meters).

I was hoping for some rainbows at the waterfall, which often appear in the spray of the waterfall, but I wasn't lucky this time, so I only made some detail photos of the fall...

These are unusual images, I know, but I somehow like how they've come out.

I really need some tissues, because I even got the wrong color for the van - I painted the doors in gray and wanted to paint the rest in white. The white color is nice, but it's a kind of vintage rough color that is quite sensitive. So I have to take more care than before 😅 But it looks all nice and although I think that I'll never completely be finished with the van, most should be done by now. Since it's raining, I'll do a bit of work on it today and later I'll take some photos for you. This is what it looked like before the painting - the new curtains are already mounted 😉

I think they should give Marian a huge bonus because she worked instead of taking the days off she was entitled to. Here, usually half of the leave days you can take whenever you want, and the other half is decided by the company. Where I work you can take single leave days at any time you want, and for longer holidays we have a planner, so that there's always someone in the office.
In a couple of years I'll also be free to come and go as I please ... or as the Missis pleases 😂 !LOLZ

Haha, okay, I clean the van outside and my wife does the inside, and the idea of take away food is nice, but where do you get such food somewhere in the mountains? Maybe you mean to collect berries and other fruits in the woods?

Please tell Marian that I can understand her - you should take care, my friend - no image is worth the risk of getting injured or worse ... although I have to admit that I also would have climbed on the roof to get a photo of this awesome rainbow 👉👍😀

So, as this month has started more wet than dry, I have no idea what to do this week - maybe I should get back to work? Nononono, I won't do that 🤣

Hope you're having a great start into the new week, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

no need for apologies my friend, and glad that you could get out in the morning. Now here you have included the fabulous images that I expected in my minds eye. Very professional and absolutely beautiful, and I also like the close ups. Congratulations 👍😊💯

I think that you have shown me the van before, and I am interested to see what you have done with the bed, as this current one is too narrow for the two of you to fit on it? Maybe you can put a slide out top on the bed, with folded legs to support the bed? Grey and white is a nice mix, as they complement each other, and I am sure that it's going to look very good. Even in its current state the van looks good, and the new colors will certainly enhance its looks 😉

No bonus for Marian, and she even works on weekends and public holidays. Of course I do the same, and it has become a habit. She is sitting here right now marking student exams. You really have a great leave system and maybe one day we will have the same.
Btw. I showed Marian the van and she adores it. Now she will be nagging me to do the same, and it's all your fault 😜 !LOLZ

Yep! This system of cleaning the van sounds good, as the duties are shared, and no need for take away meals, or roots and berries, as you can simply buy some frozen cooked meals and heat them up in the van. Now that I think about it, you can also get a small 24volt fridge and install it in the van 😊

I just told her, and she only gave me that all knowing female smile, whatever that means 😲 and you and I have the same thoughts, as you would have done exactly the same. So, today the bad leg let me know that it was not impressed with me and the cold was also not a great help 🤪

Hahaha, back to work definitely not, so rather support your sleeping hobby methinks 😁

A wet start my friend, and it will all be cold rainy days until Friday. Sadly, some people died in the Eastern Cape floods already, and it's only the start of the winter rainy season.
Hope that your days dry up soon 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

but today I'm replying faster 😀

Thanks once more for your kind compliment on my photos 😊

I'm on Passo di Giau in the Italian Dolomites and am trying the new bed in the van ... it's smaller than the old one when not extended, but I think it will be fine when I'm alone. So, now I have already revealed that it's a slide-out bed. It will still be smaller than "normal" beds, but for one night or two it should work. When I make the photos I will show you how it looks like.
Please tell Marian, that this van would be suitable for her, but for a giant like you are it would be much too short. Even the longer version of this van would probably be too short for you. You would need the next bigger size of such cargo vans, one where you even can stand up inside - your legs would touch the windscreen 🤣!LOLZ In mine I can't sit completely straight up ... but I love it and I'm looking forward to the night 😴

You have no idea how small this van is - a fridge would mean I have to leave my wife at home because there's no space for these two ... I think I buy a fridge 😂

We never learn from our mistakes, do we? Next time you'll do the same and later your leg will tell you that you've done something wrong ... that's life 😉

Why does your weather always have to be that bad - either it's hot that people die or it's too cold or there's the rain and floods or... that's terrible.

