A universe with a lot of “hungry”

A universe with a lot of “hungry”

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The planets that orbit close to their star seem to be common in stars similar to the sun, some of the size of Jupiter and larger have been found, they are scorched planets and doomed to be devoured by their star, however, the final moment of the event of the destruction had never been directly observed until now.

The star with the nice name of ZTF SLRN-2020 is a star similar to the sun, it is located about 13,000 light years away, it is within our own galaxy, astronomers captured a short-lived outburst in it accompanied by a bright infrared emission and long lasting.

That meant the star became 100 times brighter than normal over a 10-day period, emitting a long-lasting, cold signal. The scientists were able to calculate the amount of energy emitted, and it matched the star's fall or absorption by a planet. about 10 times the mass of Jupiter.

Astronomers compare the explosion to that of a Nova, but instead of exploding a star, which is what normally happens in a Nova, what happened in this case was the destruction of a planet, which is why they have given it the name sub red Nova. luminous.

Scientists calculate that events of this type can occur several a year, so future observations will now be able to identify those flashes that mark the end of a world, something that astronomers estimate will also happen to Mercury, Venus and the earth, when within a few 5,000 million years ago, it ended up devoured by the sun in its great expansion at the end of its days.


A planet devoured by its star and a few days before at the end of April, a team of astronomers from MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced that they had captured a black hole devouring a star.

We live in a cosmic jungle and it is not the first time that a phenomenon of this type has been discovered, but this is one of the first times that scientists have directly identified it in infrared wavelengths and above all it is the closest event discovered to us. .

The flash that produced the destruction of the Star was found in NGC 7392, a galaxy that is about 137 million light years away, it is a very long distance but it corresponds to a region of our galactic backyard, if the universe were a big city the end of that star would be located a few streets beyond our galaxy The Milky Way.

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Astronomers calculate that once every 10,000 years or so the center of a galaxy is illuminated when its supermassive black hole rips apart a star that has come too close, a phenomenon called a tidal disruption event that occurs literally in an instant as that the central black hole pulls in stellar material and expels enormous amounts of radiation in the process.

Astronomers know about 100 tidal disruption events in distant galaxies, the team of researchers estimated that the supermassive black hole that swallowed the star is about 30 million times more massive than the sun that is almost 10 times bigger than the supermassive black hole that we have at the center of our beloved Milky Way.

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