[Let's Babble] Season One of Diablo 4 Has Arrived!


...and people are furious.

Well, I'm not. But there are a lot of people complaining about the changes that Season One brought with it and Blizzard has deigned to listen to the playerbase and admit that they've done something wrong, and are even asking the playerbase how they should fix it.

Apparently there was a bunch of nerfs and no one is happy. Except me. I'm playing a Corpse Exploding Necromancer and I'm absolutely lovvvviinnngggg it. If they buff this due to nerf-complaints, I'll be even happier for I'm having an absolute blast with it.


I am currently level 45 and have entered World Tier 3. I just did a dungeon with level 55 mobs in it and annihilated everything. I think the outspoken members of the playerbase are just being the toxic whingers they always are.

Sorry, not sorry. 🤷‍♀


The Season Pass is pretty average and just like every other battlepass out there, although, I'm a little disappointed in the amount of premium currency you'll end up accumulating by the last rank. You will acquire a total of 666 premium currency. Not enough to buy the cheapest item in the store and likely not enough to even buy a battlepass for next season.

I was hoping that it would be like Apex Legends where you can earn enough to buy the next season's battlepass... but alas.


When starting a Seasonal character, you will get the same Altars of Lilith and map discoveries that you've previously found, but you still need to go and reactivate the waypoints for fast travelling purposes.

I'm very slowly making my way around the map and re-activating those waypoints, on foot, doing all the random events, dungeons, quests, etc, just minding my own business as I pass by. xD My partner thinks I'm crazy doing it all on foot, but this is just the way I play. I am an expert at grindy games. This is why I do them so well. This is how I enjoy them.

Slow and steady and enjoying myself and all that.


This is the transmog that I've chosen for my Necromancer so far. 😁 This is my first time really running a Necromancer, so I didn't know what their transmogs looked like after playing a Sorcerer for so long... I'm a little disappointed in the lack of "slut-mogs" for the character, but I fixed that by hiding her chestpiece.

I think it looks good anyway, even if probably no one else does. xD


All in all, so far I'm having a great time with this first Season of Diablo 4. Being that I've only just hit World Tier 3, I'm only just really starting the endgame stuff. I've found a few cool legendaries and I'm getting an idea of ones to look out for.

The Seasonal mechanic seems pretty cool, too. You can find Violent, Brutal, or Vicious hearts from malignant monsters that you cage up... and you can pop those hearts in your jewellery. I have one that auto-activates my corpse abilities as I pass by which is just fantastic.

Another one I have changes every 20 kills, giving me a barrier, or giving me more attack speed, or giving me instant resource restoration. That's also fantastic. Now I need to find higher level ones! xD

I am a bit disappointed though that there only seems to be a few options... so far I think I've found 5 different abilities and I keep getting a "fear" one over and over which I don't want. I hate fears. Nothing worse than an enemy running away from you. At least I can scavenge it though.


I was going to utilise the beginning of Season One to do my very first Let's Play video of my Season journey, but alas, my voice is still affected by Covid from nearly a month ago and is croaky as hell. By bedtime, my voice is barely audible. It's driving me crazy. 😖

Guess I'll save it for another couple of weeks when I start my Seasonal Hardcore character. I really hope I can speak by then because I need my voice for real life too, haha... ha...


Diablo 4! Season One! Good! Make your own opinions and don't listen to the gnashing mob of elitist players.


Until next time! 🙃🙂



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Diablo 4.


Well. It is your game and you can make with it what you will.. If you decide to go on foot everywhere... Then you go on foot, I won't say I would have done the same but it does at-least sound like more of an adventure.

That way you really don't miss a thing. More action, more value...


I haven't started the season yet and haven't even thought about doing so either. Probably won't. The patch notes just totally defeated me. Seeing all the gear I had farmed and rolled perfectly for my character being nerfed into the ground just killed all of my want to play the game any more. On top of the fact that EXP from level 50 and onwards was nerfed was the funeral. I already got bored to shit leveling past 50 in the pre-season and now it's going to be even slower in the season? No thanks. I heard they're going to fix and revert most of these changes so I might get into it at a later time.


The XP wasn't nerfed! Quite the opposite. It's now faster to level, not slower. :)

I guess I don't really notice the things you mentioned because I don't really play these games for long. I start a season, play for 2-3 weeks, then ignore the character forevermore. Once the season is over, I'm never going to play this Necromancer or care about her gear ever again; I might start another one next season and do it all from scratch, but that's it. The sorceress I was playing pre-season? She's never going to be played again so her gear doesn't matter to me.


Doesn't look much like buffs to me :P


How do you mean they buffed exp? If you mean the season journey rewards they that's only a buff in name if they nerfed exp gains otherwise.


Huh... Well, I'm basing it more on what my partner said and my own experience. I didn't read the patchnotes and when I mentioned what you said, he was confused because apparently the XP had been buffed, but he probably misread it lol.

In my experience though I feel like I'm levelling faster than I was previously, or maybe that's just because I skipped the campaign and am just waltzing around doing whatever I want.


Well it is what it is! If you’re enjoying it that’s all that matters.


I'm glad you're enjoying Season One of Diablo 4! It's always interesting to hear different perspectives on new content.

I'm also a fan of grindy games, and I think it's great that you're taking your time to explore the world and complete all the content. I'm sure you'll find some great legendaries and have a lot of fun in the endgame.

I'm sorry to hear that you're still recovering from COVID-19. I hope your voice recovers soon so that you can start your Seasonal Hardcore character and make some Let's Play videos.


Cheers :)

I'm really hoping my voice recovers soon, it's driving me crazy. Every time I go out to the shops, speak on the phone, on Discord, everywhere, I'm just croaking and snuffling with the occasional cough. I just want it gone so I can be a real human again, haha.
