SANDMAN, de Neil Gaiman. Review. [ING/ESP]


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Good morning HIVE community, I tell you that these days I've been watching the new Netflix series, The Sandman. I tell you the truth, lately I'm not even entering Netflix, it was by a YouTube thumbnail that I found out about the series and the only reason I gave it a chance was because I read: Neil Gaiman.

Muy buenos días comunidad de HIVE, les cuento que estos días estuve viendo la nueva serie de Netflix, The Sandman. Les digo la verdad, últimamente ya ni estoy entrando a Netflix, fue por una miniatura de YouTube que me entere de la serie y por el único motivo que le dí una oportunidad fue porque leí: Neil Gaiman.

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To tell you the truth I'm not a big fan of the author, nor have I read all his books, since he has dozens of comics, graphic novels, short stories, novels, movies, series, it's crazy the amount of things this man has done, but I can tell you that the Americans Gods series is excellent and I expected the same in The Sandman, unfortunately I took a terrible disappointment. The first chapters are very good, the story is catching, I want to emphasize that, the story looks great, the characters could be really amazing, but... we are on Netflix.

A decir verdad no soy un gran fanático del autor, ni he leído todos sus libros, ya que tiene decenas de comics, novelas graficas, cuentos, novelas, películas, series, es una locura la cantidad de cosas que ha hecho este hombre, pero si les puedo decir que la serie Americans Gods es excelente y esperaba lo mismo en The Sandman, lamentablemente me lleve una desilusión terrible. Los primeros capítulos están muy bien, la historia es atrapante, eso lo quiero destacar, la historia se ve genial, los personajes, podrían ser realmente increíbles, perooo... estamos en Netflix.


What is The Sandman? Who is The Sandman?

The Sandman is a comic book written by Neil Gaiman and was illustrated by several artists of different styles, consisted of 75 issues and was published between 1989 and 1996 by DC Comics.
Sandman or Dream, also known as Morpheus is a cosmic being who controls dreams, belongs to a family known as The Eternals formed by seven brothers.
The plot consists of Sandman being captured by an amateur magician and kept prisoner for more than a century. When he manages to free himself, he must fix the chaos that his absence has produced.

The series has ten chapters of about 50 minutes each, I have no doubt that the story is excellent, watching the first minutes I was trapped as happened with Americans Gods, but they ended up ruining everything just to follow a speech, or agenda or whatever you want to call it, they devoted much attention to want to teach.

The forced inclusion, the indoctrination, the sexual preferences of the characters unnecessarily revealed as it doesn't add up to anything. These stories, if they were within the plot in a natural way, without forcing or deviating, there would be no problem, but everything feels very out of context, to the point of causing rejection. From chapter six to the end everything is unsustainable, the screenwriters ruined everything, a couple of musical scenes that are not worth wasting time watching them, just terrible, if you were in a movie theater those images one has to see them forced to continue watching the movie, but this is streaming, go ahead about two minutes until the worst happens.

Que es The Sandman? Quien es The Sandman?

The Sandman es un comic escrito por Neil Gaiman y fue ilustrado por varios artistas de diferentes estilos, consistió en 75 números y fue publicada entre 1989 y 1996 por DC Comics.
Sandman o Sueño, también conocido como Morfeo es un ser cósmico que controla los sueños, pertenece a una familia conocida como Los Eternos formada por siete hermanos.
El argumento consiste en que Sandman es capturado por un mago amateur y mantenido prisionero por mas de un siglo. Cuando logra liberarse debe arreglar el caos que ha producido su ausencia.

La serie tiene diez capítulos de alrededor de 50 minutos cada uno, no me cabe duda que la historia es excelente, viendo los primeros minutos quedé atrapado como pasó con Americans Gods, pero terminaron arruinando todo simplemente por seguir un discurso, o agenda o como quieran llamarlo, dedicaron mucha atención a querer enseñar.

La inclusión forzada, el adoctrinamiento, las preferencias sexuales de los personajes innecesariamente reveladas ya que no suma nada. Estas historias, si estuvieran dentro de la trama de manera natural, sin forzar ni desviarse, no habría problema, pero se siente muy fuera de contexto todo, hasta llegar a causar rechazo. Del capitulo seis hasta el final todo es insostenible, los guionistas arruinaron todo, un par de escenas musicales que no vale la pena perder tiempo mirándolas, simplemente terribles, si estuviera en un cine esas imágenes uno tiene que verlas obligadamente para continuar viendo la película, pero esto es streaming, se adelante unos dos minutos hasta que pase lo peor.

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An unconventional story, full of dark mythology tailored to a political agenda of indoctrination.
Still a lot of enjoyable stuff in the first few chapters.

What I did not like.

