Beautiful Marvel-of-peru


The creator has decorated us with various natural beauties to enhance the beauty of the earth and nature. Among which flowers are one. Flowers are an element that beautifies and transforms our surroundings. Flowers are an element that is loved by all living beings and fascinates many animals. We are worshipers of beauty. When you see something beautiful, you want to stop. For example today when I was walking down our street I saw these flowers that I really liked and I stopped for a moment and photographed the flowers. The tunes were truly amazing.








This is a Marvel-of-peru. Although I took more photographs of this flower. But the flowers were different colors but the shape was the same. But the flowers are very unusual for me. Because such flowers are rarely seen. Anyway I found such species of flowers by searching on google. The flowers are pretty and bloom in the morning. It is very beautiful to see such beautiful flowers in the morning environment.

I often see different flowers around us. Flowers are one of my favorites. Anyway, these flowers were planted by a cousin of ours next door. He has planted a lot of different flower plants in his house and those plants are blooming in different colors which look very beautiful. Those are their houses along our border so these flowers are always seen when passing by the road. And the flowers are very nice to see. These flowers were blooming right next to the wall and looked amazing so I immediately took some photography.
