pride boosting ourselves is worth it


What is Pride: Pride is our personality, our ego, the characteristics that make us the person we are, if a man's pride is taking that person away from him, he will live in a vacuum, because he would no longer have a purpose to which he hold on, that's why most people don't want their personalities to be destroyed because once that happens, their life will be like an empty world to them.

Now to make it more interesting, our pride gives us purpose in our business and in our wider environment, that is why parents teach their children good morals so that they know the good part to follow in their lives and do not fall into wrong doctrines when the children grow.

How ​​can we maintain the value of our pride?

For us, maintaining this pride and not falling into bad habits includes:

Honesty: We must be realistic with ourselves and with our neighbors, when we do not lie, it is easy for people to trust us, if trust is high on your part, you will not have problems relating to people. who would like to be in connection with you.
those who play for real get great things than those who lie to others.

Be a timekeeper: Watching others' backs can also increase your pride value, people need love, be happy in your trades, when one supports others' ideas, it also brings goodwill to their name, then he will also be seen as someone who is prominent for himself and for others.

Communism: what is communism, it's just doing something in the same picture with others, sharing our belongings, this is one of the good factors that can keep our personality high, giving and sharing love, it's these great words, which is "the givers are never lacking".
When a man builds a spirit of communism, his personality increases in time without delay.

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Our ego most of the time deprives us of the possibility of being happy, of living in harmony with our fellow men.


True, that is if we took it the wrong way. Thank you for saying this.
