The Hindrance that wanted to break our family


Family is a call to stop loneliness, it was my father's wish to married a second wife into the family, my mother kicked against it and said if my father should go on with his plans of marrying a second wife she is going to divorce their marriage and our family will be broken, i felt it and on that very Saturday I decided to have a word with my father, he took me inside his room since I let him know what I wants to discuss with him is confidential, by the time we finished our discussions my father had changed his mind and I was so happy about it, I didn't know how I managed to convinced him but at the end my words were so strong that it could make him change his intentions of having a second wife.

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I went and talked to my mother that father had considered a change of heart but it would not make any sense if she ever considered divorced in our family, _how about her children's? I said to her. _what would happen to them if she's not around to watch and protect them, no other mother would protect and teach morales to your children's more than you, it was a good thing I was around at this time and I just see myself being the one that unite our family when temptation wanted to come in and tear us apart, in every family there must be that one time when temptation comes, the temptation is just a way of testing the people of the family if they really understand the concept of a family which is unity, if at anytime a family members failed to dissolve their family issues, but allow hindrances to wins over them, that means their home will be broken.

A family comprised of people who have the same interests, visions and must not make any of it members weary, now i think about what I said that I was able to make my father understand my point of view and stop pushing up with his plans of marrying another wife then i realized i make used of this words weary, in my statement when we had our private talk. I asked him, How would it profits him if he loose his family because of marrying a second wife, but on the other hand I was afraid of our family breaking apart and my mother and my siblings going separate ways, I like it so much the way we live in oneness and sharing the same thing as a family.
I am happy that I fought and retain unity in our family.
