The Long & Short Term Psychology



Most of our actions are tailored towards minimizing risks while maximizing reward, but sometimes, we incur more risk, in a bid to maximize reward. In the process of trying to achieve the former and we end up accruing the latter, it's impossible to prove that one's intent is good, especially because failure is visible while intentions are abstract.

Intentions are not plausible, because we need the appropriate actions to bring them to fruition. Some people play the long game, while some others play the short game, originally, we'll always believe that the long game will inevitably guarantee success to some extent, but this isn't to say there aren't people who haven't taken unbelievable path in life and ended up very rich and successful.

However, due process is what we mostly believe in, because it is imbued into our default psychology, hence, we're meant to be procedural because growth inevitably brings development. For example, crawling before walking, learning before earning, and investing before profit. However, the act of prodigy is still existing.

Some people have started flying from the beginning of their life endeavors. Earning money immediately after they were born, a bright future set for them before they even have the capacity to make any choice. Some people do not need to work from the beginning of their lives to stay rich forever, we can categorically say these people do not succumb to the growth and development phenomenon because success wasn't procedural for them, it was instant and immediate.

This might be unfair to many, while to some others, it's enviable and laudable. But this isn't to say we can be lucky like these people, the fact that we might work really hard in life doesn't mean we'll be richer than them, our entire network might be a week's income for them, even if they never have to move a muscle, the result seems astronomical.

But if we attempted to replicate what these people have, might incur irreparable damage, the intent might be good, but failure does not respect the intent, effort or process. This is mainly why life is unfair. However, we must stop comparing the growth mentality of some other people to ours, this is why variety is the spice of life.

We cannot all be easy millionaires or billionaires, in fact, the world's wealth is controlled by people who do not even move a muscle, but this is what we see on the surface; result. Ghere are times we envy results without looking at sacrifice, sometimes the efforts some people are putting in look invisible when in reality, we cannot endure or put up with the sacrifices these people have to make on a daily.

So what might appear to us as easy wealth might have been built through blood and sweat, and this is why we must forestall originality and uniqueness in whatever hustle we believe in.

We cannot afford to hold on to the believability of due process while not balancing it with the possibility of instant wealth and fulfillment. This means that it's not everyone that will get rich due to consistency and due process, some people will fail irrespective of how consistent they are and some other people will succeed even if they're short-termed or too lazy to build.

Luck might require preparations, but there are people who become lucky without building adequate preparations. The point here is that these are uncommon anomalies in life that happen daily. We cannot afford to key into these anomalies, nor should we fail to believe in their existence.

The most important thing is to not meander into the believability that what we're doing, in a bid to attain financial freedom is not good enough. There are times we think that we need to change what we're doing, even when they come with great prospects. Prospects aren't instant successes, they still need great nurturing, but we often imagine working too hard and building and still failing.

Thoughts like these want to make us seek shortcuts because of the uncertainties of following the long road, however, if we're certain that we're meant for shortcuts, there's no reason why we shouldn't be.

In conclusion

Anything we choose in life, we must be prepared beforehand to enjoy the dividends of making the right choice or live with the consequences of making the wrong choice. This is to say, we should embrace what's stable, prospectful, futuristic, and promising.

Results might be a problem even after all these, but success might be inevitable, time changes everything.

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Reviewing A $400 Samsung Galaxy A72 (photos Included)
Hive's Scalability & The Compromise Of Commitments
Money: The Consequences Of Making The Right & Wrong Decisions
The Nigerian Economy: Monopolizing Incompetence
The Experiential Process of Understanding Money
A Case Of Theft On Hive: Here's Why Some People Choose Scam.



Hmmmmmmm🤔.for some seconds I thought this through and sadly, it's nothing but a bitter truth. There were times where I had to jump from one skill to another all in the name of seeking for financial freedom . It was more like I'm multi talented yet still feel like I'm not doing enough or hustling.

The idea of "if you don't struggle to get that money, then it's not worth it" has entered deep into the minds of most youths even some elderly persons. I remember when my dad would always say he doesn't believe in someone gifting him money he didn't word hard for....

Man.... I think maybe there's was no one available to paid the price and set the pace for him when he was younger, so now he strongly believes only in his hard work and consistency to be rich.

You know most times some of us might be consistent and very hard working and still nothing to show forth.


