RE: A Crone known as Creativity

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This is so well written! I love how each character feels and sounds so different, each of them not only has a unique voice but a unique perspective on the situation. Something like this can be so much fun, I love getting a bunch of characters together in a scene and just letting them all talk with each other.

Also, the ideas brought up, like self-doubt saying not to write and then pain backing up those thoughts. It's so true, I think we all kind of go through these moments when preparing something to write and giving something a go. Especially I hear these kinds of things when I start out to write something but give up on it because I can tell the story won't go anywhere.

It's nice being able to get through to the other side of something and say regardless of this and that, I've still done it. Is it the best? Probably not, but everything is experience and each thing written is another step forward toward being better. That's how I look at my writing, and just about everything else I do.



Thank you so much Brother! Before Hive I felt like dialogue was really daunting, now I enjoy it! It is such a blast to take on these different styles and just experiment 🙌. I'm hoping to shake it up even more this year, all the prompts and stuff keep me on my toes hehe

The hard part of that, is that now my style is changing... and I kind of hate everything I'm writing lately. 😅 I have like 30 drafts, PeakD is going to charge me soon for storage space !LOLZ

It's hard to learn when to push through, and when to let things rest. I make myself write (commissions don't count) for at least two hours a day, but I try to let it be about whatever I'm feeling. Hoping that feeling is to finish my dang drafts soon though lmao!

You make a super important point for all writers to absorb, not everything has to be THE STORY, ya know? Sometimes it's hard to remind yourself of that. Thanks for the awesome comment as always, 😁 you rock! !LUV !PIZZA
