Bioshock Infinite (Burial At Sea II) - Continuing The Adventure With Elizabeth As The Protagonist [ENG -ESP]


After having taken some time to assimilate the end of the first chapter of Bioshock Infinite DLC (Burial At Sea) which left many doubts about the chronology of the story, it was time to continue with the second chapter of Burial At Sea and as you might expect after finishing the first chapter we started with many doubts about what has happened but they quickly pass to the background due to two really exciting and striking factors in this second DLC. First of all, we appear in a beautiful Paris full of incredible and extremely beautiful landscapes and views where once again Bioshock Infinite shows us what an incredible work of art it is. The second really exciting aspect is that this time we will be able to control Elizabeth! the main character so important and beloved of this installment.


At first the most striking thing was how incredible this small scene of a quiet and cheerful Paris was, where the great visual quality leaves us surprised and even more when we take into account that this title is already several years old and unlike the first two installments of the Infinite franchise does not have a Remastered version. In addition to the incredible landscapes where we can see that no great sharpness is needed to have a fantastic result we also have an unparalleled background music, during all these first moments in this DLC we can move Elizabeth through great streets while listening to an incredibly relaxing and heavenly Parisian music, it is almost impossible not to think of the Disney classic Ratatouille at this time and want to be longer than necessary to go around the area, without a doubt one of the best beginnings of a video game I've seen.


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At the beginning of this new chapter of the DLC we have no idea why we are in a Paris street, but soon we meet Sally again the girl we are looking for in the previous chapter of the DLC and quickly the scenery changes from a quiet view to a totally destroyed city that may remind one of the alternate realities of Columbia that we see in Infinite, a very interesting image of this area is a clinic of Lobotomies which in the past were thought to be useful.


After this great start of chapter the game continues right from where the previous chapter ends and something interesting is that besides being able to see the corpse of the former Booker DeWitt which was our protagonist we also meet Frank Fontaine and we know part of his story before the arrival of the protagonist of the first Bioshock to Rapture and now if we can fully control Elizabeth because previously we could only move normally but now after reaching Rapture if we can jump, crouch, hit and everything else.


You can really get to notice a lot of difference in terms of control and movement of Elizabeth compared to Booker, is somewhat slower in its movement and to make the blow with the hook which is the melee attack can be seen as the physical strength of her is much lower than that of Booker so the attack of the aerial hook is incredibly slower, Something interesting is that when we crouch with Elizabeth the camera has a slight shadow effect on the edges and this works to give us to understand that unlike the entire saga this time where we control Elizabeth Stealth will be really important and may even be the main focus of the adventure. Due to Elizabeth's personality she implies from the beginning that she does not want to have to kill anyone even if they are Splicer for this reason we can sneak up on enemies and attack them from behind to leave them unconscious without having to kill them.


The little story that is presented to us leaves many more questions than answers because now it will be a Booker DeWitt who speaks to us on the radio, but he tells us at once that he is nothing more than a creation of Elizabeth's mind and we even find Elizabeth Dead after finishing the first chapter but she returns to this area without having died and therefore loses her abilities of Dimensional ruptures, a story in which we move forward without understanding practically nothing and we only have to look for a specific target.



A curious new mechanic and that also makes a lot of sense is that now when we have to open a lock with a lock pick instead of asking Elizabeth to do it as usual, Now we control her and therefore when we try to open the lock a screen appears where the lock is shown inside and the picklock moves by itself where we must press the blue piston or any of the others to open it safely, if we press the red piston the lock will also open but an alarm will sound which most likely will attract enemies but at the moment I have not activated it.
The first weapon we find will be a crossbow and as Elizabeth does not want to kill we will have tranquilizer darts to shoot, but the ammunition is extremely limited, surprisingly we also get plasmids which I really thought it would not happen considering that throughout the main game and the first DLC Elizabeth never used a plasmid, the first is a new plasmid that allows us to see enemies through the walls and even become invisible if we do not move which can help us to attack them stealthily.


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Something interesting is how we can find audio tapes and elements that help us to complete the story of this video game as it can be the fact of finding Elizabeth's dress from the main game and an audio tape where it is said that she left it there after grabbing another more in line with the city and time, With this we are confirmed that it is indeed the Elizabeth of the main story of Infinite which after all the adventure decides to travel to Rapture although I'm not sure if it will be the same that accompanies us on the adventure or it is another alternate reality, at the moment I still do not fully understand the story and what has really happened to Elizabeth but we also found pictures of Columbia so there must be other people capable of causing the ruptures, for now the goal is to find a doctor named Suchong. The theme of stealth and not killing enemies really fascinated me and I have a feeling that the ending will be different in case of killing or not killing several enemies, as it happened in Dishonored, for now I have not killed any and I will try not to do it until completing the DLC but I have a feeling that later on it will be a decision that will increase the difficulty of the adventure.



