Some People

God, ever have people in your life who just drain you? It's as if they can just suck the fun, joy, happiness, or in general, the craic out of the room as they enter.


There are some people who have been in my life who just seemed to be perpetually miserable, they'd never have a nice word to say about anything. Nothing good going on in their lives whatsoever.

"How's it going?"

"Shit, blah blah blah, then this happened, blah blah blah,"

It's like, wow bro chill, I meant how's it going as a greeting, I don't want to hear your life story. Take your tale of woe and shove it where the sun don't shine, bitch. While you're at it, grow the fuck up, give your head a wobble and stop moping around and do something with yourself. Maybe if you done more than sit around all day wanking you'd be a little bit more motivation. Maybe then you wouldn't be rotting the ears off me with your nonsense.

I'm not your daddy, and I'm certainly not your mummy, so I really could give a rats ass about your day to day.

Correction, I'd care and have a shoulder to cry on and an ear to lend if it's something serious. But, if you just carry on doing the same thing for years and wondering why your life isn't improving then I'm out.

I'm not heartless or cruel, I just think that some people deserve a bit of a verbal kick up the arse. Hell, some people deserve a physical kick too.

Existence Is Pain, Get Over It

Here's something I've learned from people I've known.

Someone who has nothing going on in their life creates drama to make themselves feel like they have something going on.

Ever know someone who constantly has problems? Bills, house, pets, arguments.


If you're close to one of these sad individuals you too will find yourself in the firing line. It may be a flippant comment, or a misunderstanding, but whatever it is, it'll trigger an argument and no matter how much you justify it, you'll be the problem, not them... never them.

Sometimes these types of people just feel like having an argument so they'll take an innocent interaction and flip the script.

I've cut out a lot of these emotional vampires out of my life over the years and I have identified a new one. Its time to cull the herd a bit more.

There's a saying I heard. "Arguing with a fool is like rolling in the mud with a pig, only the pig enjoys it."

Never a truer word spoken. Fuck it man, I'm too long in the tooth to have this bollox in my life and I'm not playing text tennis with a gobshite.

Anyways, sorry about the rant it's just one of those days with one of those interactions with a "mate," the moral of the story, don't argue with idiots and cull anyone who wrecks your head and disrupts your peace.


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We just started watching What We Do In The Shadows and amongst the regular vampires is an 'energy vampire' who feeds on bad vibes. We don't need those in our lives. You only get one life and have to make the best of it.


Oh yeah, the troll commenting stuff online and arguing haha it's a good show, but I've only seen a few episodes of it, I should get back into it.

You're right, though. I don't want to be dealing with this shite from people. It happens very 3-4 months, usually out of nowhere and I'm fed up at this point.


A nice healthy rant man! Justified for sure.

It’s absolutely an issue where people are pains in the asses like this. I’ve had my times where I was a bit of a dark cloud but I have made a lot of improvements not to do that type of crap anymore. I don’t think I was ever that bad as the dude you’re talking about here but I would get a little detailed. Not good!

It’s for sure best to cut these people off. I’ve known some over the years and it’s too exhausting to deal with them and their crap. I still know someone like that and it’s challenging interacting with them as you said, you don’t know what the hell is going to set them off which is hard.


Yeah, man, a good rant can do the world of good. To be fair, we had a wee chat, and things are alright, I think it was a misunderstanding more than anything, but yeah, he apologized for it and had a good air clear. We pretty much gave each other some home truths, which is sometimes needed, too.
