MindOver Manor Winter Retreat | Freewrite Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words [Eng/Esp]

Image source provided by @freewritehouse for purpose of contest

"Why did you bring me to this dilapidated place? I have enough ice and snow at my doorstep." The roll of her eyes and hands to her temple were Irene's classic moves. The family looked away as several other guests turned seeking the person with the shrill voice.

"It's a surprise for your 40th birthday, dear." I know how you love surprises."

"By bringing me to this ice dump?" Her words stung. But nothing Chester hadn't heard and overlooked the past twenty years.

Even at 40, Irene's dark blue eyes surrounded by shoulder-length blonde hair was still alluring. It took considerable effort to extract the softer side of her personality. He wished that he would have expended more time developing it. Of course, nobody's perfect, but her warmth and giving spirit lured him in. He knew it was love. At least on his part.

But then the unexpected happened.

Sitting back waiting and hoping stopped working six months ago. The inevitable was now at his doorstep. In fact, it had already crept its way into their bedroom. That's when he finally noticed that his side of the small closet had expanded.

"What did it mean?" Chester shyly questioned his best friend. But the accusing answer he didn't want to admit was already staring at him. Slowly, Irene was leaving him.

He had to do something.

After searching for several days, the website's information looked intriguing. Price wasn't an obstacle, so Chester booked a week's getaway at the new resort hotel, "MindOver Manor Winter Retreat" about fifty-five miles away.

"Next," the customer service clerk announced in a delightful tone. Chester hadn't noticed his family had finally reached the customer counter.

"Vacation package for my wife. Room No. 7." He made sure all was in order before handing the reservation confirmation to the clerk.

"All appear to be in order. Where is the birthday girl?" Chester and his two little holy terrors pulled a reluctant Irene to the counter.

The clerk motioned to the concierge. He strode swiftly over and cupped her elbow, directing her to a nearby foyer.

Chester grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Before you go, I want to tell you something. I'm not and never have been good with words. I can't make you love me again. But I can show you how much I love you."

Shocked, Irene started to respond. But the concierge whisked her away toward the sitting area.

The customer service clerk shouted, "family, please head into the waiting room while the birthday girl documents her vacation choices."

Vacation choices? Irene looked puzzled as a thousand questions swirled about.

Chester guided his children away from the booking room.

The door slammed shut.


"Welcome, Irene. Here, your fantasia begins. Your husband must truly love you to sponsor this elaborate fantasy vacation. And, the best part, you get to choose who will accompany you on your journey. We have a variety of individuals to choose from. You have thirty minutes to make your selections."

The concierge smiled, placed the pencil on the side table next to the vacation brochure, then disappeared.

Instead of reading the material, Irene searched the room. Devoid of normal decor, only the chair and small table were visible. She stared at the stark white walls. Where were the doors? An eerie feeling rose up, causing a prickly sensation on the back of her neck.

The entire setup looked and sounded suspicious. Perhaps Chester was playing some type of joke, she thought. She shrugged. Early on in their marriage, she discovered that Chester never joked. Unsure of the nature of this vacation, a frown spread wider across her forehead. If this was a family trip, then she wanted no part of him and his spoiled children. She was done pretending.

She hesitated. Knowing her future plans, she reasoned that once more wouldn't hurt, so decided to cooperate with his "surprise."

She picked up the brochure.

Destination. That part was easy. A lush tropical beach island hut overlooking the ocean.

Next section. Stunned, she felt a twinge in the bottom of her stomach. Her choices were problematic. Activities she'd never experienced; alternate husband, children, guests, pets, sleeping arrangements, and tours she'd never attempt to undertake.

This was not her life, but of someone else.

At that moment, she realized that something wasn't right. She wasn't merely undertaking an adventurous vacation. Her own family, friends, activities, and motivators were missing. Nothing familiar from her current life.

Thoughts of her past lived in silence now flooded her emotions. She realized the cycle needed a restart. Twenty years. Three children. A trunk full of treasures brought back after his quarterly business trips. Never giving of himself. He would set the souvenirs on her side of the nightstand. The pressure built. Exploding inside, she couldn't reach him. No. He refused to allow her access.

She frowned, breathing heavily. This was too sudden. Yes, she wanted to leave. But she hadn't completely worked out the details.

She jumped up and ran to the part of the wall she last remembered seeing the door. Pounding furiously, she yelled for the concierge.

Moments later, a small peep hole appeared.

Frantic, she spoke quickly. "I don't want to go and leave my family. I want to go home."

