The weapon we have always feared.


The weapon we have always feared.


In 1962 it was the hottest moment of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, they played the game of who had the biggest stick, in this case the sticks were weapons of mass destruction known as nuclear weapons and the two countries competed in the race to have the largest arsenal to convince the enemy not to attack; - You have all those missiles, I have these, and if you throw yours at me, I'll throw mine at you and we'll all leave, even those who don't have a candle in this funeral.

Just the stress of knowing that the enemy is pointing their nukes at you all the time, while you point yours at them and a button is the only thing that separates them from mutually assured annihilation, back then there were four countries with the capability to produce nuclear weapons, the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and France and they made sure that the whole world knew about it especially the United States and the Soviet Union that they were doing nuclear tests like we thundered rockets and fireworks.

Detonaciones nucleares

In the previous video, a nuclear test is shown in each flash, above is the marker along with the month and year, the times have not changed, the same is still crazy, atomic bombs and thermonuclear bombs were tested that were much more powerful on the surface , in the air dropped from planes, fired from cannons, underground and under the sea.

Favorite places were desert tundras and atolls surrounded by ocean each power had its favorite places, the United States had the desert of New Mexico and Nevada, reasonably far from major cities to the east and coincidentally close to neighboring Mexico to the south, but also They did a lot of testing in the Pacific on islands and atolls that were not always far from island populations.


The Soviet Union mainly used a desert in Kazakhstan and the Yuzny Island in the Arctic, but also large tracts of tundra in the middle of the territory, the United Kingdom never used its main Islands for obvious reasons, they are very small and inhabited by important people, and in their Instead it used Australian territory and France followed the trend by using Nigeria in Africa and various Pacific atolls as its testing ground and nuclear dump.

The colonial powers always endearing themselves to the colonies, very nice, but in 1958 the United States carried out a new type of test where in space, and something did not go as expected, an electromagnetic pulse was generated that affected the protective magnetic field of the earth, whose effect is unknown to this day, from that moment on, high-altitude nuclear tests were prohibited.

There are many more things that we do not know than those that we do know, today we are at a point where the powers have the most powerful weapons ever built and their scope is unlimited, we must not play with force that we do not know, we must be prudent in our actions.




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