What is being seen in climate change


What is being seen in climate change

Image created by me in playgroundai

About global warming today

In truth, there is a lot of misinformation about it, especially from the media that transmits well-planned propaganda, which shows characters like Greta Tumber who left school and now talks about climate change as an expert, this is because the planners have an agenda; The term global warming is not new and it started with a lot of force when Congressman A Gore produced “an Inconvenient Truth”, it was very convincing at first glance, but like all information it can be manipulated, misrepresented, changed and interpreted.

The Hard Fact of "an Inconvenient truth" is that it showed us that C02 concentrations had never been so high, if true, but in a single given period; and to say that it had never been so high is false; Because the concentrations of C02 have been high in other periods of the earth, and it is not conclusive that the influence of man is the cause of warming, there are many variables to study.

In addition to the conflicts of interest that not only this congressman has with companies linked to alternative energy that moves millions of dollars, it creates many reasonable doubts about it.

Scientists behave like a herd, especially when you throw millions and millions of dollars at them to find an answer, then they are all going to act in the same way; An example of this is the consensus of 97%, 97% of doctors said that babies should sleep on their stomachs, and this was believed for 30 years, then this consensus changed and now they recommend that babies should sleep on their stomachs.

Image created by me in playgroundai

They are weather manipulation.

As I said before, the earth system has many variables and its prediction is very complex; It is not convenient at this stage of humanity to try to manipulate the climate, because we do not know the consequences that this can bring, with more studies that are said to have been done, which are very few and inconclusive.

Even so, many countries have tried to manipulate the weather, either for political expediency or regional circumstances; The most notorious case in history is in the Vietnam War, where the US Army sprayed huge amounts of rain-producing compound, and supposedly extended the monsoon cycle by three months, they still lost that war.

Recognized methods of artificial weather manipulation

Surely there are others, but the most famous and practiced method is cloud bombardment, which consists of releasing into the atmosphere a compound whose particles will serve as a nucleation center to agglomerate gothic water and form larger drops to fall in the form of liquid rain by its own weight.

But spraying silver iodide and glycerin can not be good for the environment or yes, not really, for the environment silver iodide is a toxic compound and can affect animals, bacteria, fungi and algae.

Another method that I found out recently that, coming from the mind of Bill Gates, another character, who wants to bombard the moon to release huge amounts of regolith and form a cloud of dust that would cover the planet earth and stop the sun's rays to decrease the temperature and avoid climate change, what a great plan, do not believe.

My prediction

In my opinion, the climate is going to be maintained, as long as it does not carry out experiments that really harm the normal cycle of the climate, there are many governments and institutions that experiment with the climate, for their own interests. I hope the earth does not suffer, for future generations.

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