"But your husband's responses to the application suggested you no longer desired your old life. Once you signed the agreement, you sealed your fate." Irene stared, horrified, as the concierge's face faded.

"It's not true. You don't know me," she repeated. She alternated between shouting, then banging and scratching at the door until her nails tore and her fingers bled.

"Your time is up. Finish selecting your choices," a voice responded over a speaker.

A loud grinding noise forced her to turn away from the door. The empty wall opposite her opened up into the beautiful, landscaped paradise island inside that she had chosen.

Irene shook her head in disbelief.

Simultaneously, the peephole ground slowly as if viewing a kaleidoscope. In its place a window appeared. The burst of colors caught her attention.

She turned away from the island paradise and ran toward the window. Rubbing hard until she could see through, she spotted the outline of her husband and children, hand in hand, walking slowly away from the MindOver Manor Winter Retreat. Their footprints in the snow grew lighter as their laughing voices grew fainter.

Irene sensed they were happy to be rid of her as she watched the snow fall gently at first, then blinding as the outline of their bodies disappeared into the woods.

She sank to the floor.

Tears poured down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably, mumbling, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to go. I only wanted you to change. I grew tired of waiting; so tired of living in the relationship by myself; so tired of those spoiled children."

The floor softened with ripples of waves reflecting her face. Ragged with deep wrinkles, she held out her hands to touch. Icicles tore open her flesh, draining her body of fluids. She screamed as she began to shrink until nothing could be seen but her clothing.

A gust of wind from the palm trees on the beach penetrated the wall. It searched for the birthday girl. Sucking hard, it tugged at her dress until it disappeared into the folds of the surprise vacation brochure.

The concierge cautiously cracked the door. He glanced around until his gaze reached the brochure.

He smiled, then thought, another satisfied customer.


Retiro de invierno MindOver Manor

Image source provided by @freewritehouse for purpose of contest

"¿Por qué me has traído a este lugar destartalado? Ya tengo suficiente hielo y nieve en la puerta". Poner los ojos en blanco y llevarse las manos a la sien fueron los movimientos clásicos de Irene. La familia apartó la mirada mientras otros invitados se giraban buscando a la persona de la voz chillona.

"Es una sorpresa por tu 40 cumpleaños, querida". Sé cómo te gustan las sorpresas".

"¿Trayéndome a este vertedero de hielo? Sus palabras picaron. Pero nada que Chester no hubiera oído y pasado por alto los últimos veinte años.

Incluso a los cuarenta, los ojos azul oscuro de Irene, rodeados de una melena rubia que le llegaba hasta los hombros, seguían siendo seductores. Hacía falta un esfuerzo considerable para extraer el lado más suave de su personalidad. Le hubiera gustado dedicar más tiempo a desarrollarla. Por supuesto, nadie es perfecto, pero su calidez y su espíritu generoso le atrajeron. Sabía que era amor. Al menos por su parte.

Pero entonces ocurrió lo inesperado.

Sentarse a esperar y tener esperanzas dejó de funcionar hace seis meses. Lo inevitable estaba ahora a sus puertas. De hecho, ya se había colado en su dormitorio. Fue entonces cuando por fin se dio cuenta de que su lado del pequeño armario se había expandido.

"¿Qué significaba?" preguntó Chester tímidamente a su mejor amigo. Pero la respuesta acusadora que no quería admitir ya lo estaba mirando. Poco a poco, Irene le iba abandonando.

Tenía que hacer algo.

Tras varios días de búsqueda, la información del sitio web parecía intrigante. El precio no era un obstáculo, así que Chester reservó una escapada de una semana en el nuevo hotel resort, "MindOver Manor Winter Retreat", a unos cincuenta y cinco kilómetros de distancia.

"Siguiente", anunció el empleado de atención al cliente en un tono encantador. Chester no se había dado cuenta de que su familia había llegado por fin al mostrador de atención al cliente.

"Paquete de vacaciones para mi esposa. Habitación nº 7". Se aseguró de que todo estaba en orden antes de entregar la confirmación de la reserva al empleado.

"Todo parece estar en orden. ¿Dónde está la cumpleañera?" Chester y sus dos pequeños santos terrores arrastraron a una reacia Irene hasta el mostrador.

El empleado llamó al conserje. Este se acercó rápidamente y, cogiéndola por el codo, la dirigió a un vestíbulo cercano.

Chester le cogió la mano y se la apretó. "Antes de que te vayas, quiero decirte algo. Nunca he sido bueno con las palabras. No puedo hacer que vuelvas a quererme. Pero puedo demostrarte cuánto te quiero".

