

Slide "this is fun"

Leisure in small municipalities is somewhat limited. Every city has its social and cultural context, but when we talk about leisure, the smallest municipalities are generally penalized, as the spaces allocated to this area are limited. This lack of leisure results in the population's lack, rest and recreation areas.

Mini Kid play

In smaller cities, the central square functions as a meeting point and social interaction between the inhabitants of a given social space. Something that changes the context of these cities are the amusement parks. They bring joy, entertainment and fun to the places they visit. Every interior city, generally, is pleased to host amusement parks at specific times of the year.. This became a tradition over time, guaranteeing anticipation, smiles and fun for children and adults.

Cart race

In the city of Montanhas, where I live, we received the visit 3 parks throughout the year: on the city's anniversary, during the June festivals and during New Year's Eve. The population is left waiting for which park will visit the city, there are those that attract attention by bringing radical toys and there are those that are less radical, but in both cases, there is always fun.


This year, we received a visit to a relatively small park, with little diversity, but which will guarantee the happiness of many children and adults. "I was so excited that I went to visit and brought some photos for you to see, my expectations were high for little"

trampoline table

Despite being simple, an amusement park transforms a region, the population's perception changes, the visual aspect of the sector in which it is located is altered and the entire social context opens doors to new possibilities (a popcorn seller, a cotton candy seller, among numerous market situations that may arise).

Samba: a game where you enter single and leave married. "Just kidding"

All of this occurs in an unusual and spontaneous way, with fun as its premise.

Do parks visit your cities? Comment.

Images source: My cell phone.



O lazer nos pequenos municípios é um tanto limitado. Cada cidade tem o seu contexto social e cultural, mas quando falamos de lazer, os municípios mais pequenos são geralmente penalizados, pois os espaços destinados a esta área são limitados. Essa falta de lazer resulta na falta de áreas de descanso e lazer da população.

Nas cidades menores, a praça central funciona como ponto de encontro e interação social entre os habitantes de um determinado espaço social. Algo que muda o contexto destas cidades são os parques de diversões. Eles trazem alegria, entretenimento e diversão aos lugares que visitam. Toda cidade do interior, em geral, tem o prazer de receber parques de diversões em épocas específicas do ano. Isso se tornou uma tradição ao longo do tempo, garantindo expectativa, sorrisos e diversão para crianças e adultos.

Na cidade de Montanhas, onde moro, recebemos a visita de 3 parques ao longo do ano: no aniversário da cidade, nas festas juninas e no réveillon. A população fica esperando qual parque visitará a cidade, há aqueles que chamam a atenção por trazer brinquedos radicais e há aqueles que são menos radicais, mas em ambos os casos sempre há diversão.

Este ano, recebemos a visita de um parque relativamente pequeno, com pouca diversidade, mas que garantirá a felicidade de muitas crianças e adultos. “Fiquei tão emocionado que fui fazer uma visita e trouxe algumas fotos para vocês verem, minhas expectativas eram altas por pouco”

Apesar de simples, um parque de diversões transforma uma região, muda a percepção da população, altera o aspecto visual do setor em que está inserido e todo o contexto social abre portas para novas possibilidades (um vendedor de pipoca, um vendedor de algodão doce, entre inúmeras situações de mercado que podem surgir).

Tudo isso ocorre de forma inusitada e espontânea, tendo a diversão como premissa.

Os parques visitam suas cidades? Comente.

Fonte das imagens: Meu celular.


This looks so fun and nice. A nice way for the kids to socialise and have fun.

Samba: a game where you enter single and leave married. "Just kidding"

I don’t think that I am familiar with this samba.. I read this “a game where you enter single and leave married.” and I was like what the..? Until I read “just kidding” lol 😂

This act is not so common around here, though.
Thanks for sharing, love it


I mentioned that we went in single and left married, because at the Festas Juninas park a group of almost 20 people entered, the samba was bigger, at the end everyone was gathered together in the middle of the ride. Some clinging to each other.

There was a lot of falling and grabbing. In the midst of desperation you don't even want to know if you know the person, you go grabbing whoever appears ahead. hahaha
