My second presentation after 10 days in hive - Mi segunda presentación despues de 10 días en Hive


El día que me uni a Hive ya había hecho una especie de presentación, pero despues de 10 días interactuando en Hive me he dado cuenta de que esa primera presentación no transmitia lo que quería transmitir, y mi nueva amiga @pinkchic me ha recomendado hacerlo de nuevo, por lo que aquí estoy.

Mi nombre es y será Kamikazce, y esque a pesar de que aquí en Hive ya he publicado fotos mias y de mi familia, soy un autentico amante de la privacidad, de hecho las fotos he publicado aquí son las primeras fotos mías publicas en internet, nunca he formado parte de ninguna red social, no me gusta compartir fotografías personales, fotografias privadas ni información personal ni privada, por algun motivo que hasta yo mismo desconozco, me siento comodo publicando esas fotos aquí y por eso lo hago obviamente, algo he encontrado en Hive que no se describir con palabras, quizas sea demasiado pronto, no lo se.

El motivo principal por el que vine a Hive, es por que desde hace tiempo, meses, sentía la necesidad de escribir, de soltar todo lo que llevo dentro, bueno y malo, simplemente soltarlo... e intenté varias veces hacer un blog personal pero siempre acababa dejandolo de lado, por lo que mi gran amigo @neshk me habló sobre esta blockchain, y al final acabé probando y me ha gustado, me esta gustando mucho y me estoy sintiendo muy bien, aliviado, comodo...

¿Quien se esconde en realidad detras de esa mascara de Joker? y ¿Porqué el Joker?

En realidad no me escondo, de hecho ya me conoceis, ya sabeis quien soy, pero siento un vinculo especial con este personaje de ficción... y direis, el Joker es un personaje malo, es el malo de la pelicula, pero yo no lo veo así, si habeis visto la última pelicula 'The Joker', vereis los origines y el porqué de la actitud de este personaje, no era malo, lo han hecho ser malo. De todas formas, no yo no soy malo, ni nadie me ha hecho ser malo 😜 aunque si le preguntais a cualquier persona que sepa quien soy pero que no me conozca, muy probablemente me describan como algo así. Casualidad? No, esa es la mascara que llevo puesta constantemente, absolutamenta nadie q yo no quiera va a saber nada de mi, no va a intuir nada, y lo que van a ver es a un tio serio, que te mira mal, que no te da pie a ser su amigo, que no te da pie a nada mas que a respetarme, porque no comparto el 99% del pensamiento, de la forma de ser, de la forma de actuar, del estilo de vida, de las aspiraciones.. de nada... de la sociedad española, en su gran mayoría, por supuesto siempre con sus excepciones, son un autentico rebaño de ovejas sin voz ni voto, cuyo unico objetivo en la vida es intentar vivir una vida que no es real, que no es suya, vivir la vida de otro, amoldarse al de al lado para ser aceptado, sentirse aceptado, reconocido, gente falsa con o sin maldad, hay de los 2 tipos, porque ya es una forma de ser que tienen tan interiorizada que soy consciente de que muchos actuan asi sin darse cuenta, pero les gusta, vivir una mentira, ser parte de algo, estar dentro del rebaño, aunque sea a base de mentiras, falsedades y traiciones.

Yo soy todo lo contrario, no me gusta formar parte del rebaño, tengo unos pensamientos, creencias muy marcados, muy claros y tengo personalidad propia que no es moldeable, yo soy yo. Acepto un consejo, de hecho lo agradezco, pero para que me des un consejo, primero tengo que respetarte, y para repetarte no puedes estar dentro de ese 99% de la población, esos no merecen mi respeto, nunca lo van a tener y siempre van a ver mi parte con mascara, mi Joker, porque no quiero tenerlos cerca, no quiero que se confundan conmigo ni dar lugar a malas interpretaciones, las cosas claras y no quiero absolutamente a nadie en mi entorno que no aporte nada positivo a mi vida, no necesito amigos para poder contar mas cantidad de gente, no necesito gustarte, no necesito caerte bien, ni quiero.

Si me caes bien, si me gustas, si te has ganado mi confianza, entonces si que me vas a conocer ami, para quien me conoce yo soy una persona que siempre esta contenta, feliz, sonriendo, pensando en mejorar, en hacer, en crecer, voy hacer cualquier cosa por ayudarte, para que estes bien, para que te sientas bien, para que mejores, me considero una buena persona, pero muy especial ya que no permito que nadie que yo no quiera vea esa buena persona. Soy autentico, y eso duele, y eso hace daño, y al rebaño eso no le gusta, cosa que agradezco.