I didn't miss having almost no holidays in the past years, but having started my second week off, I love it now and I want more 😄

The weather seems to get better here - the weatherman didn't predict much rain tomorrow. I want to take some sunrise photos in the morning and then decide where to go - to another place or home :)

Wishing you a nice evening and a hopefully warmer day tomorrow 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good afternoon Hannes,

and now I am replying slower 🥴

You know that I love your photos, and many others here also 😜

Ah! You have shown me photos before of that place and the new photos will also be great. Good news that you installed a slide-out bed, and you are right, as for the short term it will be good for both of you.
I hope to see the photos of the "new" van still this year 😉 and oh yes, Marian will fit, and I can lay across the front seats with my legs sticking out of the open door window 🤪unless some bears appear to start licking my toes 😲 !LOLZ I am not that tall my friend, only about 1.95 meters, as I told you before, but the van will certainly be too small for me. In the meantime, I have lost a lot of weight due to the lack of iron, as the doctor told us that it results in anemia, and now I have dropped to 75Kg. A walking skeleton 😊

I read this to Marian, and she agreed with me that I expected a reply like this, either the wife or the fridge 😁 But the camping guys have some small fridges that will easily fit in the van, about 300mm wide by 500mm high. So, it will fit into one of the small cupboards 😉

So right about the leg, but I sent a message to my brain, to please tell the leg to mind his own business, and not to stick a toe into my business 🤣

We are at it again Hannes, go and have a look on Google about the current weather in the Cape and KZN, as 9 dead thus far and 1000 lost their homes. There's also a lot of videos online about a tornado in the KZN area. Two of the Papillon board members live in Struisbaai, near Cape Agulhas and they were cut off from the surrounding towns due the flooded roads and bridges. This is Africa and at times it is very tough to live here 🙏

Soon my friend soon, as not so long anymore, as then you will have a permanent holiday. Just hang in there, as your time is coming closer every day 😊

A good idea to take some sunrise photos, and I really hope that the weather will play the game. We are sitting here under dark skies, and I can hear sound of the angry river water rushing down to the sea. I will soon do a post to show that a contractor was appointed to clear and widen the banks of the river, and he started a bit late, as the rain effects his work now every day. This morning in the rain, they had laborers clearing trees and branches floating down on the rushing water. So, I took some photos of the works.

May you get some lovely photos of the sunrise and have some lovey weather my friend 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

... and I'm even slower than before 🐢

It's always a good feeling to get compliments like yours 😊

Yesterday's morning started promising, but then the pink clouds dissolved, there's still a lot snow around and not many flowers are blooming yet.

... and I got a bird in flight 😁 it's an Alpine Chough - looks like a blackbird with red feet ...

You have about the same weight as I have, and I'm only 1,73 meters short ... 1,95 meters are giant to me, but we have a friend close to 2 meters and their son is over 2 meters already. He is 19 years old 🤔

At the moment I'm still trying to figure out the best way to store all my stuff in the van. Almost daily I change it and now I have less things in the van than I had before. So I might have enough space for my wife, but not for a fridge and her ... she might not want to leave anymore if there's also a fridge in the van 🤣 !LOLZ

I hope your leg listens to your brain 😀

It seems that our situation here is getting similar to the African weather, although your weather is much worse and dangerous - several people in Germany died because of floods. At the moment we are lucky in Austria, but that can quickly change.

I hope the Papillon members are okay and that you are fine too 🙏
And I hope they are able to clear the river banks so that the river will not be that dangerous anymore.

