[ESP/ENG] Hustle: a movie not just for basketball fans (although the latter will love it).


Saludos amigos!! hoy quisiera compartir con ustedes con respecto a una película estrenada el 8 de junio en la plataforma Netflix y no es otra película que Hustle o como Garra como se titula en español.

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Esta película es protagonizada por Adam Sandler como Stanley Sugerman, un cazatalentos para un equipo de la NBA y Juancho Hernángómezjugador profesional de baloncesto de origen Español que interpreta a una jovén promesa para la liga. producida por Sandler y el astro de la NBA Lebro James, tuvo un rodaje realizado en su mayoría a partir de la segunda mitad del convulsionado año 2020, y tiene una duración de una hora con 58 minutos

Adam Sandler: Stanley Sugerman, un cazatalentos de la NBA
Juancho Hernangómez: Bo Cruz, el jugador de baloncesto
Queen Latifah: Teresa Sugerman, esposa de Stanley
Anthony Edwards: Kermit Wilt-Washington, jugador y rival de Bo
Kenny Smith: Leon Rich, agente deportivo y amigo de Stanley
Robert Duvall: Rex Merrick, dueño de los 76ers
Ben Foster: Vince Merrick, hijo de Rex y dueño de los 76ers
Jordania Hull como Alex Sugerman, la hija de Stanley
Heidi Gardner como Kat Merrick, la hija de Rex
María Botto como Paola Cruz, la madre de Bo
Ainhoa Pillet como Lucia Cruz, la hija de Bo

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Trama de la película

La película se basa en una receta que ha sido incluida en muchas de este ambito, Stanley Sugerman es un cazatalentos para un equipo de la NBA que no esta en sus mejores años cuando se encuentra a una promesa inesperada, en Cruz, a partir de lo cual ambos cruzan sus caminos, para lograr la meta deseada, por cualquier jugador de baloncesto, llegar hasta la mejor liga del mundo

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Adam Sandler sigue demostrando que es más que comedia.

A pesar que muchas personas han demostrado cierta adversión hacia Sandler por sus comedias con chistes repetitivos, (en realidad muchos de sus chistes hacen referencia a otras situaciones que se repiten de película e Película) en los ultimos años con Uncut Gems, y esta película muestra que puede entretenernos sin la necesidad de realizar esos chistes sin sentido que a muchos nos pueden gustar pero a otros no.

En esta película Sandler desarrolla un personaje capaz de mostrar simpatía, tristeza, emoción y sobre todo un amor al deporte (de hecho Adam Sandler es conocido un amante del baloncesto) en si mismo unser humano complejo, con pasiones, y amore, con responsabilidades y emociones, para recordarnos lo buen actor que es.

La escencia del baloncesto dentro del cine.

Si algo me sorprendió fué lo adecuado de las intepretaciones de los jugadores de baloncesto dentro de la película, desde Kenny Smith que podría pasar desaprceibido como exjugador para los que no conocen el mundo de la NBA, como la actuación del jugador y gran prospecto Anthony Edwards como antagonista, el personaje de Hérnangomez como Bo Cruz fue un acierto total, por varios puntos.

  • Es un legítimo jugador de la NBA, Hérnangómez es un jugador que ha pasado por varios equipos de la liga (actualmente con los Utah Jazz, y previamente pasó por equipos como los Boston Celtics y los Minnesota Timbenwolves, en este último fué compañero de equipo de Edwards) y ha sido un destacado de las competiciones internacionales con la selección de España. Sin embargo no es tan reconocido fuera de este medio, por lo cual me parece positivo para que el espectador se meta en la trama, más que si un Lebron James actuara.

  • Su papel es totalmente creible, en lo particular he visto peores actuaciones de actores profesionales, ya que no desentona con que puede sentir un personaje como el suyo, hasta diría que futuro tiene en el ramo.

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El resto de los papeles no desentonan.

Esto no es del todo cierto, en lo particular el villano de la película pudo ser el punto final de un drama deportivo (y no hablo del jugador de baloncesto sino del ejecutivo) pero no se le vió una gran presencia en la película. Pero Queen Latifa y el resto del reparto hicieron su parte de forma más que adecuada.

Un deleite para los amantes del baloncesto

Muchos jugadores y entrenadores actuales y anteriores de la NBA se representan a sí mismos o a otros personajes. Trae Young, Jordan Clarkson, Khris Middleton, Aaron Gordon, Kyle Lowry, Seth Curry, Luka Doncic, Tobias Harris, Tyrese Maxey, Matisse Thybulle, Julius Erving, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal, Allen Iverson, Dirk Nowitzki, Brad Stevens, Doc Rivers y Sergio Scariolo se interpretan a sí mismos, mientras que Boban Marjanovic interpreta al "Gran serbio" y Moritz Wagner al "Haas" alemán. También aparecen los jugadores callejeros Grayson "The Professor" Boucher y Larry "Bone Collector" Williams. fuente

Muchos de los cameos o apariciones, son tán rápidos de el espectador debe estar atento, pero es impresionante para quienes hemos crecido con estas leyendas del baloncesto el ver su aparición en nuestra película favorita, se echa de menos al rey pero de pronto no lo vi y si estaba jejeje.

