Let to know the benefits and meanings of "Sesbania Grandiflora".



Sesbania Grandiflora is a medicinal plant that is only found in some Asian countries. A medium sized tree, In Thailand it is usually easy to find and have cheap price. Many people understand that "Sesbania Grandiflora" is a vegetable, but in herbalism, "Sesbania Grandiflora" is considered a medicinal plant that is rich in value. There are vitamins, beta-carotene and protein to the body. Most of them are used for cooking or blanched as vegetables to eat with chili paste Personally, I usually eat it with chili paste. or made into curry

Meaning of "Sesbania Grandiflora"

it means take care, empathy and attention

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What type of chili paste is suitable for this flower? Nam phrik num? Thanks! 😄