Nice weather here with probably a rainy afternoon. I think I will make another short trip somewhere before my holidays end and I have to go back to that place called "office" 😀

Wishing you a lovely Wednesday, my friend 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Greetings Hannes,

fast or slow doesn't matter between friends 😉

Thank you and I really appreciate your photos, as you have much talent, and it shows 😊

Now, this is what I am talking about, as this set of photos are fabulous. I called Marian to have a look, and she reckons that you are a master photographer. Personally, I like the reflection photo the most, but the other two are just as nice. Congrats on the bird shot, as that is a lovely bird 😲

75kg for your height is a good weight and I like my weight to be around 110kg 👍 I think that I told you that I am the shortest of my 5 stepbrothers, as they are all 7 footers, but I don't communicate with them, and I also don't know where they are in this world.
It often happens that a son is taller than the dad, and that 19 year old will soon reach his full height 🤪

Shame, your wife is your soul mate, and you will just have to see to it that the fridge is full of delicacies and other things all of the time when she travels with you. Women can clear a fridge in one day, and a small fridge is going to be trouble to keep full. Maybe you can install 3 small fridges 😁 !LOLZ

Everyone is saying that this winter is worse than last winter, as the weather has increased in ferocity. Bigger raindrops and stronger winds. I thought that we only had one typhoon, but now in the news, there was a second one. Typhoons are very rare in South Africa, and I have never seen one. Our Papillon board member in Struisbaai sent me a video of their flooded roads and missing bridges this morning, so, it is really terrible, as they can't go anywhere. You are lucky in Austria, and the Germany issue is a sad situation 🙏

Should be good to take trip, and you still have 4 days of the break left until Sunday 😉
Raining here, but thankfully only a light wind, and so we can hear the river water racing to the ocean.
I discussed a patience lesson in my post today and hinted on an impatient friend on Hive 🤣

Hope that your trip will be great, and that you can get more of your lovely photos.

Cheers and thanks.


Good evening Zac,

a million thanks to you and to Marian 🙏😊
The reflection shot is the one that everyone takes there - it's only a puddle, but it looks like a lake 😜

Yep, we have been talking about your stepbrothers and that they are even a lot taller than you.

3 small fridges in the van would mean that my wife definitely has to make them full of delicious goodies, but unfortunately she has to stay at home because the fridges take all free space and also the passenger seat ... or I could buy a roof box for the van, where she can sleep while I drive to our destination. That way I don't need to hear her complaining about my driving 😂 !LOLZ

Mother Nature is changing the world - climate change, global warming... - and so we soon might not be the lucky ones anymore. Maybe your weather will turn the one we have had before 👉👍

I have commented on that post just before 😁

It's hot here with thunderstorms in the afternoons. I have just come back from my little trip to Lower Austria and haven't looked through the photos yet, but I hope that at least one or two will be good enough to show you in one of my next replies 😀

Have a nice evening and a fabulous Friday tomorrow, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Marian says that it is our pleasure 😉
Well, I say that it is a beautiful puddle, as it is a real classy shot. I also took some shots of rain puddles today, and here's one. Not as fancy as yours.

!LOLZ, your wife will insist that you must cut a square opening in the roof above the driver seat, so that she can reprimand you when the roof box rattles her ribs too much, while you are driving. and then I don't want to be you when you arrive at the destination, and she climbs down from the roof to physically sort you out. Afterwards you might have some missing teeth, and then all of the nice goodies in the fridges will be for her, because you cannot chew. So as a precaution, you must also get some of those packets of instant soup for you to drink 🤣🤣🤪

Late this afternoon some blue sky started to appear, and after 4 days of dark and wet rain, that left a lot of damages, the weatherman reckons that from tomorrow we might get some sun 🙏

Yep, I saw your comment and replied 😉

I hope that many more of your photos will be good, and now you have only 3 days of the break left. 1 day for another tour, then 1 day to finish the van, and the last day for relaxing and sleeping sounds good to me 😊

