A third arm


A third arm


Researchers from Japan's Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and the University of Tokyo recently developed AugLimb a compact robotic limb that can help us complete a variety of tasks.

This new limb can extend up to 250 millimeters and essentially serves as a third arm, so it could be particularly useful in situations where humans complete tasks that involve a significant amount of object manipulation, such as cooking or cleaning.


The researchers also believe that it could be used by physicians who perform surgical operations, construction workers and other professionals who complete manual tasks on a daily basis, the robotic arm is still in a prototype stage however the team plans to continue testing it and improving its capabilities. to make it increasingly effective and commercially viable.


Researchers believe that AugLimb will be as popular as smartwatches as anyone from the elderly to a child will be able to wear it comfortably throughout the day, Leave me in the comments if you think this third arm would be useful to you in your work or other activities you do.


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