Sorprendida, Irene empezó a responder. Pero el conserje se la llevó hacia la sala de estar.

El empleado de atención al cliente gritó: "Familia, por favor, diríjanse a la sala de espera mientras la cumpleañera documenta sus opciones de vacaciones".

¿Vacaciones? Irene parecía perpleja mientras se le agolpaban mil preguntas.

Chester guió a sus hijos fuera de la sala de reservas.

La puerta se cerró de golpe.


"Bienvenida, Irene. Aquí comienza tu fantasía. Tu marido debe amarte de verdad para patrocinar estas elaboradas vacaciones de fantasía. Y, la mejor parte, puedes elegir quién te acompañará en tu viaje. Tenemos una variedad de personas para elegir. Tiene treinta minutos para elegir".

El conserje sonrió, colocó el lápiz sobre la mesa auxiliar junto al folleto de vacaciones y desapareció.

En lugar de leer el material, Irene buscó en la habitación. Desprovista de la decoración habitual, sólo se veían la silla y la mesita. Se quedó mirando las paredes blancas. ¿Dónde estaban las puertas? Una sensación inquietante se apoderó de ella, provocándole una punzada en la nuca.

Todo parecía y sonaba sospechoso. Quizá Chester le estaba gastando una broma, pensó. Se encogió de hombros. Al principio de su matrimonio, descubrió que Chester nunca bromeaba. Insegura de la naturaleza de las vacaciones, frunció el ceño. Si se trataba de un viaje familiar, no quería saber nada de él ni de sus niños malcriados. Se había cansado de fingir.

Dudó. Conociendo sus planes futuros, razonó que una vez más no le haría daño, así que decidió cooperar con su "sorpresa".

Cogió el folleto.

Destino. Esa parte era fácil. Una exuberante cabaña en una isla tropical con vistas al océano.

Siguiente sección. Atónita, sintió una punzada en el fondo del estómago. Sus opciones eran problemáticas. Actividades que nunca había experimentado; marido alternativo, hijos, invitados, mascotas, arreglos para dormir y excursiones que nunca intentaría emprender.

No era su vida, sino la de otra persona.

En ese momento, se dio cuenta de que algo no iba bien. No estaba simplemente emprendiendo unas vacaciones de aventura. Faltaban su familia, sus amigos, sus actividades y sus motivaciones. Nada le resultaba familiar de su vida actual.

Pensamientos de su pasado vivido en silencio inundaban ahora sus emociones. Se dio cuenta de que el ciclo necesitaba reiniciarse. Veinte años. Tres hijos. Un baúl lleno de tesoros traídos tras sus viajes de negocios trimestrales. Nunca se entregaba. Él colocaba los recuerdos en la mesilla de noche de ella. La presión crecía. Explotando por dentro, ella no podía llegar a él. No. Él se negaba a permitirle el acceso.

Ella frunció el ceño, respirando con dificultad. Era demasiado repentino. Sí, quería irse. Pero aún no había concretado los detalles.

Se levantó de un salto y corrió hacia la parte de la pared donde recordaba haber visto la puerta por última vez. Golpeando con fuerza, llamó al conserje.

Instantes después, apareció una pequeña mirilla.

Frenética, habló rápidamente. "No quiero irme y dejar a mi familia. Quiero irme a casa".

"Pero las respuestas de su marido a la solicitud sugerían que usted ya no deseaba su antigua vida. Una vez que firmaste el acuerdo, sellaste tu destino". Irene se quedó mirando, horrorizada, mientras el rostro del conserje se desdibujaba.

"No es verdad. No me conoces", repitió. Alternó gritos con golpes y arañazos en la puerta hasta que se le desgarraron las uñas y le sangraron los dedos.

"Se acabó el tiempo. Termine de elegir", respondió una voz por el altavoz.

Un fuerte chirrido la obligó a apartarse de la puerta. La pared vacía que tenía enfrente se abría a la hermosa isla paradisíaca que había elegido.

Irene sacudió la cabeza con incredulidad.

Simultáneamente, la mirilla se desvaneció lentamente, como si viera un caleidoscopio. En su lugar apareció una ventana. El estallido de colores llamó su atención.

Se apartó de la isla paradisíaca y corrió hacia la ventana. Frotando con fuerza hasta que pudo ver a través de ella, divisó la silueta de su marido y sus hijos, de la mano, alejándose lentamente del Retiro de Invierno de MindOver Manor. Sus pisadas en la nieve se hicieron más claras a medida que sus voces risueñas se hacían más tenues.

