[Eng-Esp] ELEFANTITIS/@jpulido0306





From crust to crust
the knight errant
on his permanent trail
to alleviate hunger
always asked people
he courteous and brave
I didn't have the slightest regret
to ask for convalescence.

Had a disease
not very common in people
her feet were so swollen
he didn't wear shoes
I walked from time to time
so as not to suffer and pain
that the burning left him
from the pavement the heat.

He covered his feet with cardboard
tied with a cord
but the horrible swelling
it bothered him
And I did not know what to do
I couldn't find the anesthesia
he only cried his anguish
not knowing how to solve.

I just had a relief
when I found a puddle
there he buried his feet
there he buried his tears
resting your pain
without finding that sentence
to help you contain
the anguish of this suffering.

Elephantitis they say
this sickness
feet get big
swollen and out of control
but strong is the pain
that can't stand
having to walk
and its crusts find.




De mendrugo en mendrugo
el andante caballero
en su rastro permanente
para mitigar el hambre
pedía siempre a la gente
él cortez y valiente
no tenía la menor pena
de pedir convaleciente.

Tenía una enfermedad
no muy común en la gente
sus pies eran tan hinchados
que no usaba zapatos
caminaba de a rato
para no sufrir e dolor
que le dejaba el ardor
del pavimento el calor.

Se cubría los pies con cartón
atados con un cordón
pero la horrible hinchazón
le causaba molestia
y no sabía qué hacer
no hallaba la anestesia
solo lloraba su angustia
sin saber cómo resolver.

Sólo tenía un alivio
cuando encontraba algún charco
allí enterraba sus pies
allí enterraba su llanto
reposando su dolor
sin hallar esa oración
que le ayude a contener
las angustia de este padecer.

Elefantitis la dicen
esta enfermedad
los pies se ponen grande
hinchados y sin control
pero fuerte es el dolor
que no puede soportar
al tener que caminar
y sus mendrugos encontrar.

