(ENG-ESP) Recipe: Exquisite and nutritious sautéed chard with peppers and potatoes



Good morning friends, welcome back to my blog.... This time, I will share with you a very healthy and nutritious recipe, I will explain you how to prepare a delicious "sautéed chard with bell peppers and potatoes". To get a VERY tasty and hearty flavor I used: merken, ginger, romero, cumin, pepper and seasoned salt.

I hope you enjoy the process and are encouraged to make this delicacy!

  • Buenos días queridos amigos, bienvenidos de nuevo a mi blog... En ésta ocasión, compartiré con ustedes una receta Muy saludable y nutritiva, les explicaré como preparar un delicioso "salteado de acelgas con pimientos y patatas". Para conseguir un sabor MUY sabroso y sustancioso utilicé: merkén, jengibre, romero, comino, pimienta y sal condimentada.
  • Espero que disfruten el proceso y se animen a realizar ésta exquisitez!


  • To make this recipe I used the following ingredients: chard, onion, green bell pepper, potatoes, garlic, ginger, merken, romero, cumin, pepper, seasoned salt and butter.
  • Para realizar ésta receta utilicé los siguientes ingredientes: acelgas, cebolla, pimiento verde, patatas, ajo, jengibre, merkén, romero, comino, pimienta, sal condimentada y mantequilla.




  • After washing the chard well, we proceed to extract the vein in the center of the stem, I suggest using a knife exerting pressure from the end. Put enough water in a deep pot, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. When it starts to boil, add the chard and cook for 8 minutes. Strain and reserve to use in the final step.
    Cut the potatoes into "medium" cubes, cook over medium-high heat until tender.
  • Luego de lavar bien las acelgas, procedemos a extraer la vena que tiene en el centro del tallo, les sugiero utilizar un cuchillo ejerciendo presión desde el extremo. Colocamos suficiente agua a una olla honda, añadimos 1/2 cucharadita de sal y 1 cucharada de aceite de girasol. Cuando rompa el hervor integramos las acelgas, cocinamos durante 8 minutos. Colamos y reservamos para utilizar en el paso final.
    Cortamos las patatas en cubos "medianos", cocinamos a fuego "medio-alto", hasta que se ablanden.



  • Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the butter to a non-stick frying pan and fry the onion, the bell pepper and the garlic clove (finely chopped).
  • Agregamos a un sartén antiadeherente 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva junto con la mantequilla, sofreímos la cebolla, el pimiento y el diente de ajo (finamente cortado).




  • Cook until the ingredients have a golden brown and crispy consistency.
  • Cocinamos hasta comprobar que los ingredientes tomaron una consistencia dorada y crujiente.


  • In this step, we incorporate the potato cubes, together with all the seasonings: ginger, pepper, merken, cumin, rosemary and seasoned salt. Mix until well integrated.
  • En éste paso, incorporamos los cubos de patatas, junto con todos los aliños: jengibre, pimienta, merkén, comino, romero y sal condimentada. Mezclamos hasta integrar bien.




  • Next, add the "chard" that we had reserved... Mix with enveloping movements.

  • Our healthy and nutritious dish is ready to enjoy! Whenever I prepare this recipe I always complement it with an appetizing "carrot or pumpkin cream".

  • A continuación, colocamos las "acelgas" que teníamos reservadas... Mezclamos con movimientos envolventes.
  • Nuestro saludable y nutritivo platillo estará listo para disfrutar! Siempre que preparo ésta receta complemento con una apetitosa "crema de zanahoria o de calabaza".



  • Friends, thank you very much for visiting my blog... I bid you farewell wishing you bon appetit!
  • Amigos, muchas gracias por visitar mi blog... Me despido deseándoles buen provecho!



  • All photographs are my own (Huawei P20 Lite)
  • Todas las fotografías son de mi autoría (Huawei P20 Lite)



This is an extreme food analysis, so no surprise.
First, I never saw somebody cooking chard this way, I will definitely try.

Second, from the ingredient list, only pepper ( nightshade family) has anti-nutrients in the peel and seeds. When I cook with them, I boil them and remove those.

I do not know what goes in your seasoned salt. I do not use that, because salt usually changes or even destroys compounds in other spices. So, I keep them separated.

Olive oil boils at a top 200°C ( smoke point) on top of the butter (160°C maximum) , so it burns if you put it too soon. I add it at the end and lower the heat significantly.

I will definitely try your combination because it is interesting. But first I need to acquire spices. I don't have all of them. Have a nice day, I will come again.


It looks very appetizing and must be a healthy choice. Reading those ingredients it must have a full flavor profile. I'll try to remember this recipe.
