Centralized Web Hosting versus Decentralized Web Hosting



Over the years, web hosting services have been offered by companies that are under the control of the government. Websites that are deployed on these web hosting platforms might enjoy all the features they desire from such a platform but they are still faced with some challenges due to the centralized nature of their service providers.
A clear example of the disadvantages of a centralized system of service delivery can be seen with what happened in Nigeria. The network providers were forced to stop Twitter services to the citizens. Such a thing is not possible in decentralized service delivery.

Coming back to web hosting, a centralized web hosting platform like Netlify might be able to offer most web hosting services to websites deployed on their platform, but both the web hosting platform and the website owners suffer from censorship. Governments can bar specific data, put up regulations that may affect freedom of speech, website uptime, etc. This becomes a very big challenge for both website owners and web hosting providers because they are not free to make decisions that will promote their services.

To solve these issues, there was a need for decentralized web hosting, where governments will have no control. Data and information cannot be barred, website uptime can be at 100%, and the overall web hosting service will be more secured. This is made possible through the amazing features of the blockchain.
Immutability of data and codes is another advantage with web hosting on a blockchain. Website owners do not need to fear data breaches or loss as the blockchain is immutable and secure.

Speaking of web hosting on the blockchain, Spheron makes front-end web deployment easy, effective, and efficient through its blockchain-based platform that takes your web app to the Decentralized Storage Networks ( DSN). Through the features of the blockchain, Spheron removes the hurdles of centralization and censorship ensuring that your web app is permanently deployed and experiences 100% uptime throughout its life.

With Spheron, you can gain the following merits;

Deploy on the blockchain without writing any new code or being knowledgeable in programming

Unified interface for maintaining your deployments & logs

Seamless integration with different Decentralized Storage Networks

Use your Custom Domains and get a 100% uptime guarantee

With Spheron Blockchain Storage Aggregator, you are going to enjoy; Unified API & SDK for easy data storage and retrieval: anytime, anywhere and Intuitive Interface for tracking user upload and billing.

This is my opinion based on the research I made. Do not take my financial advice. Ensure to do your own research.






Sounds like an advertisement but done in a tasteful way. 👍