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Luego de haber tomado un tiempo para asimilar el final del primer capítulo del DLC de Bioshock Infinit (Burial At Sea) el cual dejo bastantes dudas sobre la cronología de la historia, llego el momento de continuar con el segundo capítulo de Burial At Sea y como ya se podría esperar luego de terminar el primer capítulo comenzamos con bastantes dudas sobre lo que ha sucedido pero las mismas rápidamente pasan a segundo plano debido a dos factores realmente emocionantes y llamativos en este segundo DLC. Lo primero de todo será que aparecemos en una hermosa Paris repleta de paisajes y vistas increíbles y sumamente hermosas en donde nuevamente Bioshock Infinite nos demuestra la increíble obra de arte que es. El segundo aspecto realmente emocionante es que en esta ocasión podremos controlar a ¡Elizabeth! la protagonista tan impórtate y querida de esta entrega.


En un principio lo más llamativo fue lo increíble que resultaba esta pequeña escena de una Paris tranquila y alegre en donde la gran calidad visual nos deja sorprendidos y más cuando tomamos en cuenta que este título cuenta ya con varios años de antigüedad y a deferencia de las dos primeras entregas de la franquicia Infinite no cuenta con una versión Remastered. Adicionalmente de los increíbles paisajes en donde podemos apreciar que no se necesita gran nitidez para tener un resultado fantástico también contamos con una música de fondo sin igual, durante todos estos primeros momentos en este DLC podemos desplazar a Elizabeth por calles geniales mientras escuchamos una música Parisina increíblemente relajante y celestial, es casi imposible no pensar en el clásico de Disney Ratatouille en estos momentos y desear estar más tiempo de lo necesario dando vuelvas por la zona, sin lugar a dudas de los mejores inicios de un videojuego que he visto.


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Al comenzar este nuevo capítulo del DLC no tenemos ni la menor idea de la razón por la cual estamos en una calle de Paris, pero pronto volvemos a encontrarnos con Sally la niña que estamos buscando en el capítulo anterior del DLC y rápidamente el escenario cambia de una vista tranquila a una ciudad totalmente destruida que puede recordar a una de las realidades alternas de Columbia que vemos en Infinite, una imagen muy interesante de esta zona es una clínica de Lobotomías las cuales antiguamente se pensaban que eran útiles.


Luego de este gran inicio de capitulo el juego continua justamente desde donde termina el capítulo anterior y algo interesante es que además de poder ver el cadáver del antiguo Booker DeWitt el cual era nuestro protagonista también nos encontramos a Frank Fontaine y conocemos parte de su historia antes de la llegada del protagonista del primer Bioshock a Rapture y ahora si podemos controlar completamente a Elizabeth debido a que previamente solo podíamos movernos de manera normal pero ahora luego de llegar a Rapture si podremos saltar, agacharnos, golpear y todo lo demás.


Realmente se puede llegar a notar mucho la diferencia en cuanto al control y movimiento de Elizabeth comparado a Booker, es algo más lenta en su movimiento y al hacer el golpe con el gancho el cual es el ataque cuerpo a cuerpo se puede apreciar como la fuerza física de ella es bastante menor a la de Booker por lo cual el ataque del gancho aéreo es increíblemente más lento, algo interesante es que cuando nos agachamos con Elizabeth la cámara tiene un ligero efecto de sombra en los bordes y esto funciona para darnos a entender que a diferencia de toda la saga en esta ocasión donde controlamos a Elizabeth el Sigilo será realmente importante y hasta puede ser el enfoque principal de la aventura. Debido a la personalidad de Elizabeth ella da a entender desde un principio que no desea tener que matar a nadie incluso así sean Splicer por este motivo podemos acercarnos de manera sigilosa a los enemigos y atacarlos por la espalda para de esta manera dejarlos inconscientes sin tener que asesinarlos.


La poca historia que se nos presenta deja muchas más dudas que respuestas debido a que ahora será un Booker DeWitt quien nos hable por la radio, pero el mismo nos dice de una vez que no es más que una creación de la mente de Elizabeth e incluso encontramos a Elizabeth Muerta luego de haber terminado el primer capítulo pero la misma vuelve a esta zona sin haber muerto y por ello pierde sus habilidades de Desgarros Dimensionales, una historia en la cual vamos avanzando sin entender prácticamente nada y solo debemos buscar a un objetivo en específico.



