RE: Curator Cat on Caturday: Just Another Lazy Summer Day at Our Place!

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S M U D G E..!

We love us some Smudge.

My pet humans have been thinking about calling our latest rescue kitten "Smudge" due to the small dark splotch of fur on his forehead. But right now "Blizzard" is winning out. Smudge may be the middle or nickname. We will have to see how much that little smudge of dark fur darkens.

Say Hello to "Blizzard Smudge Briggs" #8 of our inside the household Pookyville Cat Ranch Rescue Sanctuary. 14th overall on rescues kept. 50 somethin' on the critters rescued list over the past 13 years since Samantha Jo started this madness...

Thanks C.C. for all you do for us kits here on the hive. Things might be slow here right now. But we will keep on purring, napping, and hed bonkin'

This slow down gives us time to stop and smell the 🌹 roses.

Hey. I think I will add a little to this and make it a Caturday Day After Post!


Well, thanks for stopping by and visiting!

Regardless of name, that's a precious one you have there! A white cat with a tiny dark spot on the head is actually somewhat of a genetic rarity; black with a tiny bit of white is relatively common. It's probably good if you stay with "Blizzard," because there's a good chance the "smudge" will gradually fade away somewhere between 12-18 months. Unless the tail is also dark. Cat genetics is a messy business!

Thanks for the kind words! It's always good to smell the roses... and sometimes to also eat them. Just a little. The Hoomans get sort of cranky if I chew too much on them...

