Ladies of Hive Contest #97 || Something I could teach you is ...

What are the goals you want to achieve in 2022 (1).png

Welcome to my blog (1).png

Bendecido día estimadas Ladies of Hive, espero que su semana haya empezado de la mejor manera y esté siendo muy productiva para todas.

Me encuentro redactando mi participación para el Concurso semanal en esta comunidad.
Ya se ha vuelto una bonita costumbre esperar las preguntas y hacer mi ejercicio de reflexión con ustedes.
En esta oportunidad intentaré responder de a mejor manera a la pregunta #1 y aprovecho para invitar a mi compañera de comunidad @anaarevalo para que se anime a participar y responder a alguna de las dos interesantes preguntas.

Blessed day dear Ladies of Hive, I hope your week has started in the best way and is being very productive for all of you.

I am writing my entry for the weekly Quiz in this community.
It has become a nice habit to wait for the questions and do my reflection exercise with you.
This time I will try to answer the best way to question #1 and I take this opportunity to invite my community partner @anaarevalo to participate and answer one of the two interesting questions.

Welcome to my blog (3).png

Welcome to my blog (1).png

¿Qué es algo que me puedes enseñar?

Esta es una pregunta sumamente interesante, me hizo pensar por un largo rato. Soy docente de profesión, por lo que pudiera responder de manera muy teórica todo lo que como docente le puedo enseñar a alguien. Sin embargo, no suelo encasillarme en mi profesión, eso es solo mi título universitario, considero que he aprendido muchas más cosas en el transitar de la vida de lo que pude haber aprendido en mi formación universitaria. Son precisamente esas cosas que he tenido que aprender, quizá de una manera no tan sutil, las que pudiera yo compartir con alguien. Digo "compartir" y no "enseñar" porque no muchos aprenden con experiencias ajenas, generalmente aprendemos de nuestras propias vivencias y nuestros propios errores.

This is a very interesting question, it made me think for a long time. I am a teacher by profession, so I could answer in a very theoretical way everything that as a teacher I can teach someone. However, I don't usually pigeonhole myself in my profession, that's just my university degree, I consider that I have learned many more things in the course of my life than I could have learned in my university education.

I consider that I have learned many more things in the journey of life than I could have learned in my university education.
It is precisely those things that I have had to learn, perhaps in a not so subtle way, that I could share with someone.
I say "share" and not "teach" because not many people learn from other people's experiences, we generally learn from our own experiences and our own mistakes.


Una de las cosas que considero valioso de mi personalidad y digno de compartir como enseñanza es el valor del Respeto. Respeto es mi palabra clave para casi todo en la vida. Respeto, principalmente, por mis principios, valores y creencias. Actúo bajo la premisa de no hacer nada que vaya en contra de mis valores. Del mismo modo, respeto por las demás personas, independientemente que seamos de ideologías y creencias contrarias, lo mejor es respetar la manera de pensar de cada quien, evitar discusiones y polémicas. Cuando somos respetuosos nos ganamos el respeto de los demás y nuestra vida es más serena.

One of the things I consider valuable in my personality and worth sharing as a teaching is the value of Respect. Respect is my key word for almost everything in life. Respect, mainly, for my principles, values and beliefs. I act under the premise of not doing anything that goes against my values.

In the same way, I respect other people, regardless if we are of opposite ideologies and beliefs, the best thing is to respect each other's way of thinking, to avoid discussions and polemics.
and avoid arguments and polemics. When we are respectful we gain the respect of others and our life is more serene.


Otra cosa importante que he aprendido con los años y que me ha evitado muchos problemas, es el valor del "Silencio". Saber cuando callar es tan valioso que saber cuando hablar. Yo me considero una persona muy comunicativa, me gusta hablar, compartir ideas y no solía ocultar lo que pensaba. Sin embargo, hay situaciones en las que es mejor hacer silencio y también aprender a interpretar el silencio de las otras personas. Se aprende mucho más escuchando que hablando.

Another important thing I have learned over the years that has saved me a lot of trouble is the value of "Silence". Knowing when to be silent is as valuable as knowing when to speak.

I consider myself a very communicative person, I like to talk, share ideas and I never used to hide what I thought,
However, there are situations in which it is better to be silent and also learn to interpret other people's silence.
You learn much more by listening than by talking.


Por último, pero no menos importante, de las cosas que puedo compartir es mi capacidad para ver lo bueno, lo positivo y las ventajas de cada situación y de cada persona por peores que estas pudieran parecer.

