RE: 2022 with a change


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First, happy new year to you my dear, Preets! πŸ₯‚

Second, I want to hug you πŸ˜ƒ but virtual hug will do πŸ€—....because your words are filled with wisdom and inspiration. I like this statement-

...we all have different journeys, we all have different perspectives towards everything. We all find happiness in different things and nothing can be true for everyone.

I couldn't agree more. All that you wrote here, I have faced them (except for taking of your baby. I don't have one yet) and I understand. Hive takes most of my thoughts too and I struggled at the beginning on how to synchronize my activities here with my work, family and relationship with God. Over the months, I write when I get the inspiration (mostly at work during my break time).

Your family and your spiritual journey is very important. Make them a priority. Hive can come in next. I'm proud of your achievements β€”500 HP! πŸŽ‰ It calls for celebration.

You are doing great. Don't stress too much...just move with the flow but don't stay away too long because you have friends here that look forward to reading from you. 😊

I wish you an amazing 2022! Blessings to you and your family! ❀️


Thank you for the hug my dear @kemmyb and thank you for the gift of your friendship. I believe spirits find their own way to connect to the spirits they like. And I feel we have some mutual connection even at such a great distance. Hope we benefit each other in our spiritual journeys. I learn a lot from you, and I find your soul beautiful πŸ˜ƒ

Please accept my gratitude and greetings πŸ˜ŠπŸ™
Stay safe and happy, take care 😊
