The Torundel younglings V and some random thoughts on Torundel the Shitposter


The Torundel concept seems to be able to create new ripples in the Hive pond for much longer than I thought possible. The latest person to ask for a ornament title is @detlev who want to write about xxx the shit consultant. If you want a name were the XXX is now please say so and I will change it, @detlev.


Torundel the shitposter streg.png

Some random thoughts on Torundel the Shitposter

When I have made an artwork I normally let some time pass and then I read, or look at or listen to it again. When making art the most important thing for me is distance and coldness. Looking at what I have made as if I was a stranger passing by it by a coincidence. A hard state to reach actually, but just waiting is the most foolproof method.

Already now when I look at the story of Torundel it puzzles me a quite a bit. Just how organic the creation of it was, for example. I will normally rewrite and even so the result will often be much more complex, silly and messy. Torundel the alienated, intellectual loner is not far from my comic hero Phill Philby (which you can read about here: Phill from GCHQ), but the almost epic feel of this little science fiction fairytale has much more pathos than I normally prefer. Even the silliness of shitposting, which mainly, from the short excerpts you hear in the text is latrine lip insults, does nothing (or not much) to attenuate the tragic dignity of Torundel. That is at least what I see right now. Maybe I shall let it rest for the summer and then I can return later to see what it really is.

I thought if making an illustration for each part and then make a small creative commons pdf book so people can print their own. It is an idea I have had for a long time. As Katharsisdrill I have published music, film, 3d models and drawings/painting, so why not a book. Maybe I could also make a real book later with a handprinted cover, but as I am a bit busy now I better wait and see how I fell about Torundel in a few month...


It's quite interesting to know you have produced music. I'm a fan of music and I'm ready to explore.
Could you share some of the music links?


I am off for a bicycle ride with my youngest daughter, but I will find it for you when I come home.


Yes, that is a good idea to let Torundel rest for the summer.

xxx the shit consultant reminds me of a quote about a character in Killing Eve, as like "people who make your hackles rise and your teeth itch as soon as they open their mouths". I bet he's expensive, too.


Originally I had decided to just post whatever took my fancy on my Katharsisdrill profile on Diaspora without petty considerations for bourgeois quality requirements. But after a while all the quality tyranny was back. I come from the fine arts world so the project was originally to make all the forbidden stuff, comics, illustration, pulp fiction, music :)

Consultant is another word for expensive!


I will be interested to read my own stories in a few years. I am building up a fair bit of recorded music and it can be strange to hear myself back then.I would hope I have improved over time.


Yes, it can be very strange to see or hear old pieces you made many years ago. We all improve in some ways. Practice is more important than talent.


I did not see Torundel in quite the same way as you did. I don't see shitposting in quite the same way either.

You wrote an epic story, however organically it came out, that explored the concept of shitposting, which I think of as rather more than latrine lip insults. What is one person's shit is another person's art. Torundel's journey often reminded me of the controversial piece of the Madonna that has elephant dung on it:

That piece nearly derailed the art world of NYC, much like Mapplethorpe's work did more than a decade earlier.

Torundel runs with the greats! I say "YES" to the book!


I think we probably see both Torundel and shitposting the same way, but I have been surprised of how my intentions didn't match what was happening ( I am every time). Already in one of the early episodes I thought, let shitposting be as obscene as it sounds. I invented is as a joke. But then it suddenly was taken over by the classical iambos tradition, like in Horace's epodes. And... also Catullus made some great bad taste poems based on that tradition. I think classical culture has, after its reinvention in the renaissance, had a great influence on our society because we had to deal with nudity, homosexuality, democracy, noble heathen etc.

So I agree. It was suddenly not an off joke anymore, but a reference to the way art (for example from another era or culture) unexpectedly can change society. I didn't see it coming, but when it did I took the hint and of course when I reached the end it was obvious even to me.

I'll let it rest on oak casks and then probably fix the whole book thing in some month.


I still think about the name of "the Shit Consultant"

Are there any ideas from my "shitty" friends like @steevc or @slobberchops as my german thinking brain did not get the right wording for this...

I look for typical old or strange names - any ideas?