Como conclusión les puedo decir que esta es una película entretenida de principio a fin si dudarlo la recomiendo incluso para quienes no son fanaticos del baloncesto, espero que puedan verla pronto.

Muchas gracias por leer!...



Greetings friends!!! today I would like to share with you regarding a movie released on June 8 on the Netflix platform and it is none other than Hustles or as Garra as it is titled in Spanish.

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This movie stars Adam Sandler as Stanley Sugerman, a scout for an NBA team, and Juancho Hernángómez, a Spanish-born professional basketball player who plays a promising young player for the league. Produced by Sandler and NBA star LeBro James, it was shot mostly in the second half of the troubled year 2020, and has a running time of one hour and 58 minutes.

Adam Sandler: Stanley Sugerman, an NBA scout.
Juancho Hernangómez: Bo Cruz, the basketball player
Queen Latifah: Teresa Sugerman, Stanley's wife
Anthony Edwards: Kermit Wilt-Washington, Bo's rival and player
Kenny Smith: Leon Rich, Stanley's sports agent and friend
Robert Duvall: Rex Merrick, owner of the 76ers
Ben Foster: Vince Merrick, Rex Merrick's son and owner of the 76ers
Jordan Hull as Alex Sugerman, Stanley's daughter
Heidi Gardner as Kat Merrick, Rex's daughter
Maria Botto as Paola Cruz, Bo's mother
Ainhoa Pillet as Lucia Cruz, Bo's daughter

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Plot of the movie

The film is based on a recipe that has been included in many in this area, Stanley Sugerman is a scout for an NBA team that is not in its best years when he meets an unexpected promise, in Cruz, from which both cross their paths, to achieve the desired goal, for any basketball player, to reach the best league in the world!

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Adam Sandler continues to prove that he is more than comedy.

Although many people have shown a certain adversity towards Sandler for his comedies with repetitive jokes, (actually many of his jokes refer to other situations that are repeated from movie to movie) in the last few years with Uncut Gems, and this movie shows that he can entertain us without the need to make those meaningless jokes that many of us may like but others may not.

In this film Sandler develops a character capable of showing sympathy, sadness, emotion and above all a love for the sport (in fact Adam Sandler is known to be a basketball lover) in himself a complex human being, with passions, and love, with responsibilities and emotions, to remind us how good an actor he is.

The essence of basketball in film.

If anything, I was surprised by the appropriateness of the basketball players' performances in the film, from Kenny Smith, who could go unnoticed as a former player for those who don't know the NBA world, to the performance of the player and great prospect Anthony Edwards as the antagonist, the character of Hernangomez as Bo Cruz was a total success, for two points.

  • He is a legitimate NBA player, Hérnangomez is a player who has played for several teams in the league (currently with the Utah Jazz, and previously played for teams like the Boston Celtics and the Minnesota Timbenwolves, in the latter he was a teammate of Edwards) and has been a standout in international competitions with the Spanish national team. However, he is not as well known outside of this environment, which I think is a positive for the viewer to get into the plot, more so than if a Lebron James were acting.

  • His role is totally believable, in particular I have seen worse performances from professional actors, as it does not clash with what can feel a character like his, I would even say that he has a future in the industry.

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The rest of the roles are not out of place.

This is not entirely true, in particular the villain of the movie could have been the end point of a sports drama (and I'm not talking about the basketball player but the executive) but he was not seen as a big presence in the movie. But Queen Latifa and the rest of the cast did their part more than adequately.

A delight for basketball lovers

Many current and former NBA players and coaches portray themselves or other characters. Trae Young, Jordan Clarkson, Khris Middleton, Aaron Gordon, Kyle Lowry, Seth Curry, Luka Doncic, Tobias Harris, Tyrese Maxey, Matisse Thybulle, Julius Erving, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal, Allen Iverson, Dirk Nowitzki, Brad Stevens, Doc Rivers and Sergio Scariolo play themselves, while Boban Marjanovic plays the "Great Serbian" and Moritz Wagner the German "Haas". Also appearing are street players Grayson "The Professor" Boucher and Larry "Bone Collector" Williams. source

Many of the cameos or appearances, are so fast that the viewer must be attentive, but it is impressive for those of us who have grown up with these basketball legends to see their appearance in our favorite movie, you miss the king but suddenly I did not see him and if he was hehehehe.

As a conclusion I can tell you that this is an entertaining movie from beginning to end without hesitation I recommend it even for those who are not basketball fans, I hope you can see it soon.

Thank you very much for reading!....

firma blog.png

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


I just downloaded the movie but I haven't watched it yet


Me encantó esta película. La vi hace poco y he estado por escribir sobre ella pero no he tenido tiempo de sentarme.

La verdad no soy fanática de basket pero mi hijo juega béisbol y me parece que la historia se puede llevar a cualquier deporte. El talento se puede encontrar en cualquier parte.


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