Government lead in factors of production, Balance in Economics, And Citizens well-being


The reasons why most country experiences high cost of goods, is because of it government privatizing most it factors of production, which includes, land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship.

When government involvements in this things are at minimal, it simply means private individuals would take charge and the truth is, no private individuals will go into business without the sole purpose of maximizing profits.


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Now, It is this too much thinking of making profits by this Individual that endangered the well-being of the people, which is one of the reasons many country face high cost of goods and services.

When goods are sold at a price, rather than that it should be sold, the citizens suffers and we called it, an economic meltdown, meanwhile, if the government take it as it roles, to keep everything in check and not privatizing the importants factors of production, it would not be a problem in anyway to it citizens and to it development at large.

without the economic of a country, being in a better point, the country will face so much in terms of high prices of it goods, both in exports and imports, I see it that, for a prosper thing to be done in a country.

Socialism system of economic should be adopted in a country and not at a minimal, socialism systems is the best whereby only government determine prices of products.

Why do I say accept socialism system is the best, it is because, government take care of it people's and when it finds out that, the products or good's are too costly, the government would subsidized the price to suit a common man.

Problems that most country's of the world face, especially, the third world country are trying to give rise to the capitalism system and allowing this system to be ahead of the socialism.

Then what is socialism: this is an economic system, whereby the factors of production are mainly control by the government, without any involvement of any private man in the system, capitalism on the other hand, is the utmost involvement of individual that controls this factors to their own advantage alone.

Looking at this assumptions, it is true that capitalism, lead the people to face difficulties.

I tends to see a picture of mix economic, this system, to some extent keep things in balance, whereby the government give acceptance to individual men to operate with this factors but also be on the watch, if what is done, is at the right way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've once been taught about capitalism and socialism before back in secondary school and I totally agree with your points. Capitalism will surely lead to the people facing more difficulties and stagnation.
