Macro Cockroach

Hello All Insect Lovers And My Hivean Friends!

A few days ago when I was sitting in our house at night I saw this insect. It was a very small insect but very beautiful and dark brown in color. Maybe it's a baby cockroach because baby cockroaches look exactly the same. I often see such moths. These are basically cockroach babies.






Cockroaches are abundant here. Cockroaches can be found in large numbers especially in various chips or old things inside the house. Sometimes they destroy books or clothes. They memorize various important things or eat paper. So it's annoying in many ways. Sometimes I find cockroaches in my belongings which is very uncomfortable. Because they spoil important things.

They are also sometimes found in washrooms. For example, they can be seen moving on the paste or brush in the basin. Then it's really uncomfortable because they sit on essentials and ruin them. I found this cockroach in the washroom when I was home last year and it was sitting on the paste. Which was annoying to me and also it was closer to the ceiling and more cockroaches were seen on the walls. Then I took some photographs of these and now I have shared them with you.