Se ha vuelto un hábito en mí, buscar lo bueno en medio de lo malo. Incluso en situaciones muy dolorosas y fuertes, me esfuerzo por hallar algo positivo que esa experiencia me puede dejar.
Aplicarlo en las personas, me ha costado un poco más, pero sigo trabajando en ello.

Creo que el ser humano es experto en ver defectos a simple vista, pero le cuesta mucho más hallar virtudes. Me ayuda mucho pensar y reflexionar en mis propios defectos, ya que me permite pensar que así como yo tengo virtudes y defectos, los demás también están hechos de la misma manera.

Last but not least, of the things I can share is my ability to see the good, the positive and the advantages of every situation and every person, no matter how bad they may seem.

It has become a habit of mine to look for the good in the midst of the bad. Even in very painful and strong situations, I strive to find something positive that this experience can leave me with.
Applying it to people has cost me a little more, but I keep working on it.

I believe that the human being is an expert in seeing defects at first sight, but it is much more difficult for him to find virtues. It helps me a lot to think and reflect on my own defects, because it allows me to think that, just as I have virtues and virtues, I also have virtues and virtues.

That just as I have virtues and defects, others are also made in the same way.


Estas tres cosas son el resumen de lo que yo pudiera compartir como enseñanza para la vida, ya que son cosas que he aprendido por experiencia y no por teoría. Espero les agrade mi participación de esta semana.

Gracias por leer, saludos y bendiciones.

These three things are the summary of what I could share as lessons for life, since they are things that I have learned from experience and not from theory. I hope you like my participation this week.

Thank you for reading, greetings and blessings.


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What are the goals you want to achieve in 2022.png


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Those three are some of the important lessons we need to learn, especially respect and positivity. we are living in this chaotic world where humans usually turn into monsters. Respect is well necessary to maintain humanity.
Positive in a way that we wouldn't be affected by the chaos and could continue our life.
Nice one 😊


I am in agreement with you, thanks for reading and commenting my post.


Wow, respect, silence, and positivity...
are quality virtues everyone needs in this life. If one can wear these virtues like a garment, then he or she is close to overcoming the challenges life throw at us daily.

I got so much value on this content ma
Thanks for sharing this with us.🥰



The three factors you stated above are actually the things that one needs to ascertain about life. Life is a gradual process meaning that learning and teaching among oneself never end but the question is are people ready to learn and teach others from their mistakes?


Wow! those 3 attitudes are really necessary to have in our life to be happy and share positivity in the people around us. Thank you so much for sharing it with us @kattycrochet. Indeed you are sharing previous thoughts.


Saber cuando callar es tan valioso que saber cuando hablar.

Es una frase llena de sabiduría y que pocas personas ponen en práctica en su día a día.


Realmente me acabas de dar dos enseñanzas, con esto que nos has compartido, ya que realmente soy de mucho hablar y debería saber cuando callar, ya que a veces meto la pata, como decimos criollamente, por abrir mi linda boquita.

Otra que debo aprender, es buscar lo bueno de las personas, mi pareja tiene ese don, y lo considero así, ya que no todos lo hacemos y el parece un ángel, lo cual a veces me molesta, porque siempre excusa, hasta al que le hace el mal, pero leyendo tu publicación reconozco lo que dices, que todos tenemos defectos y virtudes, pero aunque no es fácil, vale la pena intentarlo.

Me agrado mucho leerte, te deseo suerte en el concurso. Bendiciones 🙏🏽🙌🏽👏🏽🤝🏽❣🤍🧡💝💜💛💚💙❤💓💗💖💘💞😻😍♥🥰😋😅💯🌜🌛☀🤩💫✨⭐🌟🌟🍀🍃🍂🌿🌱🌳🍁🏵🥀🌻💮🌼🌸⚜💠🌹💐🌺🌷☘🌾🍾🥂🍻🌵🤗🌴💥🍕🍾🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🥂🥤🛩🌎🌀🌈🎈🎉🎊✨🎇🎆


Thanks for such an insightful article. I have come to understand that some people are just the way they are and you can't change them. You just have to respect them that way and love them. I almost had a misunderstanding with my dear friend today and this question of respect came to play. I just had to respect his own opinions and views. Thanks once again.


Thanks so much for reading, I am glad you like my article.
Respect is a very important value to keep relationships.
Blessings for you.


And more blessings to you. You're very welcome ☺ 😊


This post was very inspiering, and the life stones you mention here sure is lessons worth learning.
To show respect to orhers and to be positive. Today there are so many things happening around us in the world, it is easy to get dragged down in the negativity.
But If we focus on the many blessings in life and Stay positive it helps alot.
And if we spread that to others it can help them to.

I loved your thoughts and Thank you for teaching with your ♥️

Happy weekend and good luck 🌹
