Voices in my head: NaPodPoMo mega list is buzzing.


The first week of NaPodPoMo was a blast. The experience has been fairly inspiring and I'm learning new things about podcasting every passing day.

Since I got into this, I've been trying to figure out things about how to record, where to record, how to make it public and stuff like that. I also got the tip on how to subscribe to the mage feed, but I didn't have enough time within the week to listen to loads of Podcast episodes appearing on the Mega feed.

Guess what?

I finally got to check it out!


Wow! This is such an exciting experience. I spent the vast majority of my weekend listening to loads of Podcast episodes that appeared on the NaPodPoMo mega feed and it's adorable.

People are doing a lot in this challenge and so many people are leaving no stone unturned while sharing their experiences. There are some which were hilarious. Some were very inspiring. Some were about entertainment. Some will bring tears to your eyes and melt your heart. There is also a podcast that is all about Bible teaching and I always look forward to each episode of that.

This weekend was made better by these voices that were resounding in my ears. I only know a few of those people I listened to their Podcasts, but I'm already a big fan and I will listen to more of their episodes as we go further with the challenge.

Talking about going further with the challenge, I will be publishing the 7th episode immediately after I publish this post. Yeah, it's already 7th November in my part of the world. Haha. Feel free to check it out Here 👈

For details on how to subscribe to the Mega feed and have access to all episodes that are being released by those participating in NaPodPoMo, this post by Jennifer Navarrete (aka epodcaster) will be of great help.

Those that are considering the idea of being part of this can still get involved. You have enough time. Just get started.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
Thumbnail Image taken from Pexels


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 131 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


I feel the same way. I will listen to the #NaPodPoMo 2022 MEGA Feed while I'm cooking or doing things around the house. I have no idea what is coming up next in the playlist. Which makes each listen a surprise.


Yeah. I like the complexity that comes with this and it's not a surprise since I also play music by shuffling each playlist. Haha.

I just noticed that the whole daylight saving stuff has started. Will it affect the Twitter space you usually organize on Wednesdays? It used to be 4pm my time.


Oh yes. It will move back one hour for you. None of us like the time change. Especially our pets. They don't understand why meal time changes. So we usually adjust their time over the first week to ease them into the new time. Of course, then we have to do it again six months later.


Haha. That's not surprising at all. I'm also trying to adjust to it and we are countries apart. Hehe.

Thanks for the feedback.
