Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Write The Words You Need To Hear!


Forgiveness is said to be the most encouraging words and it is what I want to hear right now, showing this traits means you are at the right ends.

When you are able to forgive people maybe for the wrong the have done to you, we can only believe that you are right about it and it is what a good man should do.
It is good to Forgive one another.

Another words I will like to hear is congratulations, this is one of the most popular words when it to come someone Achieving it aims in life, congratulations is better and good when we refer to someone for their good act, saying this to people means you wish them very well and you need the best for them also.

Congratulations to me is a loveable word and an encouragement for a work well-done.

Saying this to someone would make that person put more effort than expected and will be better and better in it's performance.
Eve without being told to performed a particular duty, he or she will have to do it, Inorder to keep his good name and be congratulate as ever.

Thereafter, I wouldn't forget Happiness and Thanksgiving, I will want and always want to hear happiness and Thanksgiving in my life and the life of my neighbors.

Hearing Thanksgiving is a thing of joy and knowing that the person closed to you is happy Will be a kind of happiness to you also, as you will see that they are doing good and that is why they are happy.

Happiness and Thanksgiving is what i would want to be hearing also.


Truth: I would not forget the most important words that is so Paramount to any spheres of life, when truth is told, peaceful coexistence will adhere in that certain place.

But when a person is unable to be open and keep doing things in a bad and unpleasant way that is when it is not favourable to the people around him.

Displaying truth in all angles is displaying good deed and better living, one should understand that Truth conveys power and love, when they are aware that you operate with utmost truth they will develop value for you in all costs and their loves for you as well will develop.

But when they find out that all the things you said are lies, they will tends to leave your ends and stop engaging with you at some point.

Living a life of truth can easily turns things around for you and your family. For instance, if they Knew that, the people in your family do not tells lies, honestly, you will be regarded in the same aspects, that you wouldn't tell lies also, since your family members are always truthful.

Family are our backbone.

Lastly, the words I will want to hear is family and friends, because without these two, I can not be to where I am today, the are the backbone of everything and they support, encourage and show love in anyway you didn't expect, making you to live a life of greatness.