Y lo mas importante para mi, es la autenticidad de una persona, la confianza y su palabra. Si eres autentico, si eres tu mismo, si te has ganado mi confianza ... soy un autentico trozo de pan, pero al mismo tiempo no perdono, no olvido, si me fallas despues de haberte dado mi confianza, dejas de existir para mi de forma tajante y radical, pido muy poco pero lo poco que pido es lo único que necesito y una traición, algo que me haga perder la confianza va hacer q nunca jamas bajo ningun concepto confie en ti, y por lo tanto, si no confio en ti no me gustas, y si no me gustas y no me aportas, no te quiero cerca.

Soy un tipo raro? .... bueno, diferente, pero siempre me ha ido muy bien así, y si he llegado a este extremo es porque me han hecho ser así, tanto la gente como la vida en si misma (como al Joker). No tienes que pensar igual que yo, de hecho tengo algun amigo con el que tengo formas muy diferentes de ver algunas cosas de la vida y podemos hablar perfectamente sin ningun problema, no quiero decir que se tenga que pensar como yo ni tener mis mismas creencias, si la misma base, pero cada uno es como es y piensa lo que piensa mientras no se supere los limites y las barreras de la autencicidad, ademas sería aburrido si todos fuesemos iguales y pensasemos igual 🤗

Y hoy por hoy pues bueno, cosas de la vida, cosas de este pais en concreto que estan acabando con el y lo estan arruiando tanto al pais como a la gente, hacen y fomentan que la gente, la poblacion vivan en ese circo social, fomentan el odio entre las personas.... y si, hay veces que me dejo llevar y puedo decir cosas que aparentemente pueden sonar mal o bruscas, pero todo tiene un porqué detras, una explicación lógica y coherente, yo nunca hablo por hablar sin una base solida, antes de hablar por hablar me cayo, JAMAS me vereis hablar de algo de lo que no tenga conocimiento, no necesito demostrar nada a nadie, solo hablo de lo que yo sé (este punto tambien es algo que me revienta de la sociedad española, y esque cualquier persona de la calle, te puede enseñar a conducir un avión 😜 hablan sin saber de que hablan ni lo que dicen, pero hablan, necesitan integrarse aunque esten haciendo el ridiculo, necesita que pienses WOW).

Enfin, creo que como presentación general es suficiente, me conocereis mucho mas con todos los posts del día a día, y voy aclarar una cosa:

A HIVE no vengo con mi mascara de Joker, vengo desnudo y siendo yo mismo, por eso estoy aquí y por eso quiero quedarme aquí, espero encontrar en Hive las personas autenticas y reales de las que gusta rodearme y no la basura de gente que predomina en España.


English version

The day I joined Hive I had already made a kind of presentation, but after 10 days interacting in Hive I realized that that first presentation did not convey what I wanted to convey, and my new friend @pinkchic has recommended me to do it again, so here I am.

My name is and will be Kamikazce, and although I have already published photos of me and my family here in Hive, I am a real privacy lover, in fact the photos I have published here are the first photos of me published on the internet, I have never been part of any social network, I don't like to share personal pictures, private pictures or personal or private information, for some reason that even I don't know myself, I feel comfortable publishing those pictures here and that's why I do it obviously, something I found in Hive that I can't describe with words, maybe it's too soon, I don't know.

The main reason why I came to Hive, is because for some time, months, I felt the need to write, to release everything I have inside, good and bad, just let it out... and I tried several times to make a personal blog but always ended up leaving it aside, so my great friend @neshk told me about this blockchain, and in the end I ended up trying it and I liked it, I'm really liking it and I'm feeling very well, relieved, comfortable...

Who is really hiding behind that Joker mask and why the Joker?