Irene sintió que estaban contentos de librarse de ella mientras observaba cómo la nieve caía suavemente al principio, y luego cegaba al desaparecer la silueta de sus cuerpos en el bosque.

Se hundió en el suelo.

Las lágrimas se derramaron por su rostro mientras sollozaba incontrolablemente, murmurando: "Lo siento. No quería irme. Sólo quería que te cambiaras. Me cansé de esperar; tan cansada de vivir sola en la relación; tan cansada de esos niños malcriados".

El suelo se suavizó con ondas que reflejaban su rostro. Desgarrada por profundas arrugas, extendió las manos para tocarla. Los carámbanos desgarraron su carne, vaciando su cuerpo de fluidos. Gritó mientras empezaba a encogerse hasta que sólo pudo verse su ropa.

Una ráfaga de viento procedente de las palmeras de la playa penetró en el muro. Buscó a la cumpleañera. Chupando con fuerza, tiró de su vestido hasta que desapareció entre los pliegues del folleto de vacaciones sorpresa.

El conserje abrió cautelosamente la puerta. Miró a su alrededor hasta que su mirada alcanzó el folleto.

Sonrió y pensó: otro cliente satisfecho.


Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about a place that looks desolate.

Describe what you see.
In the photograph are three doors. The first door has the number "7" engraved on it. An enormous amount of snow is covering some type of building. HOTEL is written on the front of the structure. In the background, I can see the sky is cloudy.

Describe what you feel.
I feel as though the place probably was once a thriving business. It may still be so. However, is looks like a lonely place. I feel that there is definitely something behind the structure we can't see. I will explore this theme.

Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 11/26/22.


Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia me habló de un lugar que parece desolado.

**Describe lo que ves.
En la foto hay tres puertas. La primera lleva grabado el número "7". Una enorme cantidad de nieve cubre algún tipo de edificio. En la fachada está escrito HOTEL. Al fondo se ve el cielo nublado.

Describe lo que sientes.
Siento que el lugar probablemente fue una vez un próspero negocio. Puede que aún lo sea. Sin embargo, parece un lugar solitario. Siento que definitivamente hay algo detrás de la estructura que no podemos ver. Exploraré este tema.

Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para: Una imagen vale más que mil palabras - 26/11/22.

Image used with permission of contest owner


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding.

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 152 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


that is a great story of how we should always be grateful for what we have at the moment. I understand that there might be a point when we want everything to just go away and we can start something that we want, but that is not something that we need.

beautiful story.


Hello @ekavieka. Thanks for your visit and lovely compliment for my short story. Yes, we should be grateful for what he have. If something is not working, then try to fix it first before giving up. Since the wife desperately wanted out of the relationship, her husband granted her wish. I hope she's happy wherever she is in paradise. IF she can find herself again.

I appreciate your engagement and support.

Take care.



Gratefulness matters
An appreciative spirit could go a long way
Great writeup


Yes, it certainly does. You know, it's usually when a person is about to lose everything that they finally wake up and realize what they were looking for they had it all along. Then it may be too late, in the case of the ungrateful wife and mother.

Thanks so much for your visit and lovely compliment. I'm pleased you liked my story. I appreciate your support.

Take care.



All I can say this is this awesome. I missed the part she choose who accompanied her. I assume she went alone. I'm curious about the brochure.

I loved it. This story ended way too early. Such a pity the husband can live the way he likes and the children can remain awful.

Thank you for your entry. 👍


Hello. Thanks for your visit. I'm pleased you liked the theme of my story for the picture prompt. The pieces of the mystery have yet to unfold.

Stay tuned.

Take care and have a good start to your weekend.



Excellent! I wonder if she had any fun during her week? And if she went back to her family!

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project


Hello @wrestlingdesires. I sure hope she's having fun wherever she is. But she was sucked into her paradise all wrinkled up as though the vacation package was showing her the future she'd have wanting to leave her family. Personally, I don't feel as though she ever made it back to her family. Her husband paid for her to go on about her business as she intended to leave him anyway. She had already cleaned out her side of the closet. Be careful what you wish for 🤤

Thanks so much for your visit and kind compliment. I appreciate it and your support.

Take care.


Sounds like being selfish put her exactly where she thought she'd be. Only with no way out!

I really enjoyed reading it :)



That's like something you'd see on the Twilight Zone! Good stuff hun.

