[ESP/ENG] Un Lamborghini en la Vecindad!



Marcos era un joven comun de una vecindad antígua en el centro de Ciudad de México con su tío y abuela mientras sus padres trabajaban en las afueras de la ciudad en una importadora de partes usadas, todo su esfuerzo iba a que si hijo progresara y a provechara una beca que le habían ofrecido en una escuela privada! en su camino a la escuela, el muchacho inquieto y amante de los automóviles pasaba a través de un paisaje que describía un rango de clases sociales, que antagonicas, convivián dentro de aquel espacio.



Desde la salida de su barrió con el señor Bolaños, que como dueño del abasto más grande del sector se sentía como un gran señor dentro de su automovil WV del año, un carro utilitario que le permitía mover personas y mercancía.

En casa de Marcos solo había una moto de su tío, el joven soñaba con que repentinamente un mago se leacercara y le hiciera su sueño realidad, el sacarlo de este transporte publico y tener un auto propio un Lamborghini!

  • Sin saberlo un "Genio" le tenía el ojo puesto desde hace tiempo y ese día le iba a llevar una propuesta que le cambiaría la vida!

Marcos tuvo un día normal en la escuela, allí se encontraba fuera de lugar en todo momento, el tenía un teléfono inteligente que quedaba lerdo ante los de sus compañeros, no tenía computadora, así que usaba una del instituto que tenía que devolver, al salir de clases, esto generaba una barrera con sus compañeros, ni hablar de redes sociales, lo que allí publicaban era de ensueño, en cambio nuestro protagonista tenía su cuenta vacía para no mostrar sus estrechez económica ante tanta opulencia.

Su soledad solo cambiaba cuando se acercaban las pruebas, y allí sus servicios como estudiante eran requeridos por sus compañeros para realizar los trabajos y explicarles lo que estos no atendían en clase, esto lo veía el "Genio"


Un día al salir de clase el joven se quedó en la plaza del frente viendo como aquellos muchachos de la alta sociedad en la cual no encajaba salían es sus coches último modelo para los cuales no habian sudado una gota de trabajo, la suerte que algunos tienen al nacer suspiro! cuando alguien le toca el hombro hablandole como si le conociera de toda la vida.

El hombre bien vestido lo soprende llamandole por su nombre y con información familiar que lo inquiete Marcos al preguntarle como sabe sobre el, este no le da una respuesta concreta, pero si le diceque puede cambiar su vida y cumplir sus deseos desde ese mismo día!

Le deja un papel con unas instrucciónes y que no le cuente a nadie de su encuentro, le advierteque si acepta no se puede salir, y se va sin responder las dudas del muchacho.



Dentro del papel hay un sitio donde debe buscar un paquete y aquien entrengarlo en el instituto,una persona que el conoce de vista por su extravagante estilo de vida y quien imaginaba como el más adinerado de la escuela.

Piensa en sus sueños, en lo mal que se ha portado la vida con el y decide aceptar la encomienda, cosa que lo lleva a sitios nocturnos escondidos detras de fachadas de casas viejas, viendo un estilo de vida de lujuria y placer, alli queda encganchado con esa visión, como la primera entrega se hace bien el joven Marcos ahora tiene un nuevo amigo en la escuela con quien además de hace "encomiendas" lo invita a fiestas, y de pronto se siente aceptado en estos mundos que antes eran ajenos a él.


Pero esto no es todo el dinero entra en grandes cantidades, su ropa cambia, ayuda en su casa, y ya no necesita que sus padres le envíen dinero, piensa en independizarse, todo pada muy rápido y sus abuelos estan preocupados.

Un par de meses lo imposible se hace realidad, Marcos con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigoscompra un lamborghini! que lo estaciona orgulloso frente a la vecindad en un alarde de superioridad de un joven inmaduro que no sabe el valor del dinero ni la desdicha del nuevo rico.

Su tío lo increpa en que esta haciendo, el joven lo desafía como nunca, ya no cree en su familia, sus socios lo son todo para el y como muestra de su lealtad, cada vez se arriesga más con sus trabajos, la escuela le quedó pequeño como mercado.

Envalentonado en integra en el mundo real, como un proveedor de alegría en polvo como el lo llama su confianza en la organización, esta por ser probada, y lo invitan a una nueva aventura, a un viaje sin retorno, convence a dos amigos, de llevar mercancía dentro del cuerpo, pero no basta con eso, así que el mismo hace de mula, total nadie creería en que un chico con una beca haga algo así.


En el aeropuerto la tensión aumenta con los registros de seguridad, los muchachos se delatan, un malestar comienza, son llevados a una sala por parte de los policias, Marcos de desploma en el frio piso del aeropuerto.