May you also have a great weekend my friend 😀

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I will do the real reply later, because it's too much for typing on the phone 🤣 !LOLZ

I slept a bit too long and so I was too late for sunrise, then the mountain meadow I wanted to go to for a walk was closed for the public because it's private area and because of the cows. Now I'm sitting here on an old wooden bench and in a minute I will drive on ... maybe I'll find another spot fir photos or I go home 🤔

This is my view at the moment - not so bad I would say 😉

Your photo is lovely - it's not a well known classic shot in the Dolomites, but nevertheless it's a nice place 👍😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good morning Hannes,

I think that we should cut that long reply down to size, else my fingers will become like yours, and your fingers will get even worse, which is what I don't want 🙏 !LOLZ

A pity that you couldn't get the sunrise, but rest s more important, as soon you will be back at work again. One thing that I am glad about, is that you get a taste of what will be available to you in the freedom of retirement 😊

I simply hate it when I see a beautiful place filled with nature, and I cannot go in as there are private signs all over the place. No man should be allowed to own a mountain, especially if it blocks the public from going to a mountain. We have many private farms here that blocks the way 🥴

So, instead of "Sitting on the dock of the bay" (a song), you sit on an old wooden park bench daydreaming 🤪 Those are indeed wonderful views, and great captures my friend 👍😊

Thank you and maybe one day I will also get to visit the dolomites, as your photos show that it's a stunning place. My photos cannot compare 😉

Cheers and thanks.


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Good evening Zac,

now the final reply for today 😀

No trip yesterday nor today, but tomorrow I'll go on a little hike with my wife, so I'll probably not be online till Monday 😉

No sunrise today, but I got this image - my first dragonfly in flight. I know it's very small, but it was quite some distance away too and I'm happy that I got it 😆

Our mountains and forests are free to walk in and up and around, of course. The meadow I wanted to go today is farmland on that mountain and there were cows grazing on it too. I don't fear cows and do know how to behave, but you never know, and since the farmer says it's forbidden ... especially tourists often don't care and walk through open farm fields and alpine meadows with cows grazing there. Sometimes they even have dogs with them and when a cow has a calf the cow could get mad, if you understand.

In two days I'll be back at work and since my wife has told me a few things, it will be a hard first day... 😅

The Dolomites are full of people during late Spring and Summer and also in the Autumn there are countless people everywhere. I try to be up early in the morning and so I mostly avoid the masses.

Wishing you two guys a wonderful Sunday tomorrow 😊🌞

Yesterday I took some photos of the van ... still a lot small things to do, but all in all it will stay like it is, at least for a while 😉

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Good evening Hannes,

Great to see that you will both be going on a walk, and I know that you really love her, so it's always a good thing ❤️

Wow! So now you got yourself a Damselfly and it looks almost identical to the ones that we have here. The blue on its body and the tip of its tail tells me that it might belong to the 'Platycnemididae" family. You will have to google the family name to see if you also have them over there.
Congratulations 😲

I think that I was just a bit upset about not having access to the mountains my friend, but now you led me to reconsider. I imagine that if I had a farm, I would also not want strangers on it, especially over here where litter is a big problem, and then of course, we also have a big crime problem. So, yes, I understand and kudos to you for rather staying away, as one can never know if a cow wants you for breakfast 🤪

It will be what it will be when you get back to work my friend, but I know you will be able to sort it all out, so don't worry about it too much 😊👍

I saw how you love the Dolomites and yes, you like to get out when there are no crowds around. I am similar, and one has to go out in the off seasons, as there will always be a beautiful spot off the beaten track, and you found most of them.

Ps. I called Marian to see the photos of the van and she says that you are a very resourceful man. Now I am jealous 😁 The van looks superb and homely, and quant like Marian says. You have really done an excellent job on it, and it's going to serve you for many years. Once more I say congratulations as I ❤️ the van.

