Odyssey Into Unknown Lands. (An Original Poetry)



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Thoughts in transit,
of how meals will come to be,
tomorrow they say,
will clothe itself.
so will spin yarns?
or store yams in barns?
for the heart of man
is a clan of spiders and goat
cloaked in a myriad of confusion

Yester night is gone
as we can still see the freckles
of wrinkled clouds
that strikes an arc
of black doubts
deep within the conscience
We relish today
like a memory unlived,
for it will bring us the unknown
which we know not.

In unison, we are divided
for empathy marries regrets
and the urge for vengeance
is adrift the soul.
our travels
to the land of milk and honey
begins today
for at the end, an end might await
at either the gates of disappointment
or the gates of accomplishments

By and by!
every step is a leap
every crunch on rotten leaves
tells tales of what lies ahead!
for the will to go,
is stronger than conviction
who will bear tidings,
of our previous failures
when uncertainty cripples our courage?

Interested in some more of my works?

The Practical Process Of Test Marketing A Potential Product That's New To A Market. (Part II)


A Book Of Pun. (An Original Poetry)

The Fruitfulness Of Taking Actions Immediately We Make Decisions

How The First Attempt To Communication & Conversation Changes The Eventuality Of An Initial Outcome.

Waking Up "Undead". (An Original Poetry)

The Dilemma That Comes With Condoling The Act Of Betrayal

Building My Dream Advertising Firm; Getting Results From The Tip Of The Finger

Motivation, Self Love, Suicide And Depression; What Are The Determining Measures To Continuity?


My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Dtuber, 📷 Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off steem can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother in pen and video 📷

I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit, so share on any platform or resteem

My Twitter handle✓