The 21st century has redefined the meaning of hard work. I think your father isn't wrong, it's just that things are changing and he doesn't even know it. In reality, most times, gifting of money isn't something we're familiar with. I'm sure your father isn't familiar with that, but the reality is that our mindset changes with the Sophistication of life.


No noooo I don't blame him either... You've said it all though. Time changes everything.


Some people are born rich and some are born to make themselves rich, it's true, we should not compared ourselves to another person, it's wrong, everybody have their own role to play.


This is absolutely true, the comparisons will yield nothing, we just have to adjust ourselves mentally to understand and accept who we are while trying to hustle and become someone in life.


Thank you for feeding me with the hardest truth bro, it was a very good Writing you share 😊


Thank you for this great exposition. I cannot agree less. You have done justice to this write up.
Our efforts are not a guarantee for success.
Our intents are not actions/results.
Failing is part of the process.
Many get tired of the process and opt for short cuts.
At some points, we envy what others took years of consistent failure and success to build and we hope to attain that or higher in a short bid and yes, it can work that way but most times, it won't.
The balance of life is that we all cannot be rich but we can move ourselves by committing to growth, development and associating rightly.

We could talk more and more but you have done great justice.

Thank you for this apt reminder my now favourite pyschologist


Our efforts do not gurrantee us sucess like you've noted from the Post and this is because life is generally unfair and there's nothing we can do about this unfairness, rather, we'd keep striving and keep moving, also, we'd keep working hard and harder than we should because, unfairness faces everybody and sometimes, luck smiles on us. It's a two-way thing in life.


So what might appear to us as easy wealth might have been built through blood and sweat, and this is why we must forestall originality and uniqueness in whatever hustle we believe in.

This is why I never think the people at the top are simply lucky bastards. If you hear the story of most of them, you’ll cry tears.

I read about Ronaldo’s story from back when he was only a boy growing up the streets of Madrid, cleaning cars for tips to make daily meals. Their family was so poor his mother even considered aborting the football star before he was born.

But looking at him now, he has reached proud heights and is one of the wealthiest and well payed footballers out there. Before I chanced on his story, I imagined he was some rich-by-default person.

This means that it's not everyone that will get rich due to consistency and due process, some people will fail irrespective of how consistent they are and some other people will succeed even if they're short-termed or too lazy to build.

This life no balance. Success to a certain extent really is dependent on luck and is not effected by the input work. People get frustrated when they put in the work, do the right things and don’t see the results, whiles people who you could consider “lazy” and probably unethical make it to the top. I’ve seen many cases of such frustration around here when yahoo boys cash out big whiles people who stuck to their moral codes and went through school for example wallow in poverty as they end up with no jobs.


There are people who are rich by default and some other people just had to simply grind to get there.

If you look at Ronaldo's situation, you'll see that his children will be rich forever even if they decide not to lift their finger one bit to do anything.

This is why I say life's unfair, some people are born to suffer, experience lack and humiliation on their way to the top. While some other people would just party and drink all their lives.
Nevertheless, it's not all wealthy people that had it easy. I don't envy them because I know the due process even if I didn't have any idea of what they had to pass through..

Again, we agree life's unfair.. it's just totally unfair and the universe synches with it..


Wooooh! This is hitting, and damn truth. Comparing ourselves to others can bring depression because life no balance on the normal. Sometimes, we may work so hard and tough, and someone else might not put half of the effort as we did but yet scale through way better.

It is hard to predict success even with all the effort placed in, there is no certainty, but working hard increase the likelihood, but still not definite.

Coming down to spiritual aspect, this is why we need to tap into the spirit, and seek for guidance in whatever path we take, because that would be the sure way to get ahead of challenges that may come in...

What I am saying might not sound ethical but yet, I believe there is a spiritual being above everyone (God himself) that we can see guidance to for comfort and direction.


God sees our suffering, I believe, but then, he's given us the dominion to actually live our lives to the fullest. This dominion comes with our ability to incur consequences and reward at the same time.

Plus, I know that life is generally unfair, nevertheless, we cannot allow or blame this unfairness on God, TBH.

I think the general aspect of unfairness in life, is something we cannot change. There are people who are playing dirty..

they'll keep playing dirty at the expense of others. However, we're eventually going to do our best, even if we might win or we might not.