Sandman: Ten chapters the same mood: Compunctious.
Hell: this scene seems to have come out of any movie, very unimaginative, and more than hell it looks like a stadium waiting for AC-DC to go on stage.
Lucifer: represented by Gwendoline Christie, any Latin American politician could make a coup d'état and overthrow Lucifer, he imposes no fear and has no dressmaker as he seems to wear a badly cut curtain.
Cain and Abel: I could not say what they do here, they have a little pet and... nothing else.
All the characters: without parents or dead or in the case of being alive they have to be extremely cruel, in the case of being dead they are raised by the grandmother and always has to be a suffering and loving person at the same time that tells the same story in all the series of the platform.
Johanna Constantine: this character has something that doesn't belong to her and Sandman goes to ask her for it, she tells him that he's selfish, that he only thinks about himself, that he's good for nothing, but in the previous scene when Sandman asks her not to send a demon to Hell because he needs to know a name, she doesn't care about anything but getting paid three times as much. She can be selfish, others can't.
Sandman vs Lucifer (Battle): The game is simply the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a sci-fi series.
Doctor Destiny: he is a human who acquires a piece that belongs to the gods and manipulates it so that only he can use it, how did he do it? Inexplicable.


Una historia poco convencional, llena de mitología oscura adaptada a una agenda política de adoctrinamiento.
Aun así hay muchas cosas disfrutables en los primeros capítulos.

Lo que NO me gustó.

Sandman: Diez capítulos el mismo estado de ánimo: Compungido.
El infierno: esta escena parece haber salido de cualquier película, muy poco imaginativa, y mas que infierno parece un estadio esperando que suba AC-DC al escenario.
Lucifer: representado por Gwendoline Christie, cualquier político latinoamericano podría hacerle un golpe de estado y derrocar a Lucifer, no impone miedo y no tiene ningún modista ya que parece vestir una cortina mal cortada.
Caín y Abel: No sabría decir que es lo que hacen aquí, tienen una pequeña mascota y... nada mas.
Todos los personajes: sin padres o muertos o en el caso de estar vivos tienen que ser extremadamente crueles, en el caso de que estén muertos los cría la abuela y siempre tiene que ser una persona sufrida y cariñosa a la vez que cuenta la misma historia en todas las series de la plataforma.
Johanna Constantine: este personaje tiene algo que no le pertenece y Sandman va a pedírselo, ella le dice que es un egoísta, que solo piensa en el, que no sirve para nada, pero en la escena anterior cuando Sandman le pide a ella que no mande un demonio al Infierno porque necesita saber un nombre, a ella no le importa nada mas que cobrar el triple. Ella si puede ser egoísta, los demás NO.
Sandman vs Lucifer (Batalla): El juego es simplemente lo mas estúpido que he visto en series de ciencia ficción.
Doctor Destiny: es un humano que adquiere una pieza que pertenece a los dioses y la manipula para que solo el pueda usarla, como lo hizo? Inexplicable.

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The character I DID like. The Wandering Jew.

One of the characters I liked the most was Robert Gadling, The Wandering Jew.
Morpheus, Sandman, whatever you want to call him, comes down to the mortal world along with his sister Death, they go into a tavern to hear what people are saying, a group of friends discussing about death and one of them says that death is stupid and he was determined to never die, as a joke of the gods death tells Morpheus that he can grant him that wish and he can communicate it to him, Sandman schedules a meeting in a hundred years in the same tavern to see if he doesn't change his mind.
Every hundred years these two characters meet in the same place, Robert Gadling has to tell him his experience and if he wishes to continue living, the answer every century is the same: of course YES.

El personaje que SI me gustó. El Judío Errante.

Uno de los personajes que mas me gustó fue Robert Gadling, El Judío Errante.
Morfeo, Sandman, como quieran llamarlo, baja al mundo de los mortales junto a su hermana Muerte, se adentran en una taberna a escuchar que es lo que dice la gente, un grupo de amigos discutiendo acerca de la muerte y uno de ellos dice que la muerte es estúpida y el estaba decidido a no morir nunca, como una broma de los dioses la muerte le dice a Morfeo que puede concederle ese deseo y el puede comunicárselo, Sandman programa un encuentro dentro de cien años en la misma taberna para ver si no cambia de opinión.
Cada cien años estos dos personajes se encuentran en el mismo lugar, Robert Gadling tiene que contarle su experiencia y si desea seguir viviendo, la respuesta todos los siglos es la misma: por supuesto que SI.

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That's all for today HIVE community, I say goodbye with a big hug and see you next time.

Es todo por hoy comunidad de HIVE, me despido de ustedes con un fuerte abrazo y nos vemos en la próxima.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Lol there must be some kind of algorithm coded into Hive to make it sync with your life now. I literally saw a short scene of this movie- spoiler alert(the part where Dream asks for his Helm of State) on TikTok and have been wondering the title and whether I should watch it or not. I’ll reblog this review so I can read later. Thanks:)


@depressedfuckup Your comment contains some text that could be a potential attempt to inject malicious code. cc: @julian015

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Comment 1% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.


Umm hello, I don’t know what this is about, what I’ve done or the downvotes but I’d like to be educated. Please help me understand.


It looks like this keyword triggered the review:   alert(   🙈

It's commonly used to test XSS vulnerabilities:   😅


Gave you some upvotes to compensate for the trouble 👍


Haha I get it now. It was just a misunderstanding then. Thank you for the upvote and explanation:)


Good vigilance on you guys part! Nice job! Thanks for taking a closer look and being helpful at resolving it, this guy is a good new user from what I've seen so far!


Glad that it was just a misunderstanding! Didn't want you to get mixed up in something shady! Lol


Haha thanks for coming to my rescue. I was scared I got myself into some kind of trouble for a second.
