Papaya's bumper yield


Hello All Gardening Lovers and My Hivean Friends!

I have been very fond of gardening since childhood. I even liked to plant different flowers or plants in front of my room three times in this country. Since then, I still like to see garden or any garden to plant seedlings. Of these, I like to plant papaya trees the most. Because it yields very quickly, papaya is a very nutritious and tasty food.





At present we have many papaya seedlings in our house and all the seedlings have yielded abundantly. Because the papaya tree gives very short and good quality yield. Papaya is very efficient to get the yield in a short period of time. Moreover, one tree produces a large amount of papaya.

A few months ago I visited a resort in the hills. I saw some papaya trees on the hills and saw a lot of papaya on all the trees. Which I liked very much. Because the trees were very small in shape but each tree had a good amount of papaya and all of them were quite large. But I liked to see the yield of papaya trees at or above such hilltops because there is very little cultivation of papaya trees at such high altitudes. So when I was walking and saw them I was very impressed and at that time I took some photographs of these papayas which I have now shared with you.


The papaya is very rich and the trees are very prosperous, each bush is abundant.


Hola. Deseoe estés excelente.
Tuve papays en el patio de la casa.
No soy muy amante de estas, a menos que sea en bebidas con bastante leche y vainilla o en "dulce de lechosa (papaya)", que también es bien rico.

En mi experiencia personal, una de las que nació en el patio, rompió una tanquilla de aguas servidas que nunca activamos y junto a otras mas, levantaron unos escombros que los albañiles que construyeron unos anexos, dejaron acumulados antes que nos mudáramos.
Aproveché esa oportunidad para retirarlos del patio.

De echo, en mi ultima publicación hablo del tamarindo y menciono lo de la papaya.

Saludos y bendiciones
Hasta pronto

I have had papays in my backyard, I am not a big fan of them, unless it is in drinks with lots of milk and vanilla or in "dulce de lechosa (papaya)", which is also very tasty.

In my personal experience, one of the ones that was born in the yard, broke a sewage tank that we never activated and along with others, raised some debris that the masons who built some annexes, left accumulated before we moved in. I took that opportunity to remove them from the yard.

In fact, in my last post I talked about the tamarind and mentioned the papaya.

See you soon
Greetings and blessings.
