Tips for a chicken in a pan, which will be as if you had made it in the oven.🍗




Hola amigos de #foodiesbeehive es un placer estar nuevamente con ustedes, se que a muchos nos ha pasado que queremos comer un pollo horneado pero no tenemos horno, entonces lo dejamos en el quizás luego cuando tenga horno pueda animarme a cocinar ese pollo que tanto deseo. En este día voy a darte los tips que necesitas para que tú pollo quedé como si hubiera estado en el horno, acompáñame.


Para esto necesitamos:


✓Muslos de pollo


Lava muy bien tus presas de pollo y quitarles la piel, esto si no te gusta,hay muchos que prefieren dejarla, en mi caso no me gusta. Luego déjalas un rato dentro de un bol con agua y vinagre, al paar unos minutos sácalos y lava muy bien.

Lo siguiente que haremos será cortar o rallar 6 dientes de ajo y agregarlos al pollo con una cantidad generosa de sal, mezcla bien con tus manos y añade a un sartén precalentado a fuego medio.


Al pasar unos minutos voltea, este proceso debes repetirlo 2 veces antes de taparlo.


Una vez que le hayas dado dos vueltas, tapa y baja un poco más el fuego, mientras se cocina no olvides que tú pollo necesita dorarse por ambos lados, añade un poquito de aceite, solo una cantidad mínima, y debes estar atento a voltear.


Cocina unas papas para acompañar y añade sal, comer sano también no es malo.


Después de unos minutos, nuestro pollo estará listo y el resultado será extraordinario.




Hello friends of #foodiesbeehive it is a pleasure to be with you again, I know that many of us have wanted to eat a baked chicken but we don't have an oven, so we leave it in the oven, maybe later when I have an oven I will be able to cook that chicken that I want so much. Today I am going to give you the tips you need to make your chicken as if it had been in the oven, join me.

For this we need:


✓Chicken thighs
✓ Garlic


Wash very well your chicken prey and remove the skin, this if you don't like it,there are many who prefer to leave it, in my case I don't like it. Then leave them for a while in a bowl with water and vinegar, after a few minutes take them out and wash them very well.

The next thing to do is to cut or grate 6 cloves of garlic and add them to the chicken with a generous amount of salt, mix well with your hands and add to a preheated skillet over medium heat.


After a few minutes turn it over, this process should be repeated 2 times before covering it.


Once you have turned it twice, cover and lower the heat a little more, while cooking do not forget that your chicken needs to brown on both sides, add a little oil, only a minimum amount, and you must be attentive to turn it.


Cook some potatoes to go with it and add salt, eating healthy is not bad too.


After a few minutes, our chicken will be ready and the result will be extraordinary.




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I used Deepl Translator to translate the text.🇪🇦/🇺🇲
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