Star Wars Collection


I received my package yesterday and today I snapped some photos of the new additions to the collection and got my current display organised.

Here are the first four, three of them are complete, but Luke, on the end, needs a lightsaber and blaster pistol to be complete, but it's cool that I got his robe.

Sometimes, the weapons are easier to find than the clothing pieces, but I managed to snag a few bits on eBay, which were delivered to my friend's house.

Leigha's poncho, and a few weapons. I will hold on for the time being and see if I can get a few other bits before he ships those things over.

Here are a few more that I picked up and completed.

They're in good condition, but the scout trooper has seen better days so I might try and pick up another one in better condition, especially since I have his blaster now.

Here's the display.

I went through it and organised it in order of release.

It's something I've wanted to do for a while now, but since getting the new batch of figures I... figured it was as good a time as any.

Here's a close look at them, this is the left side of the display.

Here is the right side of it.

The glare is a bit of a pain due to the glass, but I do have an idea for a new display I'm going to build.

These wall-mounted ones are fine for the time being, but a new one built with these figures in mind would be so much better.

Some of the figures aren't in great condition, so there are a few I'll be re-buying, especially if they come complete.

I have a handful of them complete with their original weapons and accessories, while the majority of them don't have anything.

In some cases, the weapons and stuff are more expensive than the figures themselves, but to be honest, there are some good sellers out there who aren't trying to rip anyone off over the price.

Currently, the count stands at 56/96, so I need another 40 to complete the collection, and that would include the final 17 who released in 85.

Guesstimation on How Much It'll Cost To Complete:

Let's say that 30 figures would cost an average of €50 a piece, to complete, and then there are about 10 who the average cost complete would be about €175, which means that completing them would cost me about €3,250.

I don't think it would actually turn out to be that high, that's more of a worst-case scenario. In actuality, I could spend €20-€30 a piece, with the odd rare figure being upwards of €200+, some of the higher end being Yak Face, Amanaman, and the B-Wing Pilot. But, there are other ones like the Imperial Dignitary and Luke in Stormtrooper disguise who are fairly rare, especially complete.

Alongside the final 17, there are also coins that would be needed to really complete them.

Also, to really, really complete the collection there are rare figures like blue snaggletooth, and then the variations, so while 96 is the actual count, that's not including the variations, of which there are about 10+