I really hope that your Monday will be too tough and enjoy your Sunday my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I take the advantage of having a few minutes alone here in the office. The first few days have been long and hard, and so I didn't even think of turning the computer on at home. From today on my boss is on vacation for a couple of weeks, so I'll be working on two desks 😅

My wife and I have been on this hike on Sunday, but rain catched us and so it has been a rather short hike of about an hour or so. 10 minutes afert we've been back to the car, the sun came back and we've had a nice breakfast with beautiful views on a parking space beside the mountain road 😀

Damselfly or Dragonfly - it was so small and far away that I couldn't tell, but I was happy to catch it like I wanted - thank you 😁

One problem the farmers have, is that if someone has an accident on the property of a farmer, of if a farmer's cow attacks someone, they make the farmer responsible. Some farmers have special insurances which cover such things, but not all.

I'm happy that Marian and you like the van. I'm still working on it and after making one thing I have the next idea 😅 !LOLZ

So, my colleagues have arrived and I got to do something - wishing you a lovely Thursday, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉




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Good evening Hannes,

I was wondering about how you were doing on your first days back, as it normally took me a week to establish normalcy when I returned from a break. So now you have to wear two hats every day. That how we describe your situation of standing in for the boss over here. It means doing your own work, plus the added work of the absent boss 😉

That sounds so nice to my ears, even if it was only an hour of the hike, as afterwards that breakfast and the lovely views were a perfect ending to the outing ❤️

I didn't mean to correct you my friend, as I will never do that. It is just that I have a lot of experience with the Odonata species, and you took the photos so well that I could immediately see that it was a Damselfly. Even if the insect was far away, your photos could still tell me what it was 😊

You are right about the accident problem by strangers entering properties without permission, and over here all the farms have signboards stating that "You are entering this property at your own risk. In no way whatsoever may the owner be held responsible if you get injured on the property". I don't know too much about it, but I think that if those signs are up, then the insurance companies refuse to pay out any claims. The shops also have the signs.

One thing that I can tell you is that you will never stop working on the van, as you will always have a new idea 😁 !LOLZ

Oh! thank you for telling me it's Thursday, as I was just another day. Have a great Friday my friend, and I am glad that your first week back was not so bad.

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

it's finally Friday, but I've got to work tomorrow, so my weekend will be rather short 😅
I'm still working on some things that haven't been done while I was gone, and that have been done wrong. Two colleagues haven't been in the office this week, so the work that should already have been done will hopefully be done next week. The next few weeks are going to be a lot harder than normal, because there are some tasks to do which are really no simple things ... 🤷‍♂️

Yep, it was really cool at this place and we'll certainly do this hike again, but this time we'll have the breakfast on a little mountain peak or at a lake that's just below that mountain 😀

Haha, I know that you're much better than me, but I didn't look that intense on the images to find out that it's a Damselfly. Next time it will be a big Dragonfly 👍

The law about such things is complicated and there have been arguments about this since I was young, and certainly even before. I always try to be careful and respect the property of other people, but many people don't care - annoy the farm animals, leave their trash on the path and so on. That's not right and I really understand everyone who doesn't want any people on their property.

There are only a few little things to do until I can say that the van is finished, but there will always be something to do to make it better or more efficient 😉

It's cold today, but later the sun should warm us just like she should do this time of year - I hope the weatherman is right, but I wouldn't mind bad weather tomorrow, because I'll be at work anyway 😁

I'm wishing you two guys nice and warm weather and a great start into the hopefully beautiful weekend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉








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Now, I first reply to this reply of yours 😉

There will be no hole in the roof - who said that I'll open the box when we are at our destination - if she's shouting that loud up there with me while I'm driving, I think I'll do the hike alone and she can calm down in the meantime 😂 !LOLZ

It's hot here, but just like yesterday we are waiting for a storm, hopefully without any hail stones.

