Human Rights: Upholding Dignity in a Complex World

Human rights are those rights to which an individual being an individual is entitled and which in civilized society are recognized and enforced so it is all that attitude of mankind the breach of which would involve some moral turpitude human rights is a form of human conduct which law takes into account and influence upon the interest of others.


The idea of human rights is that each one of us no matter who we are or where we are born is entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms human rights are not privileges and they cannot be granted or revoked they are inalienable and universal but it gets incredibly complicated as soon as anyone tries to put the idea into practice what exactly are the basic human right the history behind the concept of human rights is a long one throughout the centuries and across societies religious and cultures we have struggled with defining notions of rightfulness justice and right but one of the most modern affirmations of universal human rights emerged from the ruins of world war II with the creation of the united nations.

The treaty that established the UN gives as one of its purposes to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights and with the same spirit in 1948 the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declarations of Human Rights the document written by an international committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt lays the basis for modern international human rights law the declaration is based on the principle that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights it lists 30 articles recognizing among other things the principle of nondiscrimination and the right to life and liberty it refers to negative freedoms like the freedom from torture or slavery as well as positive freedoms such as the freedom of movement and residence.


It encompasses basic civil and political rights such as freedom of expression religion or peaceful assembly as well as social economic and cultural rights such as the right to education and the right to freely choose one's occupation and be paid and treated fairly the declaration takes no side as to which right are more important insisting on their universality indivisibility interdependence and in the past decade's international human rights law has grown deepening and expanding our understanding of what human right are and how to better protect them.

So if these principles are so well developed then why are human rights abused and ignored time and time again all over the world the problem, in general, is that it is not at all easy to universally enforce these rights or to punish transgressors the udhr itself despite being highly authoritative and respected is a declaration, not a hard law so when individual countries violate it the mechanisms to address the violations are weak for example the main bodies within the UN in charge of protecting human rights mostly monitor and investigate violations but they cannot force states to say change a policy or compensate a victim that's why some critics say it's naive to consider human rights a given in world state interests wield so much power.

Critics also question the universality of human rights and emphasize that their development has been heavily guided by a small number of mostly Western nations to the detriment of inclusiveness a general bias in favor of civil political liberties over sociopolitical rights and individual over collective or group rights other defend universal human rights laws and point at the positive role they have on setting international standards and helping activists in their campaigns they are point out that not all international human rights instruments are powerless for example the European convention on human rights established a court where the 47 member countries and their citizens can bring cases.


The court issues binding decisions that each member state must comply with human rights law is constantly evolving as are our views and definitions of what the basic human rights should be for example how basic or important is the right to democracy or development and as our lives are increasingly digital should there be a right to access the internet a right to digital privacy

In conclusion, Human rights the bedrock of a just society demand universal respect and protection despite progress challenges underscoring the need for continual advocacy education, and legal reforms empowering individuals irrespective of identity to ensure a more equitable world addressing systemic injustices promoting inclusivity and fostering international cooperation remain imperative safeguarding human right is an ongoing commitment vital for social harmony and global progress it is through collective dedication that societies can aspire to uphold the inherent dignity and freedoms of every individual.


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Rights are the basics of humanity and one of the pillars of the democracy. Equality of rights and equal protection of the same is best feature of India constitution. Keep up the good work. Enjoy the weekend dear. !LUV !PIZZA
