My Worklife Balance Routine


Before I start I'll like to explain what worklife balance means. Work can really be hectic at times. Especially in a case where you're an employee in a white collar job. Some go as far as working 24 hours and seven days a week with little or no time for the employee to rest or attend to other critical matters and even family issues.

To make it more understandable, work -life balance is just trying to equally share your life at work and your own personal life in such a way that one doesn't affect the other.

But really is work life balance achievable in this generation or time where inflation is on the rise. Most times we even go as far as working from home on days we're supposed to be resting. This is not because we want to but because there's bills to pay.

So to the main question which is how do I achieve my work life balance.

There are several ways I tend to achieve my worklife balance as a tailor and they're in several ways which I'll explain in numbers.


I try so much not to bring work home. This is because I believe there is time for work and there's time to have enough rest and get in contact with my inner self. So no matter how the work is I don't imagine or try or even think or bring work back home. I believe home is for meant to give my family and friends my 100 percent undivided attention. That's what I like to term as "Giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar" is the order of my life.
When it's time for work we work and when it's time for house we rest and involve in family matters games etc


I learn to say NO to jobs that will stress me or hurt my mental health. How will you be able to deliver 100 percent at work when your mind isn't at peace because you've overloaded yourself with work and now you're stressing on how to deliver on the due dates. Jobs that require little time to do so much work, I reject them. E.g imagine a client having a big day tomorrow and coming today to give you his or her material for you to deliver in a big style tomorrow. We call this kind of work in my clime urgent work. Work that gives you little time to deliver. That kind of work gives me stress and pressure. I tend to make mistakes under pressure or stress. So to avoid making mistakes I avoid urgent work.

Lastly I try to have fun while at work. Play musics, sing out loudly etc.
