A busy day, work day at the Church and the Little House


Dear Diary, my day begins very early, I thank God the Father for what has allowed us a new dawn, I do my personal hygiene and with encouragement because today a job begins at home, we are in construction mode, the workers arrived very early so we had to do a lot of things today, once we started working at home, we decided to give some rest time to have a drink accompanied by bread, it should be noted that I owe you the photo because it was a bit busy and happened to capture the photograph.

Once, we drank soda, the workers went home to have lunch and then came back around three in the afternoon, while my husband and I got ready to prepare lunch, already past the hour due to the day's occupations and He had to do his job so we had to work as a team to be able to finish before he had to leave, once he had lunch a little past our normal lunch hour.

We got ready to eat, my husband left to go to work and I decided to rest a little before the masons arrived. When the rest was tasty they arrived, so let's get to work, time passes and the workers retire to their homes, to continue tomorrow.

So the time came to go to the church, today a day of painting the walls of the church was scheduled, so it began to be painted around 7 at night, my husband took us to the church when we arrived.

The day had begun, so the pastor took the floor, raised a prayer after reading the Holy Bible, and now it was time to paint, all hands to work, background music, a group of brothers and friends, an activity based on working as a family, that was more than fast, we finished and returned home, I reviewed the platform a bit and I was accompanying my husband to see a movie the cartel of the toads, although to tell the truth I only listen because I am not one to watch movies, that is not goes a lot with me

We took a shower, and got ready to rest a bit since tomorrow we continue with work, so we must replenish our energy, at dinner we were able to eat pasta with ground meat since we had left over from lunch so we tasted ground meat and pasta what was super rich

Without more to add dear diary, my day was a bit hectic, but happy to be able to do productive things today. So if more to add, thankful to God we are going to sleep. Happy to be able to go to church to serve, and at home putting love through these tasks
