Ask leo: How important is it to have a healthy Financial and investment plan for any business....



Nothing beats having a good and proper financial plan for the future of our business, it could be for plans that would last decades and even get to a century this is what has kept many business on their feet even when their counterparts are crashing out of business.

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Constant healthy investment has always been a strategy that has produced millionaires amongst us and it is important for me as someone who is planning for something big in to future to start preparing from now, you can start with owning your first assets either in form of crypto like hive and leo or in form of any other type of currency, but growning this assets till it gets bigger is not easy or it is even impossible to archive.

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Setting investment plans can now help you archive and get to place you never thought you could be, a proper plan would see save a small chunk of capital on every agreed date and the harder you push yourself to do this the more you would make.

Let's say I decide to invest $7 everyweek equating to a dollar per depending on my income then I would be having $365 at the end of the year which means that I would have made a the size of money that I can only get by receiving loans that would come with hefty interest of up to 20 percent saving my self the stress of facing a debtor and the heavy interest just by saving from the abundant I would be spending everyday and this looks easier for me without a doubt since I might have been spending that same amount on things I shouldn't be spending them on.

So it is not always about buying want but what you need so the money spent on some of those unimportant things can as well go into your investment plan.

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