Liberty / Art + Real life short story

Arte Digital | Digital Art

Saludos querida comunidad, bienvenido una vez mas aun nuevo proceso de arte. estoy enamorado de este trabajo, es tal cual me siento ahora mismo, me aleje de lo malo, de aquello que no esta bien. se siente bien abrir los ojos a tiempo e impedir que enfermedades toxicas te contagien, es una enfermedad grave debe tratarse urgente, llega te envuelve te ciega, es dificil de salir solo te da una oportunidad y es cuando te ataca, si aceptas el perdon es demasido tarde, mucho mas cuando afecta a seres importantes en tu vida. ese perdon falso e hipocrita es el final decisivo para decidir terminar o continuar hundido en lo irremediable. No conozco muy bien el nombre que pueda tener esta enfermedad, pero abarca distintos sintomas como la bipolaridad, el creerse mejor que todos en todos los aspectos, chistes disfrazados con mucha realidad en ello, espionaje para burla, inconformidad y muchos otros mas. Algo realmente toxico y contagioso si es que no despertamos a tiempo. Libre, asi me siento y muy feliz, espero no encontrar nunca jamas a otra persona igual. Ven acompañame a ver el proceso de creacion...

Greetings dear community, welcome once again to a new art process. I'm in love with this job, it's the way I feel right now, I kept away from the bad, from what is not right. It feels good to open your eyes on time and prevent toxic diseases from infecting you, it is a serious illness that must be treated urgently, it comes around you, it blinds you, it is difficult to get out, it only gives you an opportunity and that is when it attacks you, if you accept forgiveness it is too late, much more when it affects important beings in your life. That false and hypocritical forgiveness is the decisive definitive to decide to end or continue sunk in the irremediable. I do not know very well the name that this disease may have, but it covers different symptoms such as bipolarity, believing that one is better than everyone in all aspects, jokes disguised with a lot of reality in it, espionage for mockery, nonconformity and many others. Something really toxic and contagious if we don't wake up in time. Free, that's how I feel and very happy, I hope I never find another person like him. Come join me to see the creation process...

¡Espero te guste! | I hope you like!

Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación

Copia de Present Siren 33 Editions (70).png

Materiales | Materials

  • Mini laptop
  • Tableta Huion H950P
  • Programa Adobe Photoshop 2019
  • Mini laptop
  • Huion H950P tablet
  • Adobe Photoshop 2019 program


Proceso | Process

El primer paso para llegar a un trabajo final es obtener el boceto, este contiene mayor parte de lo que queremos lograr:

The first step to reach a final work is to obtain the sketch, it contains most of what we want to achieve:

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 180243.png

En este paso selecionamos los colores de la piel, un tono principal que funcionara como base, partiendo de este un tono medio y adicional a este uno oscuro para las sombras, y un color mas claro para las zonas altas o donde por ley debe ser mas claro el color:

In this step we select the colors of the skin, a main tone that will work as a base, starting from this a medium tone and additional to this one dark for the shadows, and a lighter color for the high areas or where by law it must be more clear color:

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 175832.png

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 180225.png

En este paso lo que hice fui mezclar todos los tonos de color que agregue anteriormente, para este paso use un pincel difuso funciono perfecto para suavizar y mezclar los colores agregados anteriormente, tambien añadi su cabello un tono base para continuar dando forma a sus labios y forma y volumen en sus parpados cerrados:

In this step what I did was I mixed all the color tones that they added previously, for this step I used a diffuse brush it worked perfect to soften and mix the colors added previously, I also added a base tone to her hair to continue shaping her lips and shape and volume in their closed eyelids:

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 182057.png

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 182702.png

Continue dando forma a sus pestañas y agregando zonas profundas en su cabello, elimine las lineas del boceto inicial y detalle con el pincel suave de cerdas para cebello:

Continue to shape her lashes and add areas deep into her hair, removing the lines of the initial sketch and detailing with the soft bristle stubble brush:

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 184510.png

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-21 190714.png

Nos enfocamos en algunos detalles y asi fue como obtuve el resultado final:

We focused on some details and this is how I got the final result:


Obtuvimos un resultado increible disfrute mucho del proceso de creacion. Espero les haya gustado lo he elaborado con cariño para todos los espectadores que visitan esta publicacion, nos vemos en la próxima 😍

We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍

¿Cómo pintar la piel en Photoshop? (piel difusa) | How to paint skin in Photoshop? (fuzzy skin)


Thank you for sharing this post on HIVE!

Your content got selected by our fellow curator jasonmunapasee & you just received a little thank you upvote from us for your great work! Your post will be featured in one of our recurring compilations which are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within the DIY scene of Hive. Next time make sure to post / cross-post your creation within the DIYHub community on HIVE and you will receive a higher upvote ;) Stay creative & HIVE ON!

Please vote for our hive witness <3


Beautiful art, I congratulate you, and I understand you, nothing like seeing the final result of our work.

Un hermoso arte, te felicito, y te entiendo, nada como ver el resultado final de nuestro trabajo😍


I really loved the sketch work! If you overlayed it your colour, it would also make a really nice piece. I love the work on the lips too. And also.. nice work on translating to both spanish and english - me encanta!