The rest will be in the other reply 😆

Cheers and !BEER


Headline news in the media, "Senior policeman arrested for locking his screaming wife in a box on his van's roof" 🥴 You will become an instant celebrity for all of the wrong reasons, as the news will go viral across the world 🤣🤣🤣 !LOLZ

You are blessed with warm weather, as here we are freezing at night. Last year we bought some hot water bottles, but at the second use they both started to leak in the bed. So, we scrapped them. I hope that you will not get any hail there my friend 🙏

Cheers and thanks.


Haha, maybe I'll become famous and millions of men will ask me for more ideas on how to lock away the wifes, and I can quit this job even earlier 😂 !LOLZ

We are really blessed with the weather: although it has been raining for over a week, no storm, no hail ... in our neighbor states they have really bad floods, but here it's only raining. Hope it stays this way.

When I was young we've had electric blankets which kept us warm during the night in Winter. But with your power cuts they might not be an option for you. We also have such hot water bottles made from rubber. Sometimes they also leaked when the plug wasn't screwed in completely. But you still have the option to warm each other up 😉

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Oh man, you obviously don't know women very well. After you sold some guys the ideas, you will have an army of women outside with posters and screaming for your head to be handed to them on a platter. So. I really think that your idea to get riches is very advisable 😲 !LOLZ

Very similar to our own situation, as we had some floods here, but in the other coastal towns, the weather was much more severe, including 2 tornados in the KZN province. Great and bad damages were created over there by the storms.

Oh? electric blankets and all. You were so spoiled when you were young. When I was a child, there were no electric blankets, and on the farm, bricks were warmed in a big coal stove. Then the hot bricks were wrapped in brown paper and placed in our beds. Yesterday, we went to look for an electric blanket, but they were too expensive for us to get a full one. So, we made a plan and bought a small single bed electric blanket, and now it keeps our feet warm during the night 😉

Cheers and thanks.


Hey, my friend, after I have sold the ideas, I'll have enough money to buy a remote island where the'll never find me. I might even be able to afford a little army of security guards who protect the island just in case that one of these mad women is able to swim through the sharks around the island 😂 !LOLZ

Today's weather seems to get better and we'll even see the sun, says the weatherman 🌞 But it's quite cold at the moment - about 10C.

When the temperatures in the room where you sleep goes far below zero during the night, and you wake up under a frozen blanket, you need something to warm you. In the mornings we had to scratch the ice from the window to be able to see how the weather outside is 🥶 Energy wasn't expensive back then, and I think that everyone had such an electric blanket, so they haven't been that expensive either, I believe.
To have warm feet is most important at night - when the feet are warm, the whole body feels much warmer. I hope that the blanket will keep you warm and cozy 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉


Oh, so you want to be a modern day Robinson Crusoe, with the difference that you will be a rich one. Now, the ladies are very clever, and they will hire a helicopter, to fly over the island to drop some gifts for you on the island. 2 boxes filled with Tarantula spiders, and 2 boxes filled with King Cobras. Also 2 boxes filled with hundreds of mosquitos. So, if a spider doesn't get you, a snake will, and in the meantime the mosquitos will have a party visiting you at night 🤪 !LOLZ

Ah! We don't go to -0 over here, but years ago, I built a tin shack on a construction site, as I was far from home and during winter the water would freeze up. So, I have an idea what you are talking about, as at -5 it must get very bad. I agree with you about having warm feet to sleep, as I simply cannot sleep with cold feet, so the little electric blanket is fitted across the width of the bed at the foot end, and I am happy to tell you that it works very well. No more cold feet 😊

Cheers and thanks.


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I'm in the other office now and it seems that Mother Nature is teasing me, because the sun is shining and she will probably let it rain tomorrow ... have a nice day, my friend 🌞

Cheers and !BEER


Hahaha, she likes to tease us, but you can never know, as she is a female, and you know that they can change their minds in an instant 😁!LOLZ


Yep, she was changing her mind quite often yesterday: it was a mixed-weather day - rain and sunshine and rain again, but I've had a quite nice shift.

Cheers and !BEER




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Cheers and !BEER 🍻




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