Los oficiales realizan pruebas a sus compañeros, y saben la causa del desmayo de Marcos, así que lo llevan a la emergencia pero la sobredosis es fatal, en su ultimo delirio el joven atina a ver a su genio riendose a su familia peleada con el y vislumbra su sueño, el lamborghini parado en la entrada de su humilde casa con una burla a sus sueños como una ostentosa e inutil prueba de que lo que facil llega facil se va, esta vez el precio a pagar fue su vida...




Marcos was an ordinary young man from an old neighborhood in the center of Mexico City with his uncle and grandmother while his parents worked on the outskirts of the city in a used parts importer, all their effort went to his son's progress and to take advantage of a scholarship they had offered him at a private school! On his way to school, the restless, car-loving boy passed through a landscape that described a range of social classes, antagonistic, coexisting within that space.



From the exit of his barrio with Mr. Bolaños, who as the owner of the largest grocery store in the sector felt like a great lord inside his WV car of the year, a utility car that allowed him to move people and merchandise.

At Marcos' house there was only one motorcycle belonging to his uncle, the young man dreamed that suddenly a magician would approach him and make his dream come true, to take him out of this public transportation and have a car of his own, a Lamborghini!

  • Without knowing it a "Genie" had his eye on him for a long time and that day he was going to bring him a proposal that would change his life!

Marcos had a normal day at school, there he was out of place at all times, he had a smart phone that was dull before those of his classmates, he had no computer, so he used one of the institute that he had to return, when leaving class, this generated a barrier with his classmates, not to mention social networks, what they published there was dreamy, instead our protagonist had his empty account to not show his economic narrowness before so much opulence.

His loneliness only changed when the tests were approaching, and there his services as a student were required by his classmates to do the work and explain what they did not attend in class, this was seen by the "Genie".


One day when leaving class the young man stood in the front square watching as those boys of the high society in which he did not fit out is their latest model cars for which they had not sweated a drop of work, the luck that some have to be born sigh! when someone touches his shoulder talking to him as if he knew him all his life.

The well-dressed man surprises him by calling him by name and with familiar information that makes him uneasy. Mark asks him how he knows about him, he doesn't give him a concrete answer, but tells him that he can change his life and fulfill his wishes from that very day!

He leaves him a piece of paper with some instructions and tells him not to tell anyone about his encounter, warns him that if he accepts he cannot leave, and leaves without answering the boy's questions.



Inside the paper there is a place where he must look for a package and who to deliver it to at the institute, a person he knows by sight for his extravagant lifestyle and who he imagined as the wealthiest of the school.

He thinks about his dreams, about how bad life has been with him and decides to accept the package, which takes him to night spots hidden behind the facades of old houses, seeing a lifestyle of lust and pleasure, there he gets hooked on that vision, as the first delivery goes well the young Marcos now has a new friend at school with whom in addition to making "orders" invites him to parties, and suddenly he feels accepted in these worlds that were previously alien to him.


But this is not all, money comes in in large quantities, his clothes change, he helps out at home, and he no longer needs his parents to send him money, he thinks about becoming independent, everything happens very fast and his grandparents are worried.

A couple of months later the impossible becomes reality, Marcos with the help of his new friends buys a lamborghini! and parks it proudly in front of the neighborhood in a display of superiority of an immature young man who does not know the value of money and the misfortune of the nouveau riche.

His uncle rebukes him on what he is doing, the young man challenges him as never before, he no longer believes in his family, his partners are everything to him and as a sign of his loyalty, he takes more and more risks with his jobs, the school is too small for him as a market.

Emboldened to integrate into the real world, as a supplier of powdered joy as he calls it, his trust in the organization is about to be tested, and he is invited to a new adventure, to a journey of no return, he convinces two friends to carry merchandise inside the body, but that is not enough, so he plays the mule himself, no one would believe that a boy with a scholarship would do something like that.


At the airport the tension increases with the security searches, the boys give themselves away, a malaise begins, they are taken to a room by the cops, Marcos collapses on the cold airport floor.

The officers perform tests on their partners, and know the cause of Marcos' fainting, so they take him to the emergency room but the overdose is fatal, in his last delirium the young man sees his genius laughing at him, the family fighting with him and glimpses his dream, the lamborghini standing in the entrance of his humble house with a mockery of his dreams as an ostentatious and useless proof that what comes easy goes easy, this time the price to pay was his life


firma blog.png

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Sad story man. Cool twist with the 'Genie'!


Thank for reading friend! It´s pretty sad how many young people fell into the easy money proposals and them lose their family, even their lives to get rich an buy unnecessary things that mean nothing outside their heads!!
