Beautiful Sunday: walking around green fields and garden.


This year the rainy season arrived one month early and the rain had been consistently frequent. I was quite pleased with plenty of rain as this would save us some water and time for watering the plants. But the downside was that weeds and wild grasses have been flourishing like crazy. We had to enlist some neighbours’ unemployed son and friends to help with cutting tree branches and getting rid of stubborn or spiky weeds. Luckily, the work was nicely done just before the next bout of heavy rains for several days.



I had started to order some woven plastic sheets to cover some patches where weeds and wild grasses seemed to be coming back quickly. At first, my gardener laughed at my idea and thought it was a waste of time and money. After two months of unexpected result, my gardener wanted me to get some more sheets for covering the path in the fruit garden. In fact I had been so pleased with the result that I had ordered more sheets with longer length. My experiments with three patches were successful. I expected the petrol prices to go higher and we would probably couldn’t afford to buy petrol for cutting weeds and grasses one day. So, these ground covering sheets should become very useful in keeping our garden neat and tidy.



Our favourite helper came early to help us tidy the bushes along the fence adjacent to our next door neighbour’ s land. They had not returned to visit their land since the plandemics began; they were both medical doctors working at the big hospital in another area. The husband was the assistant to the director of that hospital while his wife was the best anesthetist there; her husband was very famous for cancer surgeries. Surprisingly, cancer has become number one cause of illness and death in the north-east of Thailand.



I was semi-joking with my gardener that perhaps the third boosting jab had made them sick. In the past we would see these doctors walking around their land once a month. Hopefully they weren’t affected by the booster jabs, though I heard that medical staff had died after their booster jabs. It did worry me somewhat about their absence during the last two years. They had not hired people to look after their trees and garden like before. So, their land has become a small jungle with over flowing weeds and bushes into our area. This has caused quite a bit of inconvenience and extra expenses on our budget. I still pray for their safety and hope to see them again soon. I heard some time ago that he was going to become the next director of the main hospital. He surely has a promising future career with two small children.


My right arm needed a good rest after working too hard and suffered from painful ligaments. I couldn’t lift anything heavy for a while. So, I had to trust that my helper and gardener would use their common sense and work on the unruly areas diligently. I was very delighted to see the results of their work. They had been very hard working and formed a good team. It’s difficult to find hard working people with respectable work ethics these days. This could be partly the consequence of wide spread use of narcotics. During the lockdown, many drug traffickers had been arrested with big hauls of synthetic drug coming from across the borders. Incidentally, I thought all these drug factories should have been easily spotted via satellites. So, these should have been easily demolished but I guess there were other hidden forces at work in mysterious ways!


The rain had made everything very green and beautiful. The landscape had changed so much with some tall trees and grown fruit trees. Last year we planted more banana trees as they required minimum attention and they could support us in times of hardship. I told my gardener a few years ago to expect some kind of world war and food shortage in the future. Nowadays, my gardener was quite puzzled at the accuracy of my predictions. I also told her last year that petrol prices would go up and there would be a shortage of cooking gas and petrol one day. Now she understood why I was harping on building an area for wood stoves and charcoal storage.



I have been trying to find someone to help me with solar energy system for the whole house. I really have to seriously learn about solar panels and the connecting systems. But other things kept taking my time and attention away from installing a solar energy system; the crash in crypto market made a big dent in my plan too! However, I have recently been successful in learning how to make CDS choline dioxide (mms). After spending weeks reading on this subject on alternative media, (main stream media just hates the stuff!), I made my own and experimented on myself for four days with amazing results. For more information about CDS, please see:


Now, my gardener who was laughing at my concoction earlier told me that she needed some more as she almost ran out of the second bottle. She had several amazing stories to tell me. I gave two bottles to her elderly neighbours; my gardener told me that the old man who just had an operation on his testes cancer could now walk around after being bed ridden for two weeks. He just returned from the hospital with brilliant medical report from a surprised doctor. The monk who had suffered from the two compulsory COVID jabs has been very delighted with CDS. His other bodily pains have also disappeared and he has been sleeping very well every night. He just requested for more CDS even though I gave him enough supply for over a month.


So, I have started sharing this knowledge and information with a friendly doctor who has a well known homeopathy clinic. This team of doctors have been inundated with rich people who had their third and fourth jabs. I was told more clients were coming in with very fast recurring types of cancer. Despite these worldly preoccupations, I still have to take in stuff from the invisible world of energies and vibes from around the world. It’s difficult to communicate with beings from other dimensions with my noisy mind. A monk once told me that my life would be totally different had I devoted to meditative life of a forest monk. I wished I had been able to have the blessing of purely spiritual lifestyle. Things would have been very different in my life and I would have become another person! Alas, karma rules and so my life will have to follow my destiny.



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.