Una nueva mecánica curiosa y que además tiene mucho sentido es que ahora cuando tenemos que abrir una cerradura con una ganzúa en lugar de pedirle a Elizabeth que lo haga como de costumbre, ahora nosotros la controlamos y por ello al intentar abrir la cerradura sale una pantalla en donde se nos muestra la cerradura por dentro y se va moviendo la ganzúa sola en donde debemos presionar el pistón azul o cualquiera de los demás para abrirla de forma segura, si presionamos el pistón rojo la cerradura también se abrirá pero sonara una alarma la cual lo más seguro atraiga enemigos pero por los momentos no la he activado.
La primera arma que encontramos será una ballesta y como Elizabeth no desea asesinar tendremos dardos tranquilizantes para disparar, pero la munición es extremadamente limitada, sorpresivamente también obtenemos plásmidos lo cual realmente pensaba que no iba a suceder tomando en cuenta que durante todo el juego principal y el primer DLC Elizabeth jamás uso un plásmido, el primero es un plásmido nuevo que nos permite ver a los enemigos a través de las paredes e incluso volvernos invisibles si no nos movemos lo cual nos puede ayudar para atacarlos de manera sigilosa.


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Algo interesante es cómo podemos encontrar cintas de audio y elementos que nos ayudan a completar la historia de este videojuego como puede ser el hecho de encontrar el vestido de Elizabeth del juego principal y una cinta de audio donde se dice que ella lo dejo ahí luego de agarrar otro más acorde a la ciudad y época, con esto se nos confirma que efectivamente es la Elizabeth de la historia principal de Infinite la cual luego de toda la aventura decide viajar a Rapture aunque no estoy seguro si será la misma que nos acompaña en la aventura o se trata de otra realidad alterna, por los momentos sigo sin entender completamente la historia y lo que realmente ha sucedido con Elizabeth pero también encontramos fotografías de Columbia por lo cual deben haber otras personas capaces de provocar los desgarros, por ahora el objetivo es encontrar a un doctor llamado suchong. El tema del sigilo y no asesinar enemigos realmente me fascino y presiento que el final será diferente en caso de asesinar o no a varios enemigos, así como sucedía en Dishonored, por ahora no he asesinado a ninguno y tratare de no hacerlo hasta completar el DLC pero presiento que más adelante será una decisión que aumentará la dificultad de la aventura.



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One of my favorite DLCs of all time. I enjoyed taking the stealth, non-lethal approach and it’s what I loved in dishonored.

The references and lore to the original Bioshock is fantastic. The ending is this DLC is also one of the best I’ve experienced. Hope you enjoy!


Exactly, I found having the option to play with stealth very entertaining and challenging. Dishonored I completed without murdering anyone but it was quite challenging so I have an idea what this DLC will cost me Lol. Cheers :D


I need definitely to pass my Bioshock Collection to pass this beauty and incredible part of Bioshock history! Every time I see post of this game I enjoy them a lot! Thanks for sharing


You should give yourself a chance to play this saga, it's one of my favorites and its story is super cool at the same time quite confusing and makes you think a lot to find the full sense. Thanks for stopping by the post :D


Thanks for sharing! and yes i need to play this!


Being invisible when you don't move? That's like teemo in league of legends lol. Also it's very hard to finish a game without killing anyone. Even in the most innocent games I don't think it's possible to finish a game without killing a few people. good luck!

Engage more with people in the community and they will visit your posts. Have a great day!


I was very surprised by this ability and although it's great it can't be done for a long time :/.

I've already completed a game once without killing anyone and it was in Dishonored, although I completed it in a couple of weeks it was very complicated and I had to load the game many times Lol, I guess here I'll have to do something similar depending on the difficulty. Thanks for commenting friend, good day :D


This is one of those games that has been on my list to play for quite a while and every time I see a post or article about it, I'm mad at myself for having not played it yet. This looks like a fun experience -- interesting characters, story, gameplay. As you pointed out, I think it's great that this is one of those games that lets you piece the story together by collecting items and expands the lore in a lovely way. Great post! Looking forward to more about this game!


When you have free time you should give this game a chance, it has a very good story at the same time that manages to catch you and make you think a lot to try to understand it when dealing with issues with multiple realities.
I hope this second chapter of the DLC has enough story and I think after that I'll go back to play the main story :D


Yeah BioShock is on my must-play list and I'm even more excited to see that it's got some DLC as well. The whole multiple-realities concept is super cool.


Man, i love the bioshock series. Would love to see a new version. 1 and 2 were great. I liked 3 too, but generally people were little disappointed. Nice to meet you man.



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