Things To Do When You're On Top Of The world | LMAC FreeStyle No. 20


While creating my Freestyle Collage No. 20, I thought about the concept of looking inward. Continuing with this thought, I wondered when society will take a step back and look at the damage wrought upon the planet they live on.

Humans impact this planet by their affect upon the world's ecosystem.

The ecosystem encompasses all living things that consist of animals plants, and micro-organisms. It also includes non-living things such as, earth, soil, sun, climate, weather, and the atmosphere. Essentially, these living and non-living things make up the environment in which we live. 1

These important living and non-living components are critical for the normal functions, and are the foundation of every activity on our planet.

Hence, these components determine how each living and non-living thing interact in our ecosystem. This interaction makes living and surviving on planet Earth possible.1

It's no wonder that when the interaction is broken or severely damaged, upsetting the balance of the ecosystem affects the entire world. What one part of the world does affects the other either directly or indirectly.

When humans conduct any activity that disturbs this delicate balance, the entire ecosystem is at risk.

Take for instance, overpopulation. The explosion of people globally means consuming more of the planet's resources. With this occurrence, other issues arise, such as increased consumption. The burden of supplying food and shelter taxes the ecosystem by placing an added burden on the consumption of natural resources for living space. 1

Also, our modern inventions, while they make human lives more productive and efficient, have created long term consequences on the ecosystems. One of these inventions is plastic.

Rising global temperatures from the emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere is another harm to the planet. We currently endure more severe weather such as droughts, floods, cold and heat conditions.

Not just above ground is affected. Our actions have upset the oceans and their ecosystems.

Finally, exploiting our animals populations have led to possible extinctions of some species. Other harmful activities, such as the introduction of invasive species into regions that upset the balance of the receiving ecosystems.

What can we do?

First thing is to take off the rose colored or whatever colored glasses we hide behind. Rising above the issues is the only way look down at them and face the harsh realization that we are destroying the only place we have to live.

Humans don't know because they choose not to.

Not knowing is not an excuse. Being blinded to the issues of the world has gone on far too long. Real change may be possible, but it's resisted at every turn by those unwilling to face the truth.

One first has to be willing to recognize a problem before any real change can occur.

Then we must attack the problems with urgency.

By continuing to ignore the problems that humans cause, the longer it will take to correct or reverse the situations. Each individual can make a small impact on the world.

Maybe the world we reside in get have a second chance. If not, there is no PLANet B.


In preparing my theme, I needed a universal view of the world. For this scene, I located the following image I felt portrayed events originating from one source and projecting outward thoughts, ideas, and solutions.


I also included the original contest image from LMAC's Round 158 to identify as part of the landscape ecosystem.


Below are the additional images I included to complete my theme. Elements from the landscape and oceans represent how humans are affecting those ecosystems. Contributions by members to the LMAC LIL database were essential to creating a world view of thinking and taking actions.

One of the images available at the LIL is from @alex2alex who contributed an awesome image of a bird carrying a fish as though protecting it from the damaged environment.

Once I see a photo, I imagine different scenarios attempting to analyze what is occurring in the background.

Contributed to the LIL by @alex2alex:

Other Images

I uploaded all images into Canva then blended them utilizing my Annual Pro Membership Subscription.


Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you liked my freestyle collage theme.




It is imperative that you read the post LMAC School - Public Domain Picture sources (Free Materials for creating collages) by @quantumg, which discusses public domain issues. The post offers valuable information on images for commercial use. Links are included to sources that offer public domain images and other images that are free for commercial uses. Using public domain pictures and free pictures for commercial use are requirements for all collages that are submitted as entries in the LMAC contest and the LMAC Image Library (LIL).

What is Let's Make a Collage?It is a weekly photography and collage contest.
Who created the contest?@shaka is the contest owner.
What type of contest is it?This Contest utilizes a single photo provided by the contest owner as the basis for you to create your own photo collage by adding to the photo provided.
What are the rules?1. Use as your starting point for your collage the photography provided by the contest owner. It is located on the contest owner's post for free use without any copyright protection.
2. Entries are required to be posted to the LMAC community and must contain a link to the contest post.
3. Entries need to set the LMAC account (@lmac) as 20% beneficiary to be eligible for the dynamic component of the prize pool.;
4. Extra support with the LMAC trail to all collages where LIL assets have been included AND the respective LIL-contributors set as 2% beneficiaries;
5. By submitting your contribution you agree that your artwork remains public domain and that it can be copied, modified and distributed, even for commercial purposes, without requiring further permission.
6. Any graphical element that is added to the photography either needs to be your own original work (e.g. own artwork or photography) OR needs to derive from sites whitelisted by LMAC.
7. IMPORTANT: Indicate the source of all materials used in your accompanying post. Otherwise your entry can NOT be put up for the final vote.
8. All sort of editing, modification and/or manipulation is allowed as long as no copyright is affected.
What do you win?Prizes listed on the contest owner's post.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines.
f) Image created in Canva by @justclickindiva utilizing one of its free templates.

1 "Various Human Activities That Affect an Ecosystem". Conserve Energy Future. Online at:

Your Personal Terminal Discord Invite

Copy of Copy of Decorative Shape Facebook Cover1.gif



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 143 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