Actually I'm not hiding, in fact you already know me, you already know who I am, but I feel a special bond with this fictional character... and you will say, the Joker is a bad character, he is the bad guy of the movie, but I don't see it like that, if you have seen the last movie 'The Joker', you will see the origins and the reason of the attitude of this character, he was not bad, he was made to be bad. Anyway, no I am not evil, nor has anyone made me evil 😜 although if you ask anyone who knows who I am but doesn't know me, they will most likely describe me as something like that. Coincidence? No, that's the mask I wear constantly, absolutely nobody that I don't like is going to know anything about me, they are not going to intuit anything, and what they are going to see is a serious guy, who looks at you badly, who doesn't give you a chance to be his friend, who doesn't give you a chance to do anything but respect me, because I don't share 99% of the thinking, the way of being, the way of acting, the lifestyle, the aspirations... of anything? The great majority of the Spanish society, in its great majority, of course always with its exceptions, are an authentic flock of sheep without voice or vote, whose only objective in life is to try to live a life that is not real, that is not theirs, to live the life of another, to adapt to the one next to them to be accepted, to feel accepted, recognized, false people with or without malice, there are both types, because it is a way of being that they have so internalized that I am aware that many act like this without realizing it, but they like it, to live a lie, to be part of something, to be within the flock, even if it is based on lies, falsehoods and betrayals.

I am the opposite, I do not like to be part of the herd, I have very clear thoughts and beliefs, and I have my own personality that is not moldable, I am me. I accept advice, in fact I appreciate it, but for you to give me advice, first I have to respect you, and to repeat you can not be within that 99% of the population, those do not deserve my respect, they will never have it and they will always see my part with a mask, my Joker, because I do not want to have them around, I don't want them to be confused with me or give rise to misinterpretations, things are clear and I absolutely don't want anyone in my environment who does not contribute anything positive to my life, I don't need friends to be able to count more people, I don't need you to like me, I don't need you to like me, I don't want you to like me, nor do I want you to like me.

If I like you, if I like you, if you have earned my trust, then if you are going to know me, for those who know me I am a person who is always happy, happy, smiling, thinking about improving, doing, growing, I will do anything to help you, to be well, to make you feel good, to improve, I consider myself a good person, but very special because I do not allow anyone I do not want to see that good person. I am authentic, and that hurts, and that hurts, and the flock does not like that, which I appreciate.

And the most important thing for me is a person's authenticity, trust and their word. If you are authentic, if you are yourself, if you have gained my trust ... I am an authentic piece of bread, but at the same time I do not forgive, I do not forget, if you fail me after having given you my trust, you cease to exist for me in a sharp and radical way, I ask very little but the little I ask is the only thing I need and a betrayal, something that makes me lose trust will make me never ever under any circumstances trust you, and therefore, if I do not trust you I do not like you, and if I do not like you and you do not bring me, I do not want you around.

I'm a weird guy? .... Well, different, but I've always done very well this way, and if I've come to this extreme it's because I've been made this way, both by people and by life itself (like the Joker). You don't have to think like me, in fact I have some friends with whom I have very different ways of seeing some things in life and we can talk perfectly well without any problem, I don't mean that you have to think like me or have my same beliefs, if the same basis, but each one is as he is and thinks what he thinks as long as the limits and barriers of authenticity are not exceeded, besides it would be boring if we were all the same and thought the same 🤗.

And today, well, things of life, things of this country in particular that are destroying it and are ruining both the country and the people, make and encourage people, the population to live in this social circus, encourage hatred among people.... and yes, there are times that I get carried away and I can say things that apparently may sound bad or abrupt, but everything has a reason behind, a logical and coherent explanation, I never speak for speaking without a solid base, before speaking for speaking I fall, you will NEVER see me speak of something that I do not have knowledge, I do not need to prove anything to anyone, I only talk about what I know (this point is also something that pisses me off about Spanish society, and that is that any person in the street can teach you how to drive a plane 😜 they talk without knowing what they are talking about or what they are saying, but they talk, they need to integrate even if they are making a fool of themselves, they need you to think WOW).

Anyway, I think that as a general presentation is enough, you will know me much more with all the posts of the day to day, and I will clarify one thing:

To HIVE I don't come with my Joker mask, I come naked and being myself, that's why I'm here and that's why I want to stay here, I hope to find in Hive the authentic and real people I like to surround myself with and not the trash people that predominate in Spain.



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Hi, there my friend! Do you own the picture you are using? if not, it is very important to cite sources or give credits to the real owner, and attach a link to wherever you got it if it does not belong to you. But if it is yours, no problem.

Welcome to Hive and it is nice meeting you! You could add more photos to make your posts interesting. And always remember that plagiarism, AI generated contents, grabbing photos from other sites are prohibited here.

Enjoy your Hive journey and blessings to yo!


yes, thats my own image, i have a large own collection of edited joker images 😉

Thank you, time to sleep here, in a little hours i need to wake up to work, enjoy your day 😀


Wow! Amazing. And you can post in Hive at least 12 hours after your last post or one post a day. Good luck on your Hive journey my friend. Try to explore more communities and enjoy.
