Paying Your Way out of Life...

When I recently lost my brother, a lot of people were basically throwing advice at me; the whole world seemed to be tearing apart from my perspective, and hearing some people's personal opinions made things even worse for me. It is life, and people are quick to speak without providing any cogent evidence that truly helps. I was thinking about seeing a therapist because I was mentally deteriorating, only to discover that I was not just sick in the mind; my body was also sick, and I was asymptomatic for that but mostly symptomatic for mental illness.

I was given so many antidepressants, but even at high doses, I could not sleep. I primarily wanted to address the symptoms, and in doing so, I discovered that there was a lot wrong with me. We try to solve life's problems by focusing on the more invasive aspects, such as things that make us eat, sleep, and affect our mood.

Throwing Money To Buy Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important forms of therapy in life, and it is amusing that when we lose our ability to sleep, we have to compensate by purchasing antidepressants. It directly contradicts the saying that money cannot buy peace. Antidepressants will directly buy you sleep, however artificial it may be, and with some level of sleep, you will receive some sleep.

Pay More

In life, we often pay more than we realize. It generally contradicts the notion that money is not everything, when in reality, life is moving toward a point where money is required to buy almost everything. Modern medicine is being engineered to solve almost any problem, and I believe that in the future, aside from creating a human being (which only God can do), almost every ailment will be curable, with many other illnesses entering remission and receiving palliative care through modern medicine.

If you understand how much money can buy, you will not underestimate its potential or reach. Personally, I do not believe that necessity is the mother of invention; rather, I believe that money is the driving force behind modern invention, because the modern world we live in has many illnesses that require cures. There are potential illnesses that modern people do not want to contract, so they choose to develop vaccines.

Modern Medicine Is Money-oriented

The owner of a cure possesses godlike qualities that compel people to give up everything for cures. Man will pay to get what he wants, and the most common things we want to pay to solve are mental illnesses, such as depression.

There are so many other things that we unconsciously pay for, and we do not admit it because we consider it a way of life. There are times in life when we pay for the loyalty of people we call friends, but we fail to tell ourselves the truth about life's harshest realities.

In Conclusion

So, because we are wired to pay a lot more, life is now wired to come up with more solutions to problems that we should not even be paying for, and we are usually happy to do so. Life is difficult, and there was a time when I thought it was silly to see a therapist. I know many people with my condition who have had to see a therapist at some point in their lives due to suicidal thoughts and tendencies, and I assumed it could not be me. However, exposure to a wider range of pains teaches you that there are some things you will almost certainly have to pay for.

It is simple to ask someone to deal with things; we do not like dealing with our problems alone, so we usually throw money at them to make them go away, using any means necessary. That is why many people prefer to pursue means; it can sometimes serve as a coping mechanism for most life problems.

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Each is unique in situation and consequence, some share advice that may help or might add more confusion, when it is a health issue finding answers is never easy.

I hope you are able to find an answer to the problem, experience in living with a son who suffers hidden ailments, almost four years on, we still looking for answers.


You're right, when it comes to sick or depressed people it's never easy to do or say or have the right thing to say. It's always difficult, but well... I guess that's just how it is and we might never get a solution.


Yeap. Sometimes all you need is to just get some good and long sleep to forget all your worries and wake up into a new day. I understand using money to buy sleep.

Sleep is one of the ways we can reset and refresh. Sometimes getting good sleep steadily can do a lot.


Medicine still has it's limits, but there are billionaires spending millions on doctors every year to help reverse the aging process to live healthier longer. And to an extent it can be done, if you're rich enough.

Sleep is necessary but when possible one should avoid medications and deal with issues. Or try a more natural product like melatonin.

In 200 years human beings will be essentially immortal and no longer age. Only accidents, murders, and suicides will actually end life. But we won't live to see that day!


Well, sometimes medications seems to be the go-to solace, as sometimes people don't just have the energy to deal with them. It's true that there's a lot of limitations to modern medicine but as it's gone, I mainly mean that modern medicine is becoming more aggressive towards profiteering.


Everyone will have something to say. You’d get advices here and there but it is left for you to decide on what you want
I wish you all the best and may God be with you


This situation is very sad and disturbing because I have seen my mother passing away in 2018 and every time I remember that time I get teary eyed.


It sucks to hear, but at least it's a possible solution. Money does help to an extent even if it never really solves the issue. I still think solving the issue without relying on Medication is the better choice but it doesn't always work the way we want.


Well, in reality people never really find the problems as modern medicine seems to be the solutions to most people in most cases.


I partly agree with something you said. Yes, you can use money to buy the medicine that offers some relief. But modern medicine generally is not focused on curing anything (chronic diseases even less), but rather on prolonging life while remaining dependent on treatment. It's all about profits, not about curing people. And healthy people don't buy medicine.


Healthy people don't truly buy medicine and sometimes I wish that was me, unfortunately not, as I have taken a lot of routine medications throughout my life. Story of my life.


Yeah, I have taken medication to keep a disease under control for over 20 years. So, I kinda know what you're going through, even though I'm ok if I take that and I respect a bunch of restrictions.


We got this man. To the best of our ability, we will keep pushing, im with ya. Glad youre still beastin on posts too man, im trying to get back in routine.
