Wandering Through the Wasteland — a Fallout 4 Tale — part three


In my last post, Alexandria rescued a group of people from raiders and helped them get settled into her old neighbourhood of Sanctuary, and then a psychic told her to go to Diamond City — that she would find information about her son there.


Alexandria was loathe to trust in a psychic, but she had known so much about her that was impossible otherwise... she was willing to take the psychic's advice and head for Diamond City.

With her fluffy friend by her side, they trundled out of Sanctuary and out past Concord where a wandering trader with a two-headed cow stopped her for a chat and then gave her directions to the city.


Down the road a little way's, voices rang out. Outside of an old diner, two people shouted at the occupants within. Alexandria had no interest in the kerfuffle, but as she passed by the two people outside the diner turned to her and asked for her assistance. There was a guy inside who owed them money, and they would take it with or without her help, but if she did help them, they'd pay her.

It was here Alexandria decided, "Fuck the world. I can do what I want."


She drew her gun and helped the two people assault those inside the diner. Soon it was done and she was rewarded with bottlecaps: the currency of the future.

Surprisingly, despite being a lawyer and war hero's wife, she didn't feel guilty over her actions... but, strangely free. Once she had her son back, maybe she could deal with this new reality after all.


Continuing on from the Diner, Alexandria soon learned just how dangerous this world could be. She crept through the undergrowth, avoiding a gigantic scorpion and two hulking green men that were three times the size of her husband.

Two giant flies suddenly buzzed around her, whilst she crept away from the other dangers, and she dealt with those as quietly as she was able while the other monsters wandered past.


Alexandria and her dog soon found themselves in the outskirts of Lexington, where a strange zombie-like creature leapt out of the shadows and assailed them.

This must've been what the group was talking about when they said they had been attacked by ghouls in Lexington. If there were more of those creatures wandering around here, she wanted none of it. Once the creature was dead, she and the dog backtracked and attempted another path into Boston.


She and the fluff sidekick soon found their way to the area where Diamond City was supposedly located. Gunshots ricocheted all 'round as opposing gangs fought in the streets, and a lone scavenger fought against a robot similar to her Codsworth but far more dangerous.

While the enemies around her were occupied, she and the dog snuck past them and crept into a nearby building. There was ammo to restock and a sleeping bag to rest upon should she need it.


Unfortunately she wasn't able to become comfortable in this location. Although none of the enemies knew she was there, there was no way she could rest here.

The location the trader had given her was just a couple of blocks away. She would do her best to sneak past the enemies and get there. She had made it this far, surely she could make it another couple of blocks.

Creeping past raiders, scavengers, and evil robots, they went further into the city.


More giant green men appeared!

Alexandria hid from the gigantic hulks and waited 'til the coast was clear to continue on to Diamond City. It was so close. But then... two mutated hounds rounded the corner and saw her. Before she could react, she was dead.

But, was she?

She awoke in her bed and prepared to leave Sanctuary for Diamond City. Hadn't she already done this?

Furrowing her brow, she drank some water, ate some charred molerat for breakfast, took some antibiotics to ease her insomnia, and set forth for Diamond City with her trusty fluffy friend.


Once more she met a trader who gave her directions to Diamond City, then stumbled across a pair of people assaulting a diner. Once more she helped them take over the joint and revelled in doing one small, bad deed.


This was too similar to what had just happened, what she had dreamt...

Paranoid about the creatures that could be lurking in Lexington, Alexandria and her fluffy friend bypassed that area completely and were soon in Boston. Again?


They weren't safe from those creatures here though, either! Rounding the corner where in another life she had tried to rest in a building where gangs fought nearby... a ghoul rushed them.

She and the dog swiftly took it down then ran for their lives lest the commotion alerted other enemies to their presence. The location of Diamond City was just around the corner!


Racing around another corner, they were greeted by a sign that said 'Diamond City' right near the old baseball stadium. Of course. "Diamond" city. It made sense now. A stadium, with its tall walls and wide open space, would be a fantastic area for living and protection from the horrors of this new world.

People wearing baseball gear as armour patrolled the outer walls, keeping the riff-raff at bay, and they allowed her entry.


Upon entering Diamond City, Alexandria came upon the strangest sight she had yet seen in this bizarre new world: a journalist yelling at the "mayor" of the baseball stadium.

Alexandria hadn't realised there was still some semblance of society. She had thought it was just wanderers trying to make do, small settlements of like-minded people, and raiders and mutated creatures everywhere. But this "city" had a mayor, and a journalist, and god knows what else.

After the dispute between mayor and journalist, the mayor welcomed her to his city and directed her to speak with a detective named Nick Valentine if she needed help, and the journalist invited her to her office to have a chat as, with the pipboy strapped to her wrist, it was clear Alexandria had come from a Vault and she wanted to ask some questions.

It was time to at last enter Diamond City and look for her son.


Until next time! 🙃💣☢️



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Fallout 4.


Never been into Fallout games but those are real gems in the gaming industry for sure :)


Absolutely! :) Number 4 is the only one I really got into, though New Vegas is good too... it was just a little dated when I first played it. Couldn't get into the other ones although I loved their Elder Scrolls